Julia Brennan



  • Hello - thank you for your story. I can relate to your story (I'm from the UK). I don't think learning by fear and punishment is a good plan in general, but I had a very strict French teacher - she was also a nun - who made us memorise all our French verbs and call them out in class which is very old fashioned. If we got them wrong, we had to stand up on our...

  • I love it!

  • Julia Brennan made a comment

    I think I see myself as a translator for those that need extra help and as a kind of blanket to help pupils feel supported and safe to achieve tasks set.

  • Thank you for these really useful actions we can take to manage bias.

  • Wow - the like a girl campaign is really affecting. I found that very emotional. I have done IAT tests before and found them very unsettling. Is it possible to completely eliminate unconscious bias? Probably not but it's good to be aware. I have already noticed that I try to bond with certain children who are similar to me as a school child, those who are a...

  • This is very interesting - how does 'turn off our values' fit with 'question everything' as raised by Helen?

  • Hello Berwyn, me too. I'm vegan and hold this value very strongly but would need to keep an eye on this when working in schools.

  • Thanks Helen and all. I too used to work for the OU as a development editor and project manager and was so interested to hear about STAC and its influence on your work. This course looks great and I'm hoping the course will support my voluntary work and potential career change to a TA.

  • Hello Bina - that sounds like a challenging but rewarding job. I'd be interested to hear more as the course continues.

  • @WalterwilsonRomantabares Thank you for participating in the course, but please can you communicate in English as per the FutureLearn Code of Conduct: https://about.futurelearn.com/terms/code-of-conduct

  • @IssaAlhamadi Thank you for spotting this, the link is now fixed.