Jennifer Brower


Location IL


  • Did I hear a "g" sound instead of an "h" sound at the beginning of "goeie" and "graach"? In Dutch, the "g" sounds like "h." I also noticed the Frysk names for Sneek and Leeuwarden.

  • As an English/Dutch/German speaker, I understood practically all of it. Putting the words together myself would be harder though!

  • Jennifer Brower made a comment

    Hoi, myn namme is Jennifer Brower. I live near Chicago and work in IT. My grandfather is from Friesland. I hope to go there someday. I speak Dutch, French, and German.

  • Hoi! My grandfather is from Fryslan. Back then, the town they lived in was called Gaasterlan but it's now De Fryske Marren. In Frysk, my last name is spelled with an extra "u" - Brouwer - but it was shortened in America. I speak some Dutch, French, and German. Looking forward to the course.

  • We will also want data about the competition.

  • Education and a desire for change are key. I think antisemitism goes away when the fear of the other goes away. The phrase Never Again applies to helping all people who are persecuted and suffering... that's a rather big mission!

  • One positive thing I have noticed when our synagogue was vandalized was that all communities came to support us and help clean up. Christians, Muslims, and everyone really came together.

    There are horrible people and there are good people. Who are we going to elevate as a society? It's really up to all of us. And, I think at this point in history, we are...

  • Agree with what was said below.

  • It makes it easier for them to meet each other and to spread their propaganda.

  • One problem with researching antisemitism today is there is a lot of intentionally inaccurate information online placed there by antisemites themselves. One example is a very long video on YouTube that describes why 1/3 of the Holocaust didn't happen. The information is easily debunked but it's presented in a very provocative way.

    Also, some antisemitic...

  • Getting in touch with FB is practically impossible. The platforms' customer service needs to be more user friendly. Instead of having a site that is funded by ad revenue, I'd rather pay a subscription fee and be the customer rather than the product. These sites are all click bait and trying to draw you in with headlines and notifications that grab you...

  • The platform does have some responsibility. However, users need to do things like validate sources.

  • I agree that social media divides people more than it brings people together.

    It's about generating revenue. The data that you give a social media site is a product. The social media sites like Facebook try to maximize your clicks so they can generate more revenue. It's quite manipulative when you think about it.

  • Jennifer Brower made a comment

    I've found that social media has become pretty hostile over the past 10 years.

    Also, there's very little journalism anymore. People simply put together clickbait ads to generate revenue.

  • There is a sect of Christians who say they love the Jews and cite Genesis 12:3 regarding those who bless Israel are blessed, etc etc. They say they love Israel but are angry when they can't convert me. Or, they claim to be "grafted in the vine" and somehow my faith is wrong - but Torah and Tanach are the basis of their faith. Some end times prophecies say that...

  • Jennifer Brower made a comment

    Ah ok... Expand to full screen and there will be subtitles.

    She seems to think the death tolls are 30,000 and is obsessed with the Protocols.

  • It's striking that he even said this out loud.

  • It seems like Christianity wants Jews and Muslims to be opponents of each other.

  • Tusen takk!

  • Trying to remember vocabulary is hardest for me, as well as the noun genders. I get the pronunciation of words confused with German and Dutch sometimes.

  • Jeg er hjemme og er trøtt.

    Jeg kjøper en katt og hund.

  • Jeg går til kantinen.
    Jeg møter et troll.

  • Jeg skal kjøpe fem tomater, tre bananer, og litt melk.

  • Kan du hjelpe meg?
    Hva kan jeg hjelpe deg med?

  • Moren min jobber på et tannlegekontor. Søsteren min er lærer. Mannen hennes er ingeniør. Jeg er it-prosjektleder. Jeg har en datter, og hun er student. Hun studerer informasjonsteknologi.

  • I can ask for what I need but understanding the answer could be tricky.

  • That was a long week, er day lol. Chatbot is pretty cool.

    I like it so far. Norwegian sounds like when I try to speak Dutch and I'm tired.

  • Jeg liker snakke på chatbot.

  • This was a full week. Interesting... look forward to next week.

  • This is based on the idea that the US is going to war on behalf of Israel and they are making money off of it. They're saying that the devil figure is capitalist white men acting like nazis committing genocide against Palestinians so "fake jews" can get blood because they're vampires. Again, blood libel. Israelis are often called fake Jews because of the...

  • The Russians again with their Protocols...

  • There were some in the Occupy Wall Street movement.

  • Arguing with holocaust deniers is a waste of time. It's better to educate others.

  • The ushers who were killed in Pittsburgh are relatives of a person in my synagogue.

    My synagogue was vandalized by a guy with a car loaded with ammunition. Luckily, it was a Tuesday and no one was there.

    The kosher deli owned by one of our synagogue members was also vandalized.

    Are we safe in the US? I think the general public where I live is...

  • @ZionWalkingTours Craig Cobb tried to set up a white town in Leith, ND. He had a DNA test done and it showed him having African DNA.

    Leith was quite a story. We won by getting the town to pass ordinances like needing to be connected to water, etc.

  • I'm from the Chicago area. A lot of us have worked hard to keep those groups from growing here in Illinois. When they come, they usually don't last.

  • Kind of. I've been tracking white nationalist groups for about 15 years now. The ones who have been out in public lately do tend to fit that description. However, most are skinheads or old Klan. A major reason for the increase of the "Richard Spencer" types is websites like Infowars as well as the growing incel movements online.

  • They even have video games and music labels.

  • @ElizabethEaves White nationalist men in America think the existence of non white men as genocide. They think that they are going to take their jobs and white women. To them, the only thing they have going for them is being white and the Jews want to take that away from them. It's irrational and stupid.

  • @ZionWalkingTours I wonder if the Jews moving to the US are ultra-orthodox. That may explain their Republican vote.

  • In America, many populist groups dominated by evangelicals claim to be pro-Israel. However, they'll be rude if I dare to try to defend Judaism when they try to convert me. They like Jews if we stay quiet about our faith.

  • It's all conspiracy nonsense that people use to rationalize why their own lives are failures. Blame the Jew for everything. Nowadays, it's blame Soros. If they didn't blame someone else, they'd have to take a look at themselves and see their own faults.

  • @SalliWard Here in the US, they blame the Jews for bringing people who aren't white. Apparently they think that we control everything and our goal is to make them miserable.

  • It's fear based and attracts fearful people who think they've been forgotten by society. It makes them feel important.

  • Far right tends to be populist, nationalistic, totalitarian, and violent. We are starting to see that in the US, ie when armed people stopped the Michigan legislature from meeting earlier this year.

  • @PeterTyson What you are saying doesn't make sense.

  • A good but harrowing week. I watched 3 weeks in 2 days... going to take a break now.

  • @JonathanBynoe Here in America, it's been reasonably ok. We've been able to prosper. And, the grandchildren (my generation) of Holocaust victims (mine weren't in the Shoah) are still dealing with the mental anguish from it. Some had parents who were distant, some were abusive. As a community, we're trying to make mental health a priority for the next generations.

  • I wonder how this was received by French society though. Neo-Nazis write the same thing today but get laughed at.

  • @jacquelineFitzpatrickFitzpatrick Agreed. Never Again is for everyone.

  • It's still here. It's in conspiracy theories and constant fear mongering.

  • According to Dr Martha Stout, 1 out of 25 people are sociopaths.

  • No I already knew that.

  • It wasn't just one person. It was all of them. Hitler just gave them permission.

  • We're getting there... 16.7M Jews worldwide in 1939. In 2019, it was 14.7M.

  • There were 23 main camps and about 1000 (not all at the same time) satellite camps. The extermination camps were Chelmno, Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka, Majdanek, and Auschwitz. There were also 7 euthanasia centers in Germany and Austria for the disabled.

  • @FernandoTucci I'm going to say no. We can't even get people to wear masks to protect each other during a pandemic.

  • The guy whose ex-wife said he kept a copy of Mein Kampf next to his bed...

  • He was quite a showman. Cult of personality works every time.

  • "Today I will once more be a prophet: If the international Jewish financiers in and outside Europe should succeed in plunging the nations once more into a world war, then the result will not be the Bolshevization of the earth, and thus the victory of Jewry, but the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe!"

    He's essentially saying what he plans to do....

  • @LavSarma They believed that Jewish men wanted to procreate with German women to destroy the Aryan race. Women over 45 would be considered non-childbearing age.

  • @lesleybarrow They didn't believe that their neighbors would kill them.

  • It sounds like intellectual laziness to me. The citizens wanted to not be bothered with politics. They didn't want to have to think or achieve anything themselves.

  • Zionism is demonstrated well in the lyrics to Hatikvah, Israel's national anthem:

    As long as within our hearts
    The Jewish soul sings,
    As long as forward to the East
    To Zion, looks the eye –
    Our hope is not yet lost,
    It is two thousand years old,
    To be a free people in our land
    The land of Zion and Jerusalem.

  • The Protocols are actually ridiculous, poorly written garbage (as was Mein Kampf). Conspiracy theories usually are.

    The thing about conspiracy theories nowadays is that they spread quickly via the internet and are easily accessible. People - especially those who feel disenfranchised - love to believe in conspiracy theories. They think watching a video on...

  • Again, it's "the Other" gaining enough power and success to make the people uncomfortable.

  • The same pattern is repeating. The prevalence of conspiracy theories nowadays within the Republican party is troubling, as is how fast it happened.

  • I feel like France kind of tried. There was a sizable underground there during WWII.

  • Hmm, jealous much, von Treitschke?

  • And now, countries like Austria and Spain want us to go back and are offering citizenship.

    Same as it ever was.

  • The old false sense of security... we go some place. All is great. We become part of a society. The next thing you know, the Cossacks are coming. As an American Jew, this lesson is not lost on me, especially in our current climate.

  • Kol HaKavod - good job - on Week 1! Looking forward to more!

  • One way antisemitism is different from other kinds of hate is it has a history of being state and church sponsored. They took our holy texts for themselves but say they aren't valid anymore. They said we are killers but they killed us. They accused us of using gentile blood for our matzah when consumption of blood is forbidden in Torah. This idiocy still lives...

  • I had heard about not going out on Good Friday but I thought they did that to avoid violence, not only because of a church edict. I also have heard that the reason we open the door at the end of the Passover seder is to show that we aren't sacrificing gentiles for our matzah.

  • @MerryBoggs Also, don't forget about Martin Luther. He wanted us rounded up and burned in our synagogues in his book On The Jews and Their Lies.

  • It looks like Synagoga is holding the ten commandments and Moses' staff for wandering in the desert.

  • @JaneMcKears Anyone who would like to convert can do so. It's a long process because you are joining a new culture, learning a new religion, etc. It is not something to do casually and takes a minimum of a year.

  • @PeterTyson What he meant was it didn't matter where they came from. They were seen as Jews and were thus killed.

  • It's pretty much half in Israel and half in the US. Jews live all over the US, not only New York. In 2019, Israel had approximately 6,806,000 (46.3% of the Jewish population) and the United States has approximately 5,700,0001 (38.8% of the Jewish population).

  • I think antisemitism is understood by most people to mean a hatred of Jews.

  • Hello, I'm Jennifer and from the Chicago area. I'm a Jew and trying to figure out why some people have issues with us. People in the US are becoming obsessed with conspiracy theories and it always seems like we're the scapegoats.

  • Jeg pleier å jobb på mandager.

  • I was already aware of the GDPR from past experience with a client. However, this was a great refresher. I will continue to do what I'm already doing.

  • Having the same rules apply across the board would make things simpler once in place.

  • The code of conduct can be effective when enforced and if people are motivated to use it.

  • It can be a deterrent once a company has processes in place to meet compliance requirements.

  • Personal Identifiable information includes first and last name, address, email, credit card info, and password. The user should be provided with a way to contact the company, reasons data is being retained and for how long, privacy policy, how to have data removed, etc.

  • It was really basic. I'm not covered under GDPR.

  • I understood about 80% of it.

  • I can definitely understand what they are saying. I don't know if I could put the words together myself yet.

  • I like pasta and deep dish pizza :)

    I love olliebollen too.

  • We eat chocolate sprinkles on toast :)

  • I do hope to go one day to see Friesland.

  • Hallo! Ik ben Jennifer uit Chicago. Met mij gaat het goed. Het is woensdag 9 september. Het is 23.45 uur. Het regent. Het is koud buiten.

    Ik ben een IT-projectmanager. Ik spreek Frans en Duits.

    Mijn familie komt oorspronkelijk uit Gaasterlan, maar is nu in Chicago. Ik heb een zus. Ik heb een dochter. Ze zit op de universiteit. Volgende zomer gaan we op...

  • I understood ;)

  • Jennifer Brower made a comment

    My native language is English. I heard Dutch as a child but remember very little. I'm fluent in French and German.

  • It's rainy and cold today in Chicago. Last week, it was very hot.

  • Leuk :)

  • It's a great language to learn. I speak English and German already. And, I have family from Friesland so a lot already makes sense.

  • Jennifer Brower made a comment

    I love learning languages. It's been a hobby of mine since I was a child. Back then, I mostly used records and cassettes. I enjoy the online format.