Mauro Costanzi

Mauro Costanzi

Currently studying for the PGCE/QTS course in PE Secondary with NITE and Coventry Uni, I believe in lifelong learning. Previously I joined Future Learn because I consider it a great platform to learn.

Location London



  • I have over 10 years of work experience in the physical activity sector including gyms, sports teams and schools in different roles and contexts, working currently as a teaching assistant In London. Previously I worked in other schools in London as a volunteer football coach and in Italy as a Supply PE teacher.
    I applied for a school direct training having...

  • Is it better studying full time or part time for a parent?
    I would prefer school direct training, however my subject, PE, is very competitive with high demand, therefore I need a plan B: deciding if I need to study part time or full time in my situation

  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder often associated with bad behaviour.

    My key student has this disorder. Being his tutor on a daily basis I would like to understand more about ADHD to make effective actions helping my student and improving him

  • I have experience in a community school as a Teaching Assistant assisting SEN Students in different subjects, above all maths and science. Previously I worked in different primary and secondary school through a Gap Year Program including primary school for only girls. I took part in a trial day in a SEN school recently.
    I would like to experience academies...

  • Passionate about Physical Activity and Sport to educate people in the correct lifestyle and right values, the Education Sector is inspiring and I feel to have the potential to inspire the young generation to reach their full potential in terms of knowledge and behaviour.
    I want to work in a field that inspires me and makes an impact on others and I believe...

  • I had a lot of good teachers during my years at school in Italy. In particular I remember a maths teacher in my secondary school. Before working at school in Italy, she worked in Switzerland in IT and then she became maths and physics teacher.
    She was fair with everyone when she marked our class works and exams as well as very good to teach her subjects,...

  • I think the Education Sector is inspiring and I feel to have the potential to inspire pupils to develop themselves with regards to their knowledge as well as their behaviour and being a PE Teacher is a great way to do it.

  • G) Self-evaluation

    I have many work experiences in different Countries where I got different skills. Sometimes I could perform well in a job and sometimes I would have stayed more in a role being more patient. I have changed jobs because I have wanted to grow but sometimes you can grow having more responsibility or a payrise or a better work life balance in...

  • F) Resilience

    Sometimes things don’t go how we planned, however we need to carry on.
    Although I have many years of work experience with many transferable skills including in the education sector, coming from another Country too, it does not feel easy to find a school direct training or apprentiship for my subject. Unfortunately my current school will not...

  • d) Planning and organising

    As a Teacher I will have to be organised to manage effectively time and workload. Planning effective lessons where everyone is involved and engaged is a must following the national curriculum and learning objectives. In my work experiences I check the deadline and I planned on time things to do.

    e) Problem solving
    As a...

  • a) Humility, respect and empathy
    As a Teaching Assistant, I am on a daily basis in touch with different people such as other TAs, Teachers and students and I have to show humility, respect and empathy to do well my work, building rapport with all of them.

    b) Effective communication
    It is important to have good communication skills and there are different...

  • The purpose of schooling is to educate young people academically and regarding their behaviour, forming the new generation in the society

  • Passionate about Sport and Physical Activity, after previous working experiences in Italy where I come from, Malta and the UK in different roles and contexts in the Physical Activity Sector including schools, I am currently a Teaching Assistant with Sen Students hopefully to become a qualified Teacher. The Education Sector is inspiring and I feel to have the...

  • Very interesting

  • I am surprised how some people receive a lot of comments in their posts on LinkedIn and others anything, for instance when a person finishes a work experience and starts a new one. Maybe the person who post know in real life people who comment. How can we engage people when we post on social media e.g LinkedIn.
    How can we create connections with opinion...

  • I am curious to learn more about social media and digital transformation through this course

  • Technogym on Instagram. They show how people can train at home using technological equipment with style and design

  • Mauro Costanzi made a comment

    I work in the Fitness Industry and sometimes I have not had a very good experience with the management team . It’s a strange Industry where there are many people who have good positions and roles without a great education or from different sectors and backgrounds.
    I am well educated, MSc in Sport Management, specific for the Industry but still at entry level...

  • Passionate about Sport and Fitness, Mauro is a Personal Trainer Reps Lev. 3, Ereps Lev 6 Advanced Health and Exercise Specialist.

    He has acquired solid knowledge of anatomy, sport physiology, training methodology, traumatology, nutrition and psychology due to studies in the University as well as experience in the UK Fitness Industry as a mobile Personal...

  • Success is a long term achievement for me in different areas of mi life.
    Firstly success to build a good family. I will become a Dad soon and I would like to be an asset for my partner too.
    Secondly at work. I would like to have more responsibility and a pay raise due to results I will achieve.
    Thirdly I would like to give back what I will achieve...

  • Success is living well and happy having results for yourself and others

  • From my past I learnt to have good relationships above all with my line managers and top. This is essential to move forward

  • I am a Fitness and Sport Professional living and working in London. I am curious about this course and I decided to join it. I would like to learn how I can promote and sell my skills and expertise during my working experience, hopefully in my new job

  • An entrepreneur has some managers or manages on their own a group of people and resources. An entrepreneur is different from a self-employed.

  • Hello everyone,
    I am an Italian in London and my sector is sport and leisure. After my gap half-year programme, I would like to learn more about this course on entrepreneurship after previous similar studies, although I think to restart working full time as a self-employed. I appreciate entrepreneurs, their effort and self-confidence, more than in employees....

  • An entrepreneur is a risk taker person who invests money to make profit. An entrepreneur often delegates his function to some managers, depending on different organisation. The entrepreneurial idea is very successful when it is different from product/services presented in the competitive market place. In this way the entrepreneur thought outside the box. The...

  • I would like to improve my skills and expertise in terms of operation and facilities management to be ready to have a good job and a responsibility role in the future. My immediate aim is to go back to work and to keep learning and experiencing.

  • I did several jobs interviews and I will have an important interview next week for a graduate trainee manager scheme. I try to stay relaxed, calm and I will answer to my interviewers’ questions.

  • Hard skills:
    Communication, teamwork, technical, selling
    Soft skills:
    Work ethic, integrity, empathy

  • Check on the Inter using keys words, main portals or specific websites

  • I would like to improve my English
    I enjoy going on holiday
    I’d prefer not arguing with people
    I don’t mind having a desk job
    I don’t want to be unemployed

  • I have chosen it. Cheers

  • Mauro Costanzi made a comment

    Personal Statement

  • Top

  • I would like to have a good job
    I am not interested in too stressful jobs
    I would not mind starting from the bottom position to become a sport manager

  • Sometimes also if we do things we don’t like, it is an experience and we learn

  • Mauro Costanzi replied to [Learner left FutureLearn]

    Good luck

  • I enjoy Sport, in particular Fitness, my job. I enjoy when I am in touch with people from all over the World and learning.

  • Hello
    My name is Mauro, I come from Italy but I have lived in London for 3 years.

  • I believe the most interesting part of managing people is my commitment with my team to achieve the assigned goal and the most challenging aspect is to give responsibility to each member of my team to work in synergy to achieve the same goal

  • I can read in English without problems. However sometimes my pronunciation is wrong whereas I don’t know the meaning of the words

  • I read @MilanSarzig essay,
    and I have a question:
    in our essay during the IELTS exam,
    do we need to split and write into our essay introduction, paragraph 1, paragraph 2, conclusion? Or do we need to consider this scheme in our speech into the essay without witing introduction, paragrap 1, paragraph 2 and conclusion.
    Thanks for you answer @davidlewis

  • Dear Gabriel,
    As I previously informed you next week since Monday 11th August 2018 till Sunday 18th August I will be one week on holiday. During that period you should take care about my loved pet, feeding him once a day when you are free to go to my flat at 11 Stamford London E454PM.
    Please give to it some water too. I will give you my key before my...

  • I agree with the educator’s judgement about this essay

  • Several grammar and spelling mistakes.
    Good vocabulary and expressions.
    He should write a better conclusion

  • In my opinion computers and technology are a big step forward.
    Thanks to computers work is faster, more accurate and effective. We live in the era of Internet and www as well as globalisation.
    However there are some disadvantages using innovation technology and Internet. Due to computers a lot of people lose their job and it’s not good for a society. Except...

  • I agree that in a school students should be grouped in different levels and ability like in England for example for GCSE and B-Tec. A student is a future citizen in a society where there are different people, different jobs etc. and he develops his personality and skills at school, thanks to his family, friends and context of life.
    However sometimes it is...

  • Diet is surely a good habit that each human being should have to live longer and better. A diet should be balanced, containing all macronutrients (carbs-proteins-lipids) and micro nutrients (water and minerals) in the right quantity and quality. I am partially agree with this sentence, in fact it does not mention exercise and positive attitude.
    If a person...

  • Regard

  • I don’t use so much this expression: I am writing with regards to...
    Very cool!

  • I can add: however I have changed job...

  • Correction: a lot useful

  • Dear School,
    I am really sad to inform you that I can’t attend anymore my English class. I consider this course much useful for me to learn better speaking, listening, writing, reading in English for my IELTS exam. I have changed job and I can’t attend on a regular basis the class due to my schedule in my new job. I am thinking if I can rely on you about...

  • I like to write in English however sometimes I make mistakes. Lest I make mistakes for important writings e.g reports for work etc I have a native speaker friend, an American lady I exchange English-Italian languages for learning with. I can rely on her for corrections and learning.
    I think I need to write short sentences, subject-verb-object using...

  • Added

  • @ Prothoma pro
    Skype: Mauro Costanzi
    Let me know your availability and I will try to do my best...

  • This course is useful and I recommend other people to join it to know more about IELTS test and its preparation.

  • I had to listen two times to do 10/10. Definitely listening requires a lot of concentration, focus, calm and readiness to write. At the exam we can listen only once so I need to exercise more

  • I can understand and listen but this part for me it’s too difficult. I need more attention and practice. Maybe today it’s not my day. It’s too difficult to fill the sentence

  • 1)Listening first, watching movies etc
    3)Speaking with native speakers
    4)Reading to improve own vocabulary

  • Hello Prothoma,
    I am going to apply for IELTS exam but I don’t know exactly when. I need to apply for a PGCE course and Uni requires me it. Do you want to study together?

  • I think that a friend should be a person you can rely on him and you trust him. However there are good friends and fake friends so you need to pay attention. Time and experience show if your friend is good or fake. In general good friends are those people that you know for long time and you have spent days, nights, life events, holidays with. A friend should...

  • Hello Htet Yee Mon. How and where did you test your speaking skills?

  • I love speaking English but It’s not easy speaking without any mistakes about grammar, pronunciation, expression etc.
    Patience, work, full immersion will help me speaking, listening, reading and writing better

  • I agree

  • I want to be ready passing IELTS test

  • Mauro Costanzi made a comment

    I need to pass IELTS test because I need to apply for Uni. I feel a little bit nervous but if I follow this course, I commit on a daily basis and I am focused on it I can pass it.

  • Mauro Costanzi made a comment

    Hello, my name is Mauro from Italy.
    I have been living and working in London for 2 years and a half and I have decided to join this course to have a certificate and pass IELTS exam ASAP. I need to upload it in the application form for the University for a PGCE course in PE