Fran B



  • @CathJ Interesting! I took a different interpretation to the body neutrality approach with relation to illness/"broken" bodies. By seeing beyond the aesthetics of our bodies and separating people from bodies, couldn't a body neutrality frame help us to listen to and understand the personality/character of the person? Much like you would see a person as being...

  • Fran B made a comment

    Brilliant concept - I'm so pleased there's now a term for this approach because naming it is the first step to addressing the problem better. It also helps to highlight - what a waste! So much lost potential for societies where individuals' resources are consumed by the aesthetics of their own bodies.

  • Fran B made a comment

    The way our society is structured shapes the way we see ourselves. Companies need us to buy their products and services so they are incentivised to make us feel inadequate. That way, they can sell us products that they can claim will fix the "problem" and enable us to be attractive/powerful/happy etc. We are constantly being bombarded by marketing which...

  • Ah! Thank you - I'd never heard of toxic positivity before, but your comment has helped clarify where the toxicity of toxic positivity comes into play.