Gabriela Ana Verdicchio

Gabriela Ana Verdicchio

I'm a Spanish and English Teacher. I work in different levels at school: Primary, Secondary and "3rd Level for adults". I'm very interested in the Second Language Acquisition process.

Location I live in Buenos Aires, Argentina.


  • Ciao!
    Io ho un marito, un figlio, due figlie è due nipotini! Io sono insegnante come la mia figlia piu piccola, mio marito è tecnico in un banco, mi figlio piu grande è avvocato è l’ultima figlia è laureata in pubbliche relazioni. Tutti noi abitamo in Buenos Aires,Argentina.

  • Marta è la nipotina di Anna
    Sara è la cugina di Marta
    Franco è il zio di Marta

  • Mia famiglia non e grande. Io ho un fratello. Il e architetto e ha tre figli, un bambino e due ragazze.

  • Ho visitato la Fontana di Trevi e voglio andare ancora! E piu bella!

  • Nove, 9
    Ventitre, 23
    Cinquantuno, 51
    Settantasei, 76

  • Mi piace molto imparare l’ italiano!
    Grazie mille!

  • Ciao!
    Mi chiamo Gabriela. Sono argentina e sono una insegnante!

  • The answer is AVVOCATO.

  • Ciao!
    Sardegna - Sardo (M)
    Puglia - Pugliese (M e F)
    Piamonte - Piamontese (M e F)
    Liguria - Ligure (M e F)
    Sicilia - Siciliano (M)
    Calabria - Calabrese (M e F)

  • Ciao! Sono Argentina di Buenos Aires e vivo a Hurlingham!

  • Ciao! Io sono Gabriela e sono di Argentina! Mi piace molto imparare Italiano!

  • Undrestanding of the brain might assist teachers and leaders in improving their practices. As learning occurs in the brain and teachers facilitate learning, neuroscience knowledge should be included into teachers training programs. It should be important for educators to understand neuroplasticity and its educational implications, to recognize the power of...

  • Taboo topics were for instanse, social interactions, emotions, empaphy. They were not considered in educational processes.

    Neurological concerns that are still being investigated in early life and in adolescence in relation to education are maturation and social interactions. The last ones are very important to be considered as a big influence in this...

  • Educational neuroscience is a great goal to be taken into account when we as teachers have to plan classes. It has to do with the way the brain learns better. That´s why, we, as teachers should know neuroscience.

  • I have enjoyed the first week a lot! Let´s see week two then!
    Thanks a lot!

  • Great leaders I admire are very envolved in relatioships between other people in the school community. They are focused on empathy and after that, on results. They are people who you feel you can trust on and they show through their ways of doing that are life examples. And their results are always great!

  • I focused on this tópic because I think I should improve it. Sometimes I am not aware enough about being calm when I lead a meeting with teachers at school. Besides this, I should organize the ideas I want to transmit starting with WHY, then HOW and last WHAT. In this way I would other people believe what I believe.
    Great TED talk!

  • “Give me time to make mistakes and help me to correct them”. “Take care of people” in your team. Both things will be inspiratinal! People will see and feel part of your team. That will show them that you want to help them succeed an will be comfortable at work.
    I loved this video and point of view!

  • @TibisayRangel I agree with you! When we start a class by doing someting funny, pupils concentrate much more in what you say and teach. And they learn happily!
    On the other hand, if you start your day at school in a happy way with your team of teachers, say good mornig and ask them how they are, they will feel important for you as a leader and will be happy...

  • Neurologically speaking, good leaders have more coherente in their brains. The different parts of their brains are better connected between each other. They have a better network into their brains. This characteristic make them inspirational for their teams who are engaged with their work. They know people need empathy and feedback in order to build better...

  • Understanding how the brain works would help us to to train certain aspects we need to be good leaders. Being a leader implies to guide and convince people to do certain things between other matters that concerniéndote to a leader. That´s why we need to know what strategies we should use and those have a Lot to do with Neuroscience.

  • I disagree with you in one aspect that is being charismatic.because it has to do with personality but not with Educational leadership. I mean, there are al tot of school leaders that Study a Lot, learn to be in that position and do that wonderfully. I Think it is a question of taking certain aspects into account in order to be done or followed by your team or...

  • Hi! I'm Gabriela Verdicchio. I´m Primary Teacher and English Lg Teacher. Nowadays, I´m working as School Head at Orange Day School, Primary Level. It is in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
    We use neuroscience for education in our teaching method, that´s why I consider important to improve it by Learning about the last researches.
    It´s nice to meet you all!

  • I´m the head of a primary school. I don´t teach to pupilas but I have yo help teachers to organize their classes to succeed.
    These teachers have worked a Lot last week in order to develop their classes through the internet but I consider they´ve been very traditional and they haven´t used really interactive teching. Most of them sent PDF documento in order...

  • Have you ever developed this kind of classes before¿

  • Hi! I´m Gabriela from Argentina. I´ve been teaching for over 25 years and since two years ago I´m the head of a primary school.
    As a consequence of this pandemia, we had to organize every class on Line because we have to stay at home quarantined. It could be done in three days and pupils and parents are working at home with our activities but I have the...

  • I´ve been teaching for 25 years but this is the first time in which I´m envolved in it being the head of a primary school. We could organize with teachers, pupils and families very well and all of them are responding by completing the activities. However, I feel younger children are bored with some of them. I´d like to plan interactive activities with which...

  • It`s similar to mine (I`ve chosen the visitor book. It`s a way of being there with him!

  • It is a very difficult question to answer. I love everything related to Shakespeare. But, as I should choose one, I prefer The visitor book that was started in 1812. On the one hand, it includes many famous people names such as the poet John Keats. On the other hand, I think and hope I could sign it when I visit Shakespeare Birthplace. I consider this fact...

  • I agree with your comment. Besides this, it is important to learn and investigate about another times as Shakespeare use to do for every piece of literatura he wrote.

  • I`ve seen a "Macbeth" version which was performed as an opera at Colón Theatre in Buenos Aires. It was developed by a South African group. I liked it very much, but I prefer traditional ones.

  • The Map of the Americas by Jodocus Hondius. He produced this beautiful map of the Americas in the 1590s. So we can deduce that it was very far from the real one, but it was a very difficult work if we think about the way cartographers used to work in such an elementary way. An it seems very beautiful to me!

  • I don't think people at that time could have seen Calibean such a rude person. In spite of being immerse into slave trade, when black people were seen as savages or a kind of animals, Calibean managed to show his feelings through speaking English in a way he could be understood and through music.

  • I'm always amazed with Shakespeare! He could relate every historical important issue into his Works!

  • I'm at the back now! I feel terribly guilty because of my delay, but I've been very busy at work these days! However, here I am! Enjoying Shakespeare again!

  • My favourite is Plutarch’s Lives, translated by Thomas North. Written originally in the late First Century which describes history through Grecians and Romanes. It's my favourite because it was a major source for Shakespeare in order to write this magnific play Antony and Cleopatra..

  • Once again we can see hat Shakespeare investigated a lot before and while he wrote. He wanted to reflect a real historical period of time, in this case, ancient Egypt and Rome, and also certain aspects that had todo with King James I of En gland an VI of Scotland that belonged to his own time.

  • It`s amazing to hear about comparisons betwen Egypt and Roman Empire. The descriptions are so detailed that we can imagine perfectly the situation. Brsides this, we have the great importance of Nile River for Egyptians in avery aspect.

  • It's a real pleasure to listen to Jonathan Reading Shakespeare's pieces of literatura! Specially this one tha is so romantic!

  • I'm behind the Schedule too but still here and very interested on it!
    I hope this week will be so exciting as the previous ones!

  • I agree with you but what takes my atention is the idea of being very primitive in medicine. In spite of that, they could consider the idea of having a balance in their bodies.

  • I consider this play the most impresive one of Shakespeare's tragedies. I learned a lot with it.

  • My faourite is the book "Generall Historie of the Turks" by Richard Knolles. (1545 – 1610) who published The Generall Historie of the Turkes in 1603. I love books. In this case, it was the first depiction of the Ottoman Empire in English. It wouldn't have been easy to investigate at those times. Shakespeare used this as a source book for Othello besides daily...

  • Shylock and Othello were both looked down on the rest of people because of their race and religious characteristics in spite of living there between them and showing, in a way, loyalty.
    Shakespeare took these two characters in order to show a description of a cultural aspect of his society besides history or geography.
    On the other hand, I consider Othello...

  • I'm completely impressed by this story! I'm learning a lot of history of it. Actually, I didn't know that white people from Mediterranean zone were captured and the manner in which Christian prisoners were sold like slaves in the market of Algiers. It's the reverse of the history we know about black people being sold as ordinary products in American markets...

  • I agree with you. And add through Shakespeare including this kind of historical background into this piece of literatura.

  • The dich is an amazing piece of art. And it's amazing too the idea of representing trade through it and different beliefs.
    And what is incredible for me too, is that we can see brutality or beauty according to the position we put it to be observed.

  • What took my atention in this part od the play are the historical and geographical background and the way Shakespeare uses to express them through turning upside down the real history. He imagines Venetians defeating Ottoman Empire in Cyprus Island and Converting Othello into a Christian man instead of Muslim.

  • Through this play we can see how complex Shakespeare turns as times goes by and his written material develops.

  • i have neever read this play previusly. Ihope I'll enjoy it as much as the others!

  • It's a pleasure to listen to you, Professor Jonathan Bate, speaking and Reading Shakespeare passages of his plays. Actually, I'm learning a lot in a very pleasant way!

  • My favourite is Dr John Hall’s casebook because it tells us old medicine practices and how physicians tried to cure different diseases.

  • I think that during Shakespearean times medicines were used in a very primitive way but doctors could help people with matters such as pain. Nowadays, medicines are much more sophisticated but they are used in a similar way.
    The idea of having a balance in the human body: at those times considering the fluids and nowadays considering stress for instance.

  • Through this play, Shakespeare exoresses that not only evil is into madness but also into any human being.

  • In my opinion, this is one of the most complex Shakespeare`s plays. He wrote it after some years of writing and includes his background in it. However, he refers to his son in law because he was a physician an many practices included in medicine at those times. And all of this surrounded by history and mind illnesses.

  • It's incredible for me that at those times they had an idea about the concept of psychology. Lady Macbeth was mentally insane but she could dominate her husband and convince him to do terrible things ins spite of being insane.

  • It's amazing how can Shakespeare relate history with such a complex story of Macbeth!

  • I think it must have been a very difficult matter!

  • It must have been very difficult for Shakespeare to write such a play in which he included historical background related to King James I of England because all of us know, Elizabeth didn't want him tobe the King!

  • I read Machbeth when I was very Young, but at those times, I didn´t realized that it had to do with James I of Englan and VI of Scotland.
    On my opinion, it seems a bit curious to think of James I interested in witches because he was extremely religious. He translated the Bible in order to let more people know about it. From this point of view, it could be a...

  • It was an amazing week because of the Deep analysis of The Merchant of Venice and Shakespeare reflectioning himself in such things as being a moneylender.

  • I find very interesting Richard Quiney's letter to William Shakespeare asking for money and the Elizabethan Angel Coin because of its meaning.

  • I think Shylock is put "in the wrong" at the begining of the story just for being jew and then for being a moneylender.
    In the most important part, heis put in that same place when he asks Antonio his part of flesh.
    But during the whole play we can see other characters tha do anything that would be convenient for them in order to reach what they want.

  • Shylock was probably one of the most controvertial characters of Shakespeare. I mean, he was represented according to the significance of the Jews during the times the play was performed.
    On the one hand, we have Shakespeare description and point of view, but all of us know that plays and characters involved are very subjective according to the Director....

  • I think Shylock is a sincere man. He knows he is depicted by the rest as always Jews were all over the world. Here he was considered guilty or inferior for lending money to obtain a benefit, but other merchants made money by selling different things according their convenience.
    I'm deeply impressed by Shylock's question.

  • It's very interesting and clear the relation established between money at Shakespeare times and th value that money has nowadays!
    Besides this, I loved that coin!

  • It's amazaing how Shakespeare sets a paralel between Venice an London speaking about commerce. However, he hadn't been to Venice. In spite of it, he clearly describes all merchant people expectations asuming they were exactly the same.

  • I agree with you! I think Portia suffered a lot because of her father's desitions.

  • It's very interesting to know that Shakespeare described different aspects of his business life in his characters of The Merchant of Venice.
    Ind it's fascinating the he could manage whith such different things such as writing, acting, producing plays and lending money. He was a very proresist man!

  • To be honest, I didn't know that Shakespeare used to lend money in those terms. Now I understand why The Merchant of Venice represents part of his life.
    It's very interesting!

  • I'm sure yo'll really enjoy it!

  • I love The Merchant of Venice. I consider it a very realistic story that reflects a lot of cultural and historical life at those times including the way people used to consider Jews.

  • Shakespeare omited stealing and drinking in the chronicles. That is because he wanted to show Henry V as a holy man. Afterwards they were incorporated for the sake of comedy.

  • Henry V shows his men and people that he is a very good King who stays nexto to his soldiers to support them and to make them feel better and sure that God is in the side of right, that God is in the side of England.

  • I completely agree with you. It's incredible that at those times a woman could have the clear goal of leading her men to the battle and making them feel God was on the side of England.

  • I love Elizabeth I's Speech to her men who were going to fight against the Armada. It's incredible that, at those times, a woman could do that. She was the Queen, but she was also a woman with everything that that implied during those years. I Elizabeth was a feminist. She was a nobel person who wanted to encourage her men. She spoke to them as a pair and used...

  • There's no doubt about Shakespear Capacity of creation. He represented real times through his plays, in this case war times agains the Spanich Armada and shows people the importance of a good leader for the soldiers, who are setting off to the war. He represents Elizabeth famous speech by Henry V's speech to his soldiers encouragin his men to fight for their...

  • To be honest, i've never thought or read about Shakespeare during war. And I haven't read Henry V either, so I'm very interested on the topic of this week! This aspect y very new for me! Thanks Professor Baes!

  • Besides my previous comment, what is very interesting is the Elizabethan pot, in which actors collect the money people payed as fees to watch the plays.

  • What took my atention was the Map of London by John Norden. It was used to show the view of London Bridge from east to west.
    It was traced by John Norden (1548 – 1625) and showed a view of London Bridge in 1597 with houses and shops along its length.
    If we observe it can imagine the city at those times with the large differences and inconveniencies people...

  • It`s actualy a pleasure to see the first folio, the quarto, of Midsummer Night's dream! It's one of my favourites and it's incrdible to learn that it changed throughout the times!
    In my opinión, it must've been a question of atracting viewers according to their times. And, maybe, a question of number of players as Gillian Seager Said in her coment.

  • I completely agree with you! Not always viewers enjoy the same way through the different times. Sometimes, it's necessary to make small changes to catch their interest.

  • I'm learning a lot of things in this course! I didn`t know actors used to perform almost always the same kind of characters such as Sly, who performed comedy roles.
    What it's amazing too, is that they couldn't have the complete script! Their work was very hard!

  • I think that kind of audience was used to get wet during the performances. Weather in Britain is almost always rainy so they must have been very accustomed to it.

  • It's very interesting how thetres developed during times. And another interesting point is that Shakespeare included every social status into the building and into the plays!

  • It`s amazing to listen to Prof Mathews speaking about Shakespear and theatre origin. Besides this, I love A Midsummer Night's Dream so, I'm going deeply into it!

  • Thank you Professors Bate and Reid! I feel i'm learning a lot of interesting matters about Shakespeare and enjoying each part of the clases!

  • My favourite ones are The Map of Warwickshire and Leicestershire by Christopher Saxton and The Horn Book.
    The first one was a very important advantage for people who needed to travel and sisn't have any idea where they were or had to go.
    On the other hand, through the Horn Book we can clearly deduce the way pupils were taught (first the alphabet and then...

  • I think in Midsummer's nightdream, the play does not do much in supporting strong female roles. I also found that most, if not all, of the women in A Midsummer Night’s Dream come off rather submissive and less powerful than men in the play–especially Hippolyta and Helena. It is said that Hippolyta’s character bothers you, but I think Helena is equally as...

  • I deeply agree with you! Especially speaking about women who are oblied to get married with old men without love and being illtreated in many places of our world just for being women.

  • If we compare teaching methodology at Shakespeare times with the one we as teachers use nowadays, we can infere that must have been a very hard matter for pupils to lear in that way. But they could learn the same. All the texts thy used to read were very difficult ones besides Latin.

  • In this point, I'm very surprised by the Horn Book. I didn't know that it was given to so young learners!
    I agree with Professor John Webster on the way teacgers used to teach at those times, but taking into account the clear educational politics the government developed, it's remarkable the results they obtained.

  • I think it must've been very hard for Shakespeare to obtain a coat of arms through hard work only. So Shakespeare was a very exception to the general rule and was a very progressive man who, apparently, didn't follow and even challenge all the customs and assumptions of those times.

  • it's amazing to know that Shakespeare described his own town in this play.
    And it is incredible to know that he was accepted in spite of he hadn't gone to university and that he used to speak as a rural person. He must've shown he was extremely prosperous writer because he didn't speak The Quee`'s English he was accepted the same.

  • I'm very interested on going deeper into Shakespeare's life in Stratford upon Avon, his years at School, his family, atc.

  • I'm very anxious to start week 2!

  • Week 1 last vedeo liked very much to me! It clarified some ideas and I'm excited about starting week 2 and Reading The Merry Wives of Windsor! I've never read it before. I'm very interested in reading in order to lern about the biographical aspects of it.

  • It's amazing how Shakespeare could adapt himself to different situations and necessities. His first part of writing and performing plays, during Elizabethan times, he was a very successful English autor. After Elizabeth I's death, he became a brillant British writer who collaborated on King James I of England and VI of Scotland. This enlarged his spectrum...

  • Amazing Professor Jonathan Bate's lectura!
    It's very impresive to confirm that Shakespeare had such progresist way of thinking and living. Team work wasn't ordinary at those times!

  • I'm an English teacher at Primary and Secondary School. We are working with an anual Project about Shakespeare's life, Elizabethan times and Shakespeare legacy for English Language. The final product of this Project will be The end of year musical: Romeo and Juliet which will ne performed by our pupils and some secondary students. All of them are very...