Hervé Richard



  • The 5 ws and the 1H are certainly the skeleton of the story, but I can imagine, the more you investigate, the more complex it gets, so in the end you'll have to prioritize the information you have, or totally change the perspective. The 5Ws and the 1Hs are only the Surface structures.

  • News are everywhere. And everything - even the most unsignificant things in life - have something strange / unreal. The Surrealists were convinced that the strangest things are just within one's reach. And Sartre's description of the waiter in his Philosophy Book "Being and Nothingness" is due to another way / a new way / an original way to see / describe the...

  • All these "definitions" of good news are of course interesting and accurate, But it is worth noticing some "cross cultural differences". For the African journalist (Samuel, Uganda), faces and voices play an important part, I'd say the human / subjective part of the news is very important. On the contrary, for the South Korean journalist (Hyun Joo Cho), the...