Anna Motzo

Anna Motzo

I am a Lecturer in Italian at The Open University. I am Italian but live in the UK. I love learning new languages, reading novels, walking in the country, listening to music and yoga.

Location London/Milton Keynes


  • As for the question below the picture 'Is Twitter becoming more crowded and less sociable?' I think the answer is Yes

  • I use FB mainly to keep in touch with friends, in that sense I find that it has still retain its social element. I use Twitter mainly for work and I find that it is mainly used as a (self) advertising tool. Although mainly used as an instant message tool I don't think that it's very spontaneous.

  • I find the content of this MOOC extremely useful and interesting. For obvious reasons, the majority of the comments refers to a traditional classroom environment. However, there is a growth of online interactive language learning platforms and I wonder whether online language teaching offers a better or more challenging learning environment for learners with...

  • In my experience as a language teacher I find that the main reading comprehension difficulties learners have are caused by either lack of confidence, poor vocabulary knowledge or poor reading skills. A Read-aloud activity represents a challenge for poor readers and can distract from text comprehension. I personally think this is an effective tool if used to...

  • Hi everyone, I am an Italian teacher in the UK. I am very interested in how to create a dyslexia-friendly environment for my learners and I am really looking forward to learning more and sharing ideas about dyslexia and foreign language teaching.

  • I am from Italy and obviously my mother tongue is Italian, but as I live in the UK I speak English as well. Now that I have a child I find extremely interesting to explore my linguistic identity (ies). I also speak French which I studied at school and as an adult. I can also speak basic Spanish which I pracitise with my Spanish friends. The best way to learn...