lily kemp

lily kemp


  • lily kemp made a comment

    Like many of you, I am an active user of many social networks, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, SnapChat, the list goes on. Despite working in marketing, when it comes to telling my own story, I do not often say it with words rather with pictures.
    I find myself using Instagram to showcase what I am up to on a daily basis through photographs more than...

  • I disagree that companies have to be 'big and brave' to share stories. I think that it depends on whether the stories are there to be shared. At a company like FutureLearn we are inundated with amazing, inspirational stories from our learners, educators and also members of the team on a daily basis.

  • Hi, my name is Lily originally from Brighton but now living in London. I am a marketing assistant for... FutureLearn! I have been excitedly awaiting this course and cannot wait to get started.