Michelle Cleary

Michelle Cleary


  • Thank you for sharing and engaging in this reflection.
    It is good to take moments to reflect.
    By reflecting on our learning and experiences it can enhance our approach and help us to consider what we may do differently and ways in which we can develop. No matter how big or small that is, it can be very positive.

  • I agree Geraldine and June, communication and hospital passports can be really beneficial. I think they are a great idea and can capture really valuable detail about the person as you have mentioned. I have found them to be so useful similarly in times when a person may be admitted to hospital. During hospital admissions more often than not for some part of...

  • It is nice to hear of your positive experience Kim and the relationship your service users have developed with their GP who they have known for a long time. It is unfortunately often not the case for others, so it is positive and encouraging to hear of experiences that are working well. It highlights the importance of good rapport and how it can improve and...

  • @YvonneMaher So glad to hear you are enjoying Yvonne and look forward to the week ahead and the discussions this week.

  • Heather I agree when you mention planning being key. In my experience too, careful planning for appointments can be beneficial in reducing anxiety and improving the experience for the individual. Introducing practical and simple steps such as Eilish has mentioned in the video for example using accessible, easy read information can assist in developing the...

  • It is fantastic to hear you have enjoyed week 1. It was great to see such active participation in the discussions and a wide variety of experiences and perspectives shared. Looking forward to next week.

  • Rachel, it was nice to read about your experience in Australia and the new scheme which sounds very positive. My experience is from an Irish perspective so I found it is interesting to hear your perspective from Australia and also other comments below of experiences from other countries. It is nice to share different experiences and hopefully we can perhaps...

  • Lyn thank you for sharing your experience and perspective. It is nice to read your experience from a family perspective.It is nice to hear of the relationship that your brother and his link worker have developed and indeed also with you. I am sure this offers you a lot of reassurance.

  • I do agree and feel it is important to acknowledge the experiences, knowledge and expertise of health care professionals specifically trained in the area of intellectual disabilities. In my experience there is currently collaboration between intellectual disability professionals and main stream services in some parts but it is in my experience something that...

  • Thank you for your question Lyn. It is quite a broad concept to define but to briefly outline total community integration involves supporting the person not just to physically live in the community but to fully integrate and participate in their community. With regards to healthcare services total community integration ideally would include individual’s having...

  • Really interesting comments. Building relationships with people is hugely important and through this we can develop our communication with individuals. I agree and thank you for highlighting the importance of ensuring the individual's own means of communication, preferences and communication needs are clearly outlined and referenced across Care Plans. In my...

  • Thank you for the many interesting comments shared so far. Thank you for sharing your experiences and some of the challenges you face. Many of you have acknowledged challenges in relation to communication. I too have experienced similar challenges in my practice. In week 2, communication barriers will be explored and ways to overcome challenges and promote...