Anastasia Pereira

Anastasia Pereira

Hi there! I study a Bachelor of Business/ Laws at QUT. Living in an interconnected society brings endless learning opportunities. I hope to better understand my career opportunities with you.

Location Australia


  • Anastasia Pereira made a comment

    This course has been wonderful during what has been for me quite a stressful time. Thank you to the creators and the participants, it has been so lovely to read everyone's responses which made me feel like I wasn't the only one to think/ act/ view situations in such ways. I'm glad this course didn't promise to 'make me more resilient' upon its completion,...

  • Well done on completing Week 1 material, everybody! You can take a break now or push through to Week 2 - available now, where we look at applying our new-found skills :)

  • Just seeing all these values ranked is really interesting for me as I haven't thought to spell them out like this before. I also never realised how much I actually value the expectations of my social group. I now know that when applying for jobs, I can think back to this list of values when asked 'so what makes you a good fit for this role?

  • I've discovered that I need to give myself some time to reach my goals. I have realised that taking less subjects per semester will allow me to better manage my time and enable me to devote time to my job so that I possess the skills employers seek when I graduate. While this extends my graduation, the benefit of the extended period means doing this will also...

  • I think reflecting on our skills and opinions is an important mechanism to grow and will enable us to have more clear future goals. It will be a task I will repeat in the future especially as the world of work changes so drastically.

  • Hi Muktarah, I have heard interesting discussions about this topic -- AI is making its way into the healthcare industry, if you have a look at this article for example: you can see doctors are needing to...

  • Interesting, Elsy -- I personally agree with you because I think that interpersonal communication and flexibility are skills secretaries have mastered and are invaluable, in my opinion I think these are skills automation may find difficult to replace

  • Hi Aun and Grace, that's right -- but what we are doing now, that is being aware of the changes to come, is the best thing we can do to prepare for this inevitable change. It allows us to prepare or anticipate this change in the workforce and direct our efforts to the type of skills we need to differentiate ourselves from others and upskill ourselves so that...

  • Welcome, Sultan!

  • Welcome, 王 嘉衡 !

  • Hello everybody! Welcome to the course. I’m Anastasia, one of the facilitators for the course and I will be learning with you. I am a fourth year student and a Peer Career Ambassador at QUT. As I’m about half-way through my own studies, I’m excited about the chance to learn more about myself and the suitable career opportunities that lie ahead. While this...

  • Thanks everybody for your participation in this course. I hope you learnt some new things about yourself and about some career prospects. Don't worry if you haven't got it all figured out yet, speaking to your Uni careers team, later-year students, and even lecturers and tutors for some clarification is a good start-- it is highly likely they were in or that...

  • This process has confirmed the direction I was heading in when completing this degree however I have decided to reduce my workload to save money for travel and living expenses. This way, have also realised the importance of furthering myself while studying, to gain a more holistic skill set to offer to employers. I will need to be more assertive to my parents...

  • I have decided that continuing with my degree is the right option however I will need to take less subjects to sustain myself financially. I will also need to upskill myself and this should be through learning a new language and travelling abroad to gain international experience as this would complement my international business major. While my parents may...

  • This activity really put things into perspective for me in terms of career opportunities. I realised that the typical jobs I think of linked to the professions in my field of study don't really correlate to the criteria I value. This means that I need to spend more time learning about the different jobs people who work in my field of study have. Overall, I can...

  • As Peer Career Ambassadors at university, we often hear the difficulties of students having access to networks in their field of study. Remember that it is okay if none of your parents work in your study area. Opportunities for everyone arise from joining student clubs in your particular study area, attending networking events to get to know more about other...

  • I'd like to share my reflections from this module: it goes without saying that you need to be in the industry for a long period of time to 'work your way up the ladder'. To me this was fairly apparent, especially when looking at the LinkedIn profiles of these and other professionals. However I feel it is an important point to stress here. 'Patience' was...

  • I admire the careers of my lecturers. A lot of them started out studying a field not connected to what they teach now. Thinking back to their stories on how they progressed through their career, specifically that they started off doing small jobs to get hands-on experience and that it took a lot of time to move 'up the ladder', it goes to show that being...

  • Reading the description of the Importer/ Exporter and Analyst-type roles was comforting considering I am already studying the relevant fields. I know there are a few things I need to work on before I can reach this end goal and gaining relevant experience like internships with the Export Council in the city will be of immense help.

  • I'm glad I looked at the Bullseye because it put role-titles on the types of work I am currently seeking for work experience and means that I can better target my expressions of interest to potential employers. I realised that to get the work experience I need while I have time on my hands, I could also complete some short courses online to help me convey to...

  • Glad this helped! I find engaging in extra-curricular activities are great talking points in interviews -- if anything, they are good sources of experiences you can talk about to showcase your skillset and/or interests

  • Thanks for your feedback, Simone! More broadly, I also find it helpful to speak to others about their aspirations and ask then how they plan on getting there. You get a lot of perspective from seeing how you can adopt a different mindset or see things differently for your own situation.

  • Well done on completing Week 1 material, everybody! You can take a break now or push through to Week 2 - available now, where we look at applying our new-found skills :)

  • Thanks for sharing Arailym, I think that's true for many of us, that our parents play a significant role in what we chose to study. I think it is also important to think about what personal interests we have and skills we possess. Sometimes our own and our parents interests do not overlap and discussing this reality of your interests and skills may be helpful...

  • That's right Gillo, considering you spend so long at work, I definitely think it would make sense to establish a career doing something you find interesting!

  • I've discovered that I need to give myself some time to reach my goals. I have realised that taking less subjects per semester will allow me to better manage my time and enable me to devote time to my job so that I possess the skills employers seek when I graduate. While this extends my graduation, the benefit of the extended period means doing this will also...

  • Just seeing all these values ranked is really interesting for me as I haven't thought to spell them out like this before. I also never realised how much I actually value the expectations of my social group. I now know that when applying for jobs, I can think back to this list of values when asked 'so what makes you a good fit for this role?

  • Glad it helped Raffaella! Sometimes you have a vague idea about your future goals but you'll be surprised what you find out about yourself once you put pen to paper :)

  • That's a good point, Neil - it is important to upskill as time progresses as this allows us to show current and future employers the flexibility and value we bring to the team.

  • Great, Gabby - definitely agree the law has to keep up with the constant changes in technology which in turn requires human minds to think about avenues to safeguard the public's exposure to risk and harm. What do you think sets these two professions apart?

  • I think reflecting on our skills and opinions is an important mechanism to grow and will enable us to have more clear future goals. It will be a task I will repeat in the future especially as the world of work changes so drastically.

  • Anastasia Pereira made a comment

    Some food for thought: with ageing populations globally, people are staying employed for longer. For younger entrants, working along-side mature-aged workers also presents mentoring opportunities to learn from past experiences in many industries.

  • Hello everybody! Welcome to the course. I’m Anastasia, one of the facilitators for the course and I will be learning with you. I am a fourth year student and a Peer Career Ambassador at QUT. As I’m about half-way through my own studies, I’m excited about the chance to learn more about myself and the suitable career opportunities that lie ahead. While this...

  • Thanks everybody for your participation in this course. I hope you learnt some new things about yourself and about some career prospects. Don't worry if you haven't got it all figured out yet, speaking to your Uni careers team, later-year students, and even lecturers and tutors for some clarification is a good start-- it is highly likely they were in or that...

  • This process has confirmed the direction I was heading in when completing this degree. I have also realised the importance of furthering myself while studying, to gain a more holistic skill set to offer to employers. I will need to be more assertive to my parents to explain to them the importance of 'leaving the nest' as this will enable me to take on more...

  • I have decided that continuing with my degree is the right option. I will need to upskill myself however, and this should be through learning a new language and travelling abroad to gain international experience as this would complement my international business major. While my parents may have their reservations about me travelling abroad, I am very sure at 8...

  • This activity really put things into perspective for me in terms of career opportunities. I realised that the typical jobs I think of linked to the professions in my field of study don't really correlate to the criteria I value. This means that I need to spend more time learning about the different jobs people who work in my field of study have. Overall, I can...

  • As Peer Career Ambassadors at university, we often hear the difficulties of students having access to networks in their field of study. Remember that it is okay if none of your parents work in your study area. Opportunities for everyone arise from joining student clubs in your particular study area, attending networking events to get to know more about other...

  • I'd like to share my reflections from this module: it goes without saying that you need to be in the industry for a long period of time to 'work your way up the ladder'. To me this was fairly apparent, especially when looking at the LinkedIn profiles of these and other professionals. However I feel it is an important point to stress here. 'Patience' was...

  • I admire the careers of my lecturers. A lot of them started out studying a field not connected to what they teach now. Thinking back to their stories on how they progressed through their career, specifically that they started off doing small jobs to get hands-on experience and that it took a lot of time to move 'up the ladder', it goes to show that being...

  • Reading the description of the Importer/ Exporter and Analyst-type roles was comforting considering I am already studying the relevant fields. I know there are a few things I need to work on before I can reach this end goal and gaining relevant experience like internships with the Export Council in the city will be of immense help.

  • Hi Kelly, I am not having any issues with the website, and as this is a government site I believe it would be provided free to us -- could you tell me what it says the issue is on your page when you try to sign up? I can follow this up with our team. Thank you!

  • I'm glad I looked at the Bullseye because it put role-titles on the types of work I am currently seeking for work experience and means that I can better target my expressions of interest to potential employers. I realised that to get the work experience I need while I have time on my hands, I could also complete some short courses online to help me convey to...

  • Hi Erin, me too!

  • Well done on completing Week 1 material, everybody! You can take a break now or push through to Week 2 - available now :)

  • Just seeing all these values ranked is really interesting for me as I haven't thought to spell them out like this before. I also never realised how much I actually value the expectations of my social group. I now know that when applying for jobs, I can think back to this list of values when asked 'so what makes you a good fit for this role?'

  • Hi Arista, yes when you click 'Launch' you will be taken to a page where you can grade your knowledge of different criteria on a scale. The purpose of this task is so that you have a visual representation of how far you've come in the course -- so you can see what areas you might need to focus on so that you get closer to your vision. You have the option to...

  • I've discovered that I need to give myself some time to reach my goals. I have realised that taking three instead of four subjects will allow me to better manage my time and enable me to devote time to my new job so that I possess the skills employers seek when I graduate. Doing this will also give me more time to discover my skills and interests for the...

  • This is perfect, thanks for sharing Kelly!

  • This activity is great for measuring how comfortable you are with the skills you have already developed. It allows me to visualise the amount of effort needed to strengthen these abilities.

  • I've discovered that I need to give myself some time to reach my goals. I have realised that taking three instead of four subjects will allow me to better manage my time and enable me to devote time to my new job so that I possess the skills employers seek when I graduate. Doing this will also give me more time to discover my skills and interests for the...

  • Anastasia Pereira made a comment

    Some food for thought: with ageing populations globally, people are staying employed for longer. For younger entrants, working along-side mature-aged workers also presents mentoring opportunities to learn from past experiences in many industries.

  • Hello everybody! Welcome to the course. I’m Anastasia, one of the facilitators for the course and I will be learning with you. I am a fourth year student and a Peer Career Ambassador at QUT. As I’m about half-way through my own studies, I’m excited about the chance to learn more about myself and the suitable career opportunities that lie ahead. While this...

  • Thanks for joining us Tze!

  • Thanks everybody for your participation in this course. I hope you learnt some new things about yourself and about some career prospects. Don't worry if you haven't got it all figured out yet, speaking to your Uni careers team, later-year students, and even lecturers and tutors for some clarification is a good start-- it is highly likely they were in or that...

  • This process has confirmed the direction I was heading in when completing this degree. I have also realised the importance of furthering myself while studying, to gain a more holistic skill set to offer to employers. I will need to be more assertive to my parents to explain to them the importance of 'leaving the nest' as this will enable me to take on more...

  • I have decided that continuing with my degree is the right option. I will need to upskill myself however, and this should be through learning a new language and travelling abroad to gain international experience as this would complement my international business major. While my parents may have their reservations about me travelling abroad, I am very sure at 8...

  • This activity really put things into perspective for me in terms of career opportunities. I realised that the typical jobs I think of linked to the professions in my field of study don't really correlate to the criteria I value. This means that I need to spend more time learning about the different jobs people who work in my field of study have. Overall, I can...

  • As Peer Career Ambassadors at university, we often hear the difficulties of students having access to networks in their field of study. Remember that it is okay if none of your parents work in your study area. Opportunities for everyone arise from joining student clubs in your particular study area, attending networking events to get to know more about other...

  • I'd like to share my reflections from this module: it goes without saying that you need to be in the industry for a long period of time to 'work your way up the ladder'. To me this was fairly apparent, especially when looking at the LinkedIn profiles of these and other professionals. However I feel it is an important point to stress here. 'Patience' was...

  • I admire the careers of my lecturers. A lot of them started out studying a field not connected to what they teach now. Thinking back to their stories on how they progressed through their career, specifically that they started off doing small jobs to get hands-on experience and that it took a lot of time to move 'up the ladder', it goes to show that being...

  • Reading the description of the Importer/ Exporter and Analyst-type roles was comforting considering I am already studying the relevant fields. I know there are a few things I need to work on before I can reach this end goal and gaining relevant experience like internships with the Export Council in the city will be of immense help.

  • I'm glad I looked at the Bullseye because it put role-titles on the types of work I am currently seeking for work experience and means that I can better target my expressions of interest to potential employers. I realised that to get the work experience I need while I have time on my hands, I could also complete some short courses online to help me convey to...

  • I really like this inference Karen, thank you! Now I know what to say when people ask my why I'm studying my course :D

  • Not a worry Karen, perhaps you could take a moment to self-reflect on the some of the descriptors in this article? For example, think about how you think you make judgements?

  • I think the great thing about a resource like this is that you get an objective response, sometimes we tend to underestimate our abilities so having it spelled out for us is an opportunity to reflect on how these strengths are played out in our lives so we can improve them in our profession.

  • Just seeing all these values ranked is really interesting for me as I haven't thought to spell them out like this before. I also never realised how much I actually value the expectations of my social group. I now know that when applying for jobs, I can think back to this list of values when asked 'so what makes you a good fit for this role?'

  • I've discovered that I need to give myself some time to reach my goals. I have realised that taking three instead of four subjects from now on will allow me to better manage my time and enable me to devote time to my new job so that I possess the skills employers seek when I graduate. Doing this will also give me more time to discover my skills and interests...

  • This activity is great for measuring how comfortable you are with the skills you have already developed. It allows me to visualise the amount of effort needed to strengthen these abilities.

  • I think I'm like my classmates in that I don't have a final 'role' in mind for the end of my degree. All I know is that I would like to be doing meaningful work to support others. I realise that to do some of the work that I would like to accomplish, I could start volunteering for charities now to start understanding the structure of such organisations.

  • It is a real challenge, Linda -- speaking to Career Educators and staff engaged in strategical planning at my university shed some light on the work staff undertake to better prepare students for the world of work. I think working with students to deliver services for students is something universities are implementing to better gauge student perception of...

  • Good question Maureen, I had a look online and wasn't able to find the study but this may be of interest to you:

    The figures are a little different to those in this page but I think both highlight how important it is for us to be adaptable -- that our working lives are going to be...

  • Anastasia Pereira made a comment

    Some food for thought: with ageing populations globally, people are staying employed for longer. For younger entrants, working along-side mature-aged workers also presents mentoring opportunities to learn from past experiences in many industries.

  • Fantastic Linda, obsolescence is unfortunately inevitable -- what do you think sets these jobs (such as customer service agents) apart from jobs which are in higher demand today?

  • Great observation Varun, so technology is not going to only impact the manufacturing, but the services sector as well, what do you think teachers could do to better prepare themselves for this?

  • That's a great start to building up your skills for the evolving workforce today, Abdelrahim! Keeping that proactive mindset is key to ensure you adapt to the times :)

  • Welcome Uziel!

  • Welcome Abdel!

  • So the teacher becomes the student eh, Maureen?
    It is great you know where you are heading before even starting this course, as you work your way through, take some quiet time to think about what skills this future role could build upon and whether there are any you may need to work on :) We hope you learn more about yourself through this course!

  • Hello everybody! Welcome to the course. I’m Anastasia, one of the facilitators for the course and I will be learning with you. I am a fourth year student and a Peer Career Ambassador at QUT. As I’m about half-way through my own studies, I’m excited about the chance to learn more about myself and the suitable career opportunities that lie ahead. While this...

  • Thanks everybody for your participation in this course. I hope you learnt some new things about yourself and about some career prospects. Don't worry if you haven't got it all figured out yet, speaking to your Uni careers team, later-year students, and even lecturers and tutors for some clarification is a good start-- it is highly likely they were in or that...

  • Having read more about the types of services provided by professionals in my field of study, I am confident that my course is the right step forward. Having researched into IB positions, and listening to guest lecturers, I realise that familiarity with legislation and the ability to summarise complex regulations and communicate them in simple terms to clients...

  • It's very true, Joyce! 10 years is a long time. I think it helps thinking of basic goals you would like to achieve in that time, it doesn't necessarily mean that you have 'failed' if you don't achieve them, but it benefits us sometimes to make decisions with an end goal in mind. I think it helps keeping personal interests in mind.

  • Having read more about the types of services provided by professionals in my field of study, I am confident that my course is the right step forward. Having researched into IB positions, and listening to guest lecturers, I realise that familiarity with legislation and the ability to summarise complex regulations and communicate them in simple terms to clients...

  • While this activity is a little time-consuming, it really put things into perspective for me in terms of career opportunities. I realised that the typical jobs I think of linked to the professions in my field of study don't highly correlate to the criteria I value. This means that I need to spend more time learning about the different jobs people who work in...

  • As Peer Career Ambassadors at university, we often hear the difficulties of students having access to networks in their field of study. Remember that it is okay if none of your parents work in your study area. Opportunities for everyone arise from joining student clubs in your particular study area, attending networking events to get to know more about other...

  • I'd like to share my reflections from this module: 'Patience' was something a guest lecturer spoke about last year. He mentioned that he started off with a very simplistic role in the industry but that simplistic role enabled him to better understand the work environment. His story helped me realise that to have (what I considered to be) a 'successful career'...

  • I admire the careers of my lecturers. A lot of them started out studying a field not connected to what they teach now. Thinking back to their stories on how they progressed through their career, specifically that they started off doing small jobs to get hands-on experience and that it took a lot of time to move 'up the ladder', it goes to show that being...

  • I'm glad I worked through the Bullseye because it put titles on the type of work experience I am seeking and means that I can search for such roles through LinkedIn and better target my expressions of interest to potential employers. I realised that to get the work experience I need, I could also complete some short courses online to help me convey to the...

  • Well done on finishing the Week 1 material! Take a break before heading over to the second half of the course, Week 2 available now :)

  • Undoubtedly this has it's challenges, but it is something many young workers have already faced (including me!) I just wonder whether pairing up younger and older workers would foster communication and therefore perhaps productivity?

  • I want to work as efficiently as possible this semester considering the different responsibilities I have now. To ensure I don't burn out, I keep my Friday nights free to spend with family and friends and ensure I take a few hours break every day to catch up on social media and watch my favourite TV shows.

  • Just seeing all these values ranked is really interesting for me as I haven't thought to spell them out like this before. I also never realised how much I actually value the expectations of my social group. I now know that when applying for jobs, I can think back to this list of values when asked 'so what makes you a good fit for this role?'

  • I've discovered that I need to give myself some time to reach my goals. I have realised that taking three instead of four subjects each semester from this year will allow me to better manage my time and enable me to devote time to meaningful work experience so that I possess the skills employers seek when I graduate. Doing this will also give me more time to...

  • This activity allows me to visualise the amount of effort needed to better a particular skill. For example, I'm not very sure how I influence others, perhaps that means that I need to try to keep in contact with my connections and be more open to conversing with others?

  • I think I'm like my classmates in that I don't have a final 'role' in mind for the end of my degree. All I know is that I would like to be doing meaningful work to support others. I realise that to do some of the work that I would like to accomplish, I could start volunteering for charities now to start understanding the structure of such organisations so that...

  • Anastasia Pereira made a comment

    This is an interesting activity. I am a visual person so this allows me to consciously think about the things that already interest me and link them to things I aspire to do. And at the end of it, it's a nice personalised decoration for your room!

  • Upon reflecting on this article, I have come to realise that when I didn't have a 'part-time' job in the traditional sense (where I was expected to come into work 5+ hours a week), my volunteering and other extra-curricular experiences had paid off by diversifying my skill-set and building my network. They also become interesting talking points in interviews....

  • Anastasia Pereira made a comment

    Some food for thought: with ageing populations globally, people are staying employed for longer. For younger entrants, working along-side mature-aged workers also presents mentoring opportunities to learn from past experiences in many industries.

  • Hello everybody! Welcome to the course. I’m Anastasia, one of the facilitators for the course and I will be learning with you. I am a fourth year student and a Peer Career Ambassador at QUT. As I’m about half-way through my own studies, I’m excited about the chance to learn more about myself and the suitable career opportunities that lie ahead. While this...