Alison Stevens

Alison  Stevens

I have been a Nurse since 1975 since I did my training in Leicestershire.
Having a break at the moment due to being my Husbands carer and long term medical conditions myself.
Chairperson of an NGO

Location Glenfield Hospital 1989



  • Some mothers will worry that if they seek help they may have younger children taken into care.

  • I have been an advocate for many women and fathers within the family court arena.
    Especially when they have stated they have been victims of domestic abuse..
    We assist victims to put in an application to the U.K. courts for a non molestation restraining order and an occupation order of the marital home.
    These orders have the power of arrest in them and if...

  • This could also pertain to younger children in the family if they see their alder siblings hitting their mother this could result in the younger children thinking this is acceptable and a normal way of life and this same scenario could affect future parenting when they grow up get married and have children of their own.

  • All domestic violence charities and other like minded organisations in the U.K. need to study this excellent course.
    Violence by an adolescent son is of course a form of domestic abuse if perpetrated in a mother of father in their home.

  • A great need for all Health and Social care staff to study this subject.

  • Everybody has a duty to safeguard others.

  • It took ages for coercive control to become a crime in the U.K..
    And a good few years ago one Judge stated it was ok for a married man to hit his wife.
    I will see if I can find the link.

  • Somebody I know wants assistance I went to Court with her.
    She was granted a non molestation order and occupation order of the house.
    But within a few days she is back with him.
    The vicious circle has been going on for ten years.

  • The statistics in Scotland 60.000 is very high I am not shocked though.

  • I wish the police take more action against the perpetrator when the victim has been to court and have got a non molestation order and occupation order of the home.
    I know victims that have the orders to show the police but the police failed to act and remove the perpetrator from the family home.

  • I can only mention one so I would say Fatima.
    Is she going to have to go through FGM in Kenya.
    Will she be coerced into forced marriage or child marriage?

  • Confidentially is the greatest importance.

  • Nice to hear about all your expertise ..

  • I presume this category comes under domestic abuse as well?
    Looking forward to this course.
    I love this learning platform.

  • Very informative video.

  • I have been a Family Court advocate for 35 years.a lay advocate for persons who are litigant in person.
    I have audiences within the RCJ High Court for Public law and Private law cases.with reference to Family law cases at appeal.
    I cave quite a few diplomas in Family law and certified.
    I have studied contract law.housing law.
    Court of protection...

  • I was shocked with the given date of 2009 when the Supreme Court began .
    Good to get jurisdiction’ from all the devolved Parliaments in Scotland.Wales and Northern Ireland within the Supreme Court in London England.

  • I remember the tragic case of Baby Alfie Evans where the Parents tried to get permission to appeal to the Supreme Court which was dismissed .
    The hospital took the matter to Court to terminate Alfie life support in his best interest because one would never get any better because of his brain issues .
    There has also been at least 7 of these cases where the...

  • So different in Scotland and was surprised.

  • I have been to the RCJ many times with reference Family Court issues as an advocate for parents but never to the Supreme Court.
    I was shocked at the date when the Supreme Court started I was not aware of that.

  • Will be interesting.
    The highest Court in the land.
    Not looked into Family court cases that get before the Supreme Court.

  • Alison Stevens made a comment

    Good to hear it from the Muslim clerics point of view.

  • Very surprised about the Romania statistics.

  • Shocked at these statistics.thought it would be lower.

  • Looking forward to week 2 .

  • An excellent first week .
    I am going to add to a few more threads within the week regarding week 1 because I am suffering from fibromyalgia fog at the moment .

  • There is no forced marriage within the Mormon church whatsoever.
    There is break off groups from the main church in the deep USA that still practice polygamy.
    But the main church including the UK LDS there is definitely no forced marriage I used to be a member of the church .

  • What a very brave lady.
    There is another brilliant course run by the Home office and virtual college they also run a FGM course as well.
    I will have to check the statistics within the Leicester area on this issue it would be interesting to get the statistics for each area of the U.K.

  • What an amazing brave young Lady.
    Even so happy to be living in a refuge saying at least she has her freedom.
    An excellent video and a success story.

  • So looking forward to hearing from these brilliant experts.

  • In the middle east they seem to be arranged marriages with regards to my second home Luxor Egypt.
    A friend of mine married her cousin but it was not forced she had already backed out of 3 arranged marriages.

  • Yes a very sad story .
    As we all know cohersive control in the UK is now a criminal offence in the UK .
    This video defines the difference between forced marriage and arranged marriage very well.

  • I am Alison from Leicestershire UK I am from a nursing background currently caring for my husband.
    I am the Director of a non profit NGO dealing with this subject.

  • From a nursing background currently caring for my Husband.
    I am the Director of a voluntary non profit organisation which deals with this subject.
    I have been an advocate within the family court arena re both public law cases and private law cases as well as assisting service users with reference to non molestation restraining orders and occupation orders.

  • I have already done 2 courses on this subject but this learning platform has been amazing for me.
    So here I am and ready to go.

  • Child centred care is a must .
    All Guardians should ensure the the child’s wishes and feelings pack should be filled in both in Private and public law cases.
    Yes because we are in the middle of a pandemic the basics should not be flouted and that involved data protection issues with agencies working from home.

  • Child protection case conferences LAC reviews .and children in need meetings have been done via video link.
    Gillick children have been allowed to have their advocate with them via the video link.
    The same goes with regards to Parents I have been given video links to these meetings as an Advocate for the parents.

  • Yes exactly the voice of the child .
    If a PPR test is done within the school environment and a 14 year old girl refuses to have the test even though her parents may of given permission does the child have the right to refuse the test under the clause of Gillick competence or should they be restrained and forced to take the test .
    If child is restrained it...

  • At the individual level children should be taught proper respiratory hygiene washing hands at regular intervals 30 seconds and the use of hand gel at least 20 seconds.
    The correct disposal of tissues after being used for sneezing and coughing .
    Social distancing within their own home from a mother or Father that may have corona virus thus they may be based...

  • The Government are now debating the use of the corona virus vaccines in children .
    Here comes a clause .parents may well give permission for the jab to be given to a big 14 year old boy at school the parents have given permission.
    At the time of vaccine the 14 year old refuses to have the jab.
    Under the clause of Gillick competence the child or young person...

  • Looks like corona virus will be with us permanently now and the latest news from the U.K. news persons will need to wear masks for the foreseeable future and even social distancing permanently.
    This comes from the Sun newspaper and the Daily Mail this week.
    The Indian variant is now the main variant in the U.K. at present and the ratio is up to 7.000 new...

  • The World health organisation has a great learning platform with many corona virus courses.
    In fact over the lockdown I have bled the platform dry with finishing 50 courses at least

  • The use of PPEs is a must especially for Social Workers who need to check on a child that are on child protection care plans and.children in need plans.
    In the most serious cases with a cause for concern the need to see the child may result in them having to go into the child’s home .
    So social distancing and the use of appropriate PPEs is a must .
    And the...

  • A great introduction to the course.

  • Hi my name is Alison Stevens .
    I am the Chairperson for a non profit NGO dealing with child protection issues advocacy within the Family court arena with reference Private Law cases and Public Law cases.

  • Looking forward to this course.

  • Thank you to all the amazing tutors on this course.
    The links given to use on this module all excellent.

  • Children that were entitled to free school. meals prior to lockdown still get food packages for the children.
    Schools are allowing parents to go into schools to collect these daily food packages .

  • Very hard to get an appointment even to see your GP during the pandemic.
    Use the kincare clause and special guardianship role if possible instead of putting children into foster care.

  • We have been using zoom for meetings as well as our AGM that took place in March.
    There was a few teething problems to start with I could not get through to talk to the team had to use my house phone to talk while the others managed satisfactory with Zoom.
    But will still continue to use Zoom practice makes perfect.
    I am thinking of devising a course on how...

  • So looking forward to this week.

  • I cannot believe we are on week five already this course has been totally and amazing .
    I will be asking my co workers to also enrol on this course before it finishes.
    Thank you too our amazing tutors.

  • I have really enjoyed this week and sharing the information with my co workers.

  • The link was very interesting and shows that we are still responsible with regards too Our responsibilities with regards to confidentiality and data protection issues and complaints procedure.
    In the lockdown I have had time to amend our data protection and confidentiality policies as well as risk assessment policies.
    Our service users are still entitled to...

  • Children should be still given the same priority in regards to expressing their wishes and feelings and that still pertains to child protection procedures.
    In a Country like the U.K. there should be no excuse for why a Gillick child of 13 and oven cannot participate in child protection case conferences and LAC reviews especially if a child is on a child...

  • The census has still taken place within the U.K. in the middle of the pandemic.
    And I think it is the first time it in most cases has been done online.
    For the elderly and people that cannot afford a smart phone or WiFi the Government has allowed a paper based survey for the census.
    If this can take place in the U.K. there should be no exemption for this in...

  • Child centred care and person centred care is still a mandatory obligation no decisions made about me without me..
    Children should still be consulted at every stage of proceedings this could be done via telephone ca or video link.
    Children should always have an emergency number to call .
    There needs to be a greater involvement in the community with regards...

  • Data Protection under the GDPR policy of 28.05.2018 is still the greatest of importance and should be even more have a higher safeguarding approach .
    Because of remote working there may be more at risk of data protection breaches.
    Training should be kept up to date with regards to confidentiality and the GDPR policy via online courses .
    We are still...

  • Social workers should be classed as key workers like Nurses hospital worker and those people working in shops.
    Things have improved since the start of the pandemic.
    Social workers are now being given corona virus test kits to test themselves several times a week now so they can protect their own workforce and that of their service users.

  • Lack of PPEs has been a problem.
    At the start of the pandemic Hospitals became very short of PPEs I have heard of nurses and other medical staff buying their own PPEs.
    Care homes staff were certainly forgotten with regards to appropriate PPEs sure the early stage of the pandemic social workers would be the last to think about.
    After the fist 6 months of the...

  • Welcome to week 5 everybody.
    A very informative video of the content to be studied this week.

  • We still have the helpline in situ the telephone helpline .
    More persons have been contacting us via email because the phone calls never stop.
    Parents solicitors consultations in done by video link or phone calls.
    Social workers would see children in school on a child protection plan if deemed to have had a major safeguarding issue the child would need to...

  • Children on a child protection plan and those looked after children that are in the care system will still have LAC review meeting but these will be via video link as well as child protection case conferences being via video link.
    Parents and Gillick children can still have their advocate there by the advocate being given video link as well .
    With regards to...

  • Local Authorities in the U.K. have most children on a child protection care plan still in school as well as the children of key workers so at least children at risk can still be monitored in the school and any disclosures by the child or suspicions by teachers would be referred straight to social services for them to investigate and take action.
    Yes as an...

  • Yes the voice of the nurse is important with regards to patient care .

  • Excellent and informative video.

  • It is very concerning in the U.K. with regards to the amount of persons with learning disabilities have been placed on a DNR although they may be having a good quality of life.
    The elderly have been telephoned their GP and have been asked to agree to be placed on a DNR as well as young people as well.
    Some Relatives have not even learned that their loved one...

  • Yes TB in Leicestershire has increased over the decades and the majority of the patients are from the Asian communityYears ago I was out there every morning giving IM streptomycin injections then PAS came out with Ethambutol and other anti TB therapy and now we have multi resistant TB.
    The WHO have an excellent course on multi resistant TB.

  • Yes the data is of the greatest of importance about future health care planning and the future planning for future pandemics.
    There is Dr Chris Whitty on the TV from number 10 with his statistic graphs.

  • While caring for my husband I have well and truly upped my Infection control process.
    When we have a food delivery all the groceries are washed with alcohol wipes and the work surfaces are all well and truly cleaned after the shopping is put away .

  • There are cases out there in my local hospital where patients have been perceived to die of corona virus but in some cases they did not even test that patient for corona virus.
    In the U.K. a person may of had corona virus and tested negative and recovered.
    But may go out in a car a week later and be involved in a RTA which results in a fatality but the cause...

  • Amazing inspirational Lady they are all hero’s out there.

  • I am not on the frontline at the moment due to caring for my husband with a brain injury.
    But I can see the dedication that all key workers are doing the domestics on the wards volunteers on the ward .
    Shop assistants and low paid community Carers are all hero’s as well.

  • What an inspirational lady.
    Many student nurses have upgraded and got a quicker registration to able them to be deemed as qualified to help with this pandemic.
    Former and retired nursing and DRs have gone back into the profession to assist with the corona virus and some have given their lives for this dedication by contacting corona virus and dying.

  • Alison Stevens made a comment

    Definitely looking forward too next week.
    The pandemic now has put hospitals into jeopardy it is now very dire out there now with regards to the pandemic and the large death statistics.

  • Alison Stevens made a comment

    Thank you for this amazing course .
    I have been doing many courses while shielding from this pandemic for a year .
    I have exhausted the WHO course platform dry.

  • We have always had to use the aseptic technique and follow strict infection control policies.
    We are now there to educate the population with regards to correct respiratory hygiene.

  • Very informative video.highlighting nursing in the time of a world pandemic.

  • I have had to switch the news off and watch it once a day only.
    On a personal basis I have been shielding for a year because of long term medical conditions as well as caring for my husband with a brain injury.
    I have had to use adaptive behaviour when I feel negative feelings coming on exacerbating my medical problems and prevent the worsening of anxiety...

  • Excellent informative video.

  • Proper social distancing and the the correct respiratory hygiene is a must .

  • Many Carers that work in care homes have had to forgo their children and husbands to live at the care homes to prevent cross Infections to their family members and children .
    That in itself is putting pressure on relationships .
    And with regards to the first lockdown Grandparents we’re not allowed to care for their children while the mother and father was at...

  • The future of our children is very worrying with regards too how the pandemic has effected the.mental health of the children which could be going on for years.
    Children being forced to have PCR tests three times a week must be terrifying for them.
    Secondary schools forcing children to wear face masks for 7 hours a day now even in the classroom.

  • Very informative video.
    Makes me wonder why the fourth richest Country in the world was the second highest Country in the world with deaths of corona virus.
    But a third Country like Egypt had less than 5.000 deaths at one time while the U.K. had over 100.000 deaths at the time over 130.000 deaths now.

  • The Afro Caribbean Population and people of Indian ethnic population have been greatly affected .
    Another problem is that this population with one of the highest death tolls have also become vaccine hesitant.
    There are theories that vitamin D magnesium and zinc help to prevent corona virus.
    The Ethnic majority within the City of Leicester have large...

  • A very informative video.
    They have some brilliant corona virus courses on the WHO websites.
    The problem is I have now exhausted all courses on that learning platform.

  • There has been more than 1.700 deaths of patients suffering from corona virus within University Hospitals Leicester U.K.
    The death toll pertains to one of the highest statistics of corona virus deaths within all hospitals in the U.K.
    We are on our third lockdown in the U.K.
    The second lockdown involved various areas of the Country going into lockdown with...

  • I have lost three friends from Corona virus.
    My Daughter in law and 9 year old twin Grandson was very ill with it but not hospitalised.
    But many people out there think it is a plandemic and the virus does not exist.

  • Yes we have.

  • Alison Stevens made a comment

    Thank you now back to the assignment.

  • Here we go.

  • Will have to go back and continue this later need to put my thoughts together.

  • Will definitely be putting a developed communication plan together as a policy for the NGO of which I am Chairperson of and put it too my co workers.
    One member of the team is excellent in every way but tends to hog the talk the talk scenario at out meetings and AGMs.

  • Many years ago I would be like Ali and sat there saying nothing but with lots of input in my brain.
    I have well and truly changed my attributes.
    I have probably gone to well the other way .so much confidence too talk now.

  • Build her confidence and ask for the chance of another meeting.

  • Listening. showing interest.your gestures and eye contact will define to the person as whether you understand what they are telling you .
    Looking up at the ceiling and not giving the person eye contact will not be portrayed very well.

  • Do not let Criticism bog you down and make you feel very negative and a failure.
    Think of Criticism by your manager are ways of improvement and not too take things to heart .

  • Yes.I feel that Jennifer was right.

  • Wow that was really easy and got the answers right .more or less .
    Very informative and useful.

  • Brilliant tips.