I am an Agronomist and Technical Engineer in Horticulture and Gardening. Work as Technical Responsible for Quality and Food Safety in an Agri-Food Industry, located in Vícar (Almería) SPAIN.



  • Hello, my name is Mankel and I am an Agricultural Engineer. I work as Technical Manager of Food Quality and Safety of a fruit and vegetable company in Almería (Spain). I am currently with the implementation of the BRCGS and IFS Certifications. And one of its points is food fraud, so this course comes in handy to expand my current knowledge.

  • Vivo in una casa in campagna, vicino a una città. La mia casa non è molto grande, ma ha 3 camere da letto, un bagno, una cucina e un ampio saloto, dove io, mio ​​figlio e mia moglie viviamo.

  • Grazie Marco per tutti. Io studio l'italiano percue mi piace, perche i miei antenati erano italiani di Maratea, per l'arte, per la cucina, per viaggiare, per....

  • Grazie Sabrina. Ci vediamo in Siena, se la pandemia ci lascia viaggiare. Conosco Siena e mi piace molto. Ciao

  • Mi piace sentire un po' di musica e prendere una birra

  • Tavolino, specchio e libreria

  • Taolino, specchio e libreria

  • Mi piace molto la paella valenciana, il riso nero e la fideua. Mi piacciono molto anche gli stufati fatti in casa. Ovviamente mi piacciono la pasta, la pizza e il cibo italiano.

  • In Italia, l'ordine dei piatti durante i pasti formali è:
    Antipasto, Primo, Secondo, Contorno, Dolce, Frutta e Caffè.

  • Mi alzo presto alle 6:45. Faccio colazione, faccio la doccia e poi esco, vado al laboro. Come le 2:30 in un'ora e torno a lavorare. Torno a casa alle 6. Vedo la mia famiglia e studio l'italiano per un'ora. Ho una cena tarda alle 10, dopo che mia moglie ha dormito mio figlio e io mentre preparo la cena. Ceniamo guardando la televisione e verso le 12 vado a letto.

  • Il numero 2 é una gonna.
    Il numero 3 é un pantaloni.
    Il numero 4 é una camicia.
    Il numero 5 é un cappotto.
    Il numero 6 é una giacca.

  • Il mio giorno preferito de la settimana è il sábato

  • Io sono biondo, un po' alto, ho ogli verdi e ho barba e baffi.

  • 15:30. quindici e trenta.
    8:15. otto e un quarto.
    20:45. venti e tre quarti.
    16:45. sedici e tre quart.
    12:30. dodici e mezzo.
    00:00. mezzanotte

  • Prendi a prima strada a destra, dopo a prima a sinistra. Vai semper dritto e attraversi la strada, dopo la prima strada a sinistra.

  • Azzurri

  • La mia famiglia ha 3 persone: Io, mia moglie e mi figlio. Io ho 54 anni e sono engeniere agricolo. La mia moglie ha 53 anni e lei é Politologa. Mio figlio ha 7 anni e è studente.
    Abitiamo a Almeria, in Spagna.

  • Marta è la nipotina di Anna.
    Sara è la cugina di Marta.
    E franco é lo zio di Marta

  • Ciao. Michiamo Mankel, sono spagnolo, sono Ingegnere Agricolo. Lavoro di Responsabile della Qualitá e dell'<assicurazione Alimentare in un'Azienda ortofrutticola

  • I am Spanish.
    You learn English.
    We study English

  • Samir is a mechanic, maya is a teacher and amena is a doctor

  • I want to learn English because it can open the doors to other possible jobs that may be economically better than the one I have or the possibility of working in another country different from mine.

  • My name is Mankel. I come from Almería. Almería is in Andalusia, a big región in Spain. I am studyng this course because i want to improve my English

  • As a professional of the sectoe what I do is that many certificates are issued and many of them are equal and based on the same principles. This means a lot of money to the companies and a lot of documentation that is repeated for one certification and for another. There are also many audits, both internal and external, that make the daily work of the company...

  • My Action Plan consists every day in keeping some Registries and a documentation that allows us to continue with the Certifications that we have implanted in my company and be prepared to be able to implant new certifications.

  • GlobalGAP standard for agri-food producers. It represents worldwide good agricultural practices among suppliers and retail sellers.
    The BRC standard is a regulation established by the British Retail Association or British Retail Consortium (BRC), which unites the main trade associations in the United Kingdom. It is formed by retailers that own small...

  • His name is Samir and his ful name is Samir Aziz.

  • I want to learn English to improve my work expectations in the future.

  • Maya works in Amman. She is an English teacher. Amina works in Madaba. She is a Doctor in a hospital.

  • My name is Mankel. I am Spanish and I live in Almería. Almeria is in the southern Spain. I am Agronomist and I want to improve my English. Hello to all the classmates of the course.

  • As Technical Manager of Quality and Food Safety, all the points treated this week, I have to do it well, because my company plays a lot of money and prestige if it is not done well. So my daily effort is that there is a good food safety, that there are no crises, or food fraud in my company and that the traceability is correct. To do this, a Quality Manual,...

  • How can I criticize Food Security if it is my daily work? However, food security may be better or worse, according to companies doing it well or badly.

  • As for fraud, bluefin tuna fraud. That is not novelty. Unfortunately, it is not the only fish with which we try to strain a similar species of less quality - and therefore lower price - making it go through a higher category food. Getting a cheap tuna steak to look like the mental image we all have of bluefin tuna is as simple as introducing the tuna of other...

  • For Almeria (Spain), as a pantry of vegetables for all of Europe, the Crisis of cucumber was very important, economically and in terms of image. He was not accused of being the ones who provoked the deaths by the E.Coli, when the problem came directly from Germany of germinated bean sprouts from Lower-Saxony. For more information on the subject, I attached a...

  • I voted Plastic biodegradation, because if we can not degrade plastics, in a short time, these will seriously affect the environment and animals.

  • My three key words have been: technology, innovation and study

  • As Technical Manager of Quality and Food Safety of a fruit and vegetable center, it is my job to ensure that the products we handle and sell are safe and of quality, for this there are the Protocols of free choice that assure you quality and food safety. These protocols are, Globalgap, at field level and handling warehouse, BRC and IFS, which are food safety...

  • Take cucumber E. coli for example in Germany. The German authorities initially accused cucumbers produced and loaded in Almeria (Spain). After justifying the falsehood, by the Spanish authorities and once the German authorities were cornered, they had to confess that the problem had been generated by them in their country. Nothing happened to Germany and to...

  • As far as vegetables are concerned, phytosanitary products are used, but there is a great control, both of the packaging companies, and of the distributors and supermarkets that buy it. Thousands of waste analyzes are done throughout an agricultural campaign. In addition to the MRLs (Maximum Residue Limits) that must be met, most supermarkets establish a...

  • I am an Agronomist and I work in a fruit and vegetable center as Technical Responsible for Quality and Food Safety. To get up to date and improve my knowledge in the materia, I am very interested in the realization of this course, especially very interested in the topic of Food Safety. As a professional, I am involved in this issue of food supply systems, as I...

  • Dear Emily.
    Feeling a lot and for work reasons, I have to communicate to you that you give me of loss of the course, for not having time for its realization. I know there has been a lot of demand for this course, so since we are at the beginning, someone can replace me and not lose my place.
    I am very sorry and I hope that later you can take a course similar...

  • Hi. I work in an agrifood company as technical manager of quality and food safety. For my profession I want to learn more about microbiology and indirectly about food safety.