Dustin Hosseini


I teach colleagues to develop pedagogy-informed, tech-enhanced curricula and courses. I provide guidance and insight, while promoting good practices, and creativity and innovation in education.

Location Glasgow, Scotland



  • bell hook often wrote about patriarchy. This video may offer some further insights: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DkJKJZU7xXU

  • Are you more aware of your style of communication?
    - More or less, yes. I have to be mindful of giving the speaker my full attention in order to show I'm actively listening. To do this, I might repeat some key words/ideas that I've been listening to and ask for clarification when needed. Sometimes I am already thinking of what to say, which I know is not...

  • When do you feel most conscious when communicating? What was the impact?
    - I feel most conscious responding when delivering sad or potentially negative/bad news. This type of information causes me to slow down, choose my words more carefully and articulate what I want to say in a clear manner as possible. Equally, if I am confident of some information and...

  • Dustin Hosseini made a comment

    This has given me some motivation to undertake more online courses with a bit more regularity!

  • Over the years, I've used Skype, Google Hangouts, Zoom and Microsoft Teams.

    Out of all these, Skype used to be the best.

    Google Hangouts is definitely good and works well for people who use Google Apps for Education or G Suite.

    Zoom is probably the best despite the security concerns because it's simple, it works and it does what it's supposed to...

  • I've used Google Docs (now known as G Suite) for years. In recent years, I've used Office 365 more and more both for individual work and collaboratively.

    There is a skills gap amongst colleagues, I feel, in using these apps. Colleagues are used to 'set' documents and so this is often why they send a document attached to an email. This is a process they've...

  • I think there would be an expectation to be available during 'core hours' so say between 1000 and 1600. There would also be an expectation to use calendaring to book in meetings, projects and so on and times when 'focus time' is required to work on projects. This can help colleagues who are heavily in demand to manage their time effectively - and to send a...

  • Did you do this exercise with post-it notes or a piece of software?
    - I decided to use software as this is easier for me to track across a range of devices.

    Which tool did you use? Was it easy to use?
    - I tried using Microsoft To Do as it links in with my email and MS Planner (if I need it to). Although this doesn't allow a traditional Kanban approach,...

  • Could the Kanban method be useful for you? How?
    - I can see using the Kanban approach working fairly well if everyone in a team is on board for using this. There would need to be a bit of training involved - a pause that would require colleagues to get acquainted with this approach. I know IT services tend to use Kanban approaches, but elsewhere in education...

  • What tools or techniques did you like in the video?
    - Trello looks interesting. There are so many of these apps out there that can do similar things. I've used Slack before and enjoyed that.
    Do you have, or have you seen, any other ways of working that weren’t mentioned in the video?
    - In my workplace, we use Microsoft Teams and sometimes Zoom. Teams and...

  • Why do you think remote working is a good idea for you?
    - I think it fits both my work and style of working. My work is fairly flexible as part of it depends on others reaching out.
    What do you think might be a challenge for you about remote working?
    - The lack of a social presents its own challenges but I don't feel these are too difficult to overcome....

  • What advice might you give to help minimise some of the limitations of remote working for Lillian?
    - I would suggest creating a plan that allows for regular and/or ad hoc catch ups with colleagues at work so that she feels connected to the rest of the team.
    How could she keep an even balance between work and home life?
    - She can identify times int he day...

  • You must take regular breaks. You'll find they help you stay focused, keep relaxed (so to speak) and motivated. If you see some sun outside, take a walk, even for 10 minutes, to refresh and reset. If the weather isn't nice out, I'll take a coffee or tea break. Just the act of being in the kitchen, making the drink and a break away from the computer is...

  • It's best to discuss what the concerns are to see then what solutions can be created to avoid stressful environments. Clarifying expectations is always helpful and ensuring that everyone is on the same page or wavelength is also very helpful.

  • I think self-discipline in relation to setting a balance between work/life balance is perhaps one of the greatest challenges. What I mean is that it can be difficult to 'switch off' from work mode and get away from the computer.

    In addition, it might be more difficult to switch off or be flexible with hours to take time for wellbeing activities such as...

  • I think working remotely is here for some industries and the future for others. For some industries such as software development, this is often the norm. Someone can live in Scotland and work for a Swedish company at work at home comfortably. For a marketing professional, although some face-to-face meetings might be required, these could be conducted virtually...

  • Why are you interested in remote working?
    - For me it's about the flexibility and being able to work in an environment where I feel comfortable. Of course, as a result of the coronavirus, I have to work at home. However, this hasn't been too much of a challenge for me. I would rather work at home and not spend time and money on commuting if possible.

  • What are some other benefits for you as a worker?

  • From my own experience and discussions with colleagues, there are a few benefits to working remotely:
    - there is no commute to/from work;
    - people can have home cooked meals and do errands at home in 'down times';
    - there are fewer distractions if you have a separate room/space for an office;
    - work comes more into focus with fewer distractions;

  • Hello, I'm Dustin and I live in the UK. I've decided to join to check my own knowledge and see what new things I can learn to pass onto my colleagues. I work in higher education at a university and almost all staff are working at home and students are studying remotely. I'm a digital education facilitator and educational technology consultant.

  • ADHD - not being able to tell a potentially funny story without lots of little diversions that detract from the main punchline...

    I'm taking the course to find out more about ADHD.

  • Has online education been education’s saviour?
    - i would say it's made education in some countries (like the UK) look at other ways of providing both an education and service to potential customers.

    Does it offer more desirable choices?
    - Sometimes yes, sometimes no. It's great to be able to take an online course on a topic of interest to you. That said,...

  • Without playtime and experimentation with these new tools/platforms/apps, educators won't be as willing. These are key.

  • Hi all,

    I'm Dustin, and I'm based in Lancaster, UK. My work background goes something like this:

    - English language teaching -> teaching English for academic purposes -> learning technologies -> being a learning developer focused on undergraduate and postgraduate students -> coaching/mentoring/consulting staff on matters related to learning & curriculum...

  • Well done on the first run!

  • I think what the video portrays is an exciting ideal if what could come if human actors work together to enable this to happen.

    The reality is that there are a lot of processes, policies, routines, habits and nay-sayers who will flag up 'the downside' of the possible ideals. These are the practical concerns that require addressing, whether it is changing a...

  • I hope to secure funding from my workplace if I choose to persue doctoral studies. I do have to clarify a few questions first around funding, time for studies and so on.

    Sometimes, however, I wish I was based in Sweden. All doctoral studies there are free of charge!

  • Although I'm open to looking for funding, I hope that my work will cover some of the costs. I don't plan to take up a studentship or similar unless they would allow for distance learning.

  • In terms of where I would obtain information, since I work at a university I have access to a range of (e)books and online journals. I also have access to e-mail discussion lists through Jiscmail that has a lot of professional/academic lists that each relate to a specific area. One example is the e-mail discussion list for the Association for Learning...

  • I want to do one as well as I think this is far more relevant to my work than a PhD

  • One potential concern I have is the extent to which prospective advisers may suggest or require changes/re-writing of elements of the prospective PhD.

    I know at least one person who had to massively change what he had written - and in the end, although he did attain PhD level, he ended up burning his PhD thesis as it was completely different to what he had...

  • They seemed to infer a general way forward: identify a problem / area of interest to research over the next 3-5 years, read around the topic widely enough to get a sense of the key issues and potentially interesting questions to explore and then keep in mind issues around deadlines and time management. They really don't go much in depth about the issues,...

  • It seems like the key take away points are to read widely enough prior to and while writing up the research proposal in order to have a solid grounding within the area to be researched.

    How about those of us, though, who really don't know what we want to do? How do we find that area?

  • Different perspectives are sometimes needed.

  • In 5 years' time, I hope to see myself in a stable position at a grade or two higher - so a Grade 8 or 9 position.

    I'd like a position, I think, within a similar role - educational and learning development with some focus on technology enhanced learning and teaching. I would like to do some teaching, in some form, as well. This could include teaching on a...

  • I think the statement "Importantly, do not submit a re-worked and slightly expanded Masters dissertation project." needs to be clarified.

    I've seen and read masters and PhDs that extended what was discovered within a Master's degree into a successful, reputable PhD thesis - most notably that of Lucie Moussu on the issues of race and TESOL.

  • I think it's difficult to provide a single answer to this question. Some do PhDs because they have a strong sense of intellectual curiosity and they want to delve further. Some undertake PhDs because they wish to advance their knowledge and career prospects. Others still do a PhD because they want to demonstrate (or show off) their expertise within a specific...

  • It's worth noting that educational doctorates (EdD) will also likely look at practices rather than strictly research in the traditional sense. These are often also shorter and designed for those wishing to go beyond the Master's level in the area of education.

  • I wish to undertake a doctorate degree (either an EdD or PhD) as I feel it will open more doors in terms of career paths that I could potentially take. I enjoy mediating the understanding of how technology enhanced learning and teaching works in practice and how TELT can benefit traditional modes of teaching by engaging learners and teaching staff in different...

  • This is an area that I haven't had much experience in.

  • Similar to the last question, based on feedback, I've seen programs change small parts of their learning and teaching in order to ensure that the aims meet the outcomes, and what is taught helps students to prepare for the assessments. This doesn't always mean that a course is assessment-driven, especially where the final assessment is an essay which allows a...

  • This is a hard question which I cannot answer at this time in depth. I'd say that I've seen how answers on previous tests were looked at for clarity before and after an exam. This helped teachers to identify potentially problematic questions that affected students' understanding and answer to a question.

  • I think within my roles, I've been mostly involved in setting goals/objectives, mapping learning opportunities and assessing goals and objectives. Looking at the results and using these to improve have often been in the hands of others. However, within my current role, I think I'll have more of a hand in all areas, depending upon the projects I'll be working on.

  • I think it's already been said by a few others... 'closing' does appear to typically happen close to an impending deadline in each place where I've worked. There seems to be little appetite, at times, to continuously improve upon elements of learning/an assessment because of a drive to 'just get it done'. This attitude of 'We've got to finish this' can create...

  • I'm posting a link to Gibbs' reflective cycle because I think it represents a way to deepen understanding of an issue. This deeper understanding can then allow us to improve upon an experience/issue/problem for the future:


    This is only one representation of Gibbs' reflective cycle - there are a...

  • I'm based in the UK and I'm a digital learning facilitator / senior teaching associate. ​I work with lecturers to help them identify different and new ways of learning and teaching through having them analyze the learning design of their teaching and students' learning. I also work with lecturers to help them to identify areas for improvement and/or change...

  • I think an example of what my institution collects data on relates to users who access the university computer systems. For example, who accesses the Wifi, when and how long... this might also include how much data each user is downloading/uploading - however, I am only guessing. I would think the university IT services would use this to understand peaks and...

  • We can use data to understand how/why students engage/disengage with, for example, online learning materials and resources. This could help use to understand when students access materials, how long they spend on the materials and so on. Once we've analyzed the data, we can then identify areas that of good practice and areas that need improvement.

  • I've heard something similar about the use of the word 'disabled' before, which has inherently negative connotations that imply one doesn't have the ability to do x, y or z either at all or effectively.

    Using this social model can help to raise awareness in order to change people's thinking so that disabilities are approached in a different way - not as a...

  • My understanding of inclusion within my educational setting is that we should strive to create resources that are born accessible from the get go. This is an ideal, of course, as this is not currently done across the board. By raising awareness that resources can and should be created in order to ensure accessibility, there will be fewer needs for individual...

  • 'teaching as an irritant' - that is gold dust!

  • I think one way to ensure that materials/content are 'born accessible' and made available more widely is to start a conversation with any member of staff involved in the creation of content for learning and teaching.

    From this starting point, we can start to identify what types of content are being created, and then identify paths to ensuring that content...

  • The main idea I can think of is to take a personal approach to students with specific disabilities. So, for example, in Ben's case, a collaborative approach between himself and the lecturers are taken in order to make reasonable adjustments. These, from what he's saying, prove effective in helping him to get on with his learning experience in a way that's...

  • I think the 6 steps and the Kent Inclusive Practices (KIPs) are a very good, clear method of making accessibility something that is more easily achievable. While it might not be easy to implement, these steps certainly lay the framework around which staff can work in order to make content as widely accessible as possible. More importantly, there are also some...

  • The main place I've seen the basics of these guidelines being implemented is through the accessibility options and prompt that come up in Moodle. The options offer cogs/tools that allow a page to be viewed in a variety of ways using different colors, or for example, when uploading an image, a description box is prompted. That aside, I'd never heard of this...

  • Hi everyone, if anyone wants to try out/use OneNote for the glossary, here's my link: http://bit.ly/flilte

  • Hi, I've joined the course to learn more about this topic.

  • I think it would be great to have an easily searchable database with examples of learning designs across the subjects. This would be very helpful to, for example, those who work in learning development, academic support for students, English for academic purposes and other fields.

    Such a database would also be valuable for subject lecturers who might want...

  • Correlation of frequency of resources accessed and achievement, usefulness.

    It would be interesting to see which activities/resources students are accessing in terms of frequency, how useful they view these resources and the correlations between frequency, usefulness, and achievement. This could better help to shed light on what resources/activities...