Marelle Rice

Marelle Rice

Marelle Rice has a relentless passion for education. She is the Head of RPE & P4C Co-ordinator at Northwood College for Girls, a SAPERE P4C trainer and co-author of the Irish Philosophy Short Course.

Location London and Ireland


  • They are little pen and ink drawings of human-esque figures that capture feelings and attitudes. If you google image search 'blob trees' you'll get taken immediately to them, although there is a website, and numerous books containing all manner of alternative contexts and settings. They really are remarkably simple yet effective.

  • Blob trees can be very fruitful for more reluctant speakers, worksheets or wall displays can be very effective. They are also helpful for EAL students as the visual representation of complex feelings contained in a Blob can cut across all languages.

  • Alison, you will find example resources and materials on the website. Sapere are the UK charity who provide accredited training for P4C facilitation and are the people who have and are working with the EEF to conduct research into this pedagogy. They are worth taking a look at.

  • Hi Malcolm, the Lipman/Sharp P4C pedagogy is a thorough one and has a clear structure. For a full enquiry there are clear stages, which are all related to different skills around different types of thinking, namely, Critical, Creative, Collaborative and Caring. Each stage is important to the quality of enquiry. It is not so much an empathic response that the...

  • Anne, you have picked up on an important aspect of the Lipman/Sharp P4C approach. It is pupil-led, permission based and structured in a democratic manner so no one is more important than another, including the teacher, who shifts from being the 'sage on the stage' to being 'a guide on the side'. The shared responsibility that follows from this shift in...

  • I think composure is a really slippery concept. It has a distinctly adult feel and I am inclined to associate it with wisdom when I associate a man being composed. When I switch the concept of composure to the context of women, wisdom still works, and some fine and worthy examples of composed women spring to mind. However, I too can see a clear need for...

  • It is heartening to hear such positive feedback about this P4C session. I am incredibly proud of them.

    In Northwood College, the girls use P4C in every subject, including STEM. Once communities are established the aims and ethos of P4C can be used in mini, concept stretching activities that link directly to areas of the curriculum. Having said that, the...