junior jose aparicio mestra

junior jose  aparicio mestra

I love study and learn everyday.

Location Colombia



  • I think it's ok, most important that the gender is the life style of the person.

  • I am not sure,if having a life insurance is a good option to invest.i don't think so.

  • I shall not insurance home appliances,it is not often and i can save some money for the day when a damage come across,with this i will save some money because of premium payments.

  • incredible how insurers see an opportunity in everything.

  • travel insurance is very important, an accident in a foreign holiday must be very expensive.

  • Comprehensive is always the best deal.it keeps you unworried.

  • insure is an individual process,everything depend on each one's needed.

  • It is very important to make the decision of purchase an insurance in a methodical manner,every penny counts.

  • I usually don't take insurance for unlikely perils.

  • Insurance is useful for some specific situations ,not for everything.

  • Travel insurance is important because, if you have one accident and have no insurance it will be very expensive.
    I will buy an insurance for flood only if i live in a risk flood zone.
    I shall not buy extended warranty,is not normal use often this kind of insurance.

  • i think there are some assets like house, car that is an obligation to insure and the same time health and holidays.

  • Usually income never grow up at the same level of good and services prices.

  • I have a special bank account and put aside an amount of money monthly and earn some income in interest meanwhile.

  • Allocate amounts for kind of expenditures is really useful,mix the money could probably generate a under-control financial situation.

  • Jenny is taking some new breathe.

  • I think is good idea get a cheaper mobile plan and home insurance at the same way with food,non alcoholic drinks,tobacco,clothing and going out.
    but i don't know why she increases the motoring cost in a important amount,it sounds as an unintelligent decision.

  • online market has change many of the old strategies used on financial planning,globalization impact the worldwide market customs.

  • Awesome tips, let's set in motion.

  • High prices usually means high quality but not always,sometimes there are some brands that are expensive just for his goodwill.

  • you shall never give your 3-digit cvc for a registration neither your credit card number, you just use it at the moment of the buy.

  • limit the online purchases and credit card purchases is a mainly topic to have a strong economy in households.

  • Reduce total spending and change the pattern of expenditure it's fundamental in order to have healthy finances.

  • Opportunity cost is a very important fact to analyse always,in all decisions we are going to make.

  • Adding to the credit card the interest implicity in each purchase.

  • Maybe she would classify for kind of expenditures,it could help.

  • She won't save money that is something terrible.

  • Budget is a powerful weapon to plan for today and for the future,in order to achieve your goals and fulfill your dreams.

  • I use a budget since 2011,and it really works a lot in your financial planning.

  • Sometimes season of the year like Christmas or eastern week change or influence our purchase habits.

  • I have been working with budget during 5 years and it really works.

  • absolutely clear..

  • the move to raising benefits in line with CPI bring money saving to the government,because CPI exclude mortgage interest payment and council tax for this reason is generally lower than RPI, so the increasing of the government payments will decrease.
    people who starts to work or makes more money must receive less benefits or less money or government assistant...

  • is universal credit working in uk? or just really affecting more people?

  • It's important for the welfare of the people and the government, honesty, integrity and empathy in both sides.

  • A normal politic must be progressive tax income. people who earn more should pay more.
    people who has lower incomes must have lower rates.
    it's a sensible idea the exemption of a percentage of your income,specially for employees and entrepreneurs.
    Rates must be equally as worldwide rates.

  • It must exists transparent cooperation between government and people,if one side give evil steps the balance falls.
    corruption the worst enemy of taxes.

  • Income tax is the most important source of income of a country.

  • Incredible,this year the real increasing was 0.2%.practically the same wage.

  • Inflation,a relevant topic in financial planning.

  • A very straightforward and clear explanation.

  • I have been using this plan and it really works.

  • financial planing is a non-stop process,it impacts the whole areas of our lifes,directly or indirectly.

  • when we get married and become a family, your passion for risk change a little bit.

  • probably risk taker for other life decisions,not for casinos.

  • I think emotion could be a no reliable help in order to have healthy finances,we must be guide better for the monthly budget.

  • currently i am going to have a flat something that i had planed 5 years ago, after five years i hope to have my own business whit my wife as a partner.

  • the penny's family is just living the present,they are not paying pension and health insurance,this fact reveals us they are no thinking in the future moreover without his kids at home,they may probably will need a nurse,but without pension how they will gonna pay.

  • Anticipate to the future is a great decision in all the areas of our life,a good management of your finance now,will build a better future.

  • Hello everyone my name is junior i am accountant and, i want to expand my finance knowledge and experience with this course, an international source of knowledge is always a special opportunity to grow up as a professional.

  • They are the same of what You are teaching us in this course.

  • I have Taken oral test.. it is very challenging for me always because this is a face to face experience.

  • I am not surprise at all, university is not forming only profesionals, it is forming future leaders who needs good values.

  • Plagiarism is an offense for the university, our partners and for our society in general,values are first of everything else.

  • I AM going to relate the sources and the autor's of the ideas that are not mine and i AM using in the assignment.
    I AM going to compare advantage an disadvantage of the topic in our country and overseas.
    I am going to use only family names

  • suggest,may have,likely to be,may have to

  • passive structures
    was written by
    were evaluated to
    very long noun phrase
    schools evaluated highest academic students transcript
    six adjectives that reveal author's viewpoint

  • i highly recommend finish your assignment at least one week before the deadline, you will have a long time to proofread the final work.

  • they show in a practical and easy way the types of assignments we have to prepare.(individual and group presentations, prepare reports, sit traditional exams, write academic essays and complete the Dissertation over the summer period.

  • i had prepared essays about finance in my bachelor degree.

  • i think that an university written assignment is more complex, usually we have to read about topics we don't know very well.

  • reading headlines,abstracts and conclusions in order to see if a reading is appropiate for me, it's something that i really keep for the future.

  • 1.Tina: international student advisory
    2.Pavel:medical practice
    3.Jin:english language
    5.ahmed:financial support.

  • i highly prefer taking my notes by pen and paper. Make a list with the key words and a short resume beside is my favorite.

  • i think that having an accurate record could help you for future researchs.

  • having available a lot of sources for one topic, makes a library very attractive as a study place. i really changed my mind after this video.

  • I checked the university of aberdeen library and it's really complete and organized and offer a lot of important services for the students.

  • i highly prefer to study in my own room, whit no noise and interruptions. i remain really focus when i am not bothered about noise and screams.

  • critical thinking must be a routine in our daily life in all the areas.

  • i choose the text E, and i think it could be very helpful,because this kind of researchs should be done for government institutions, health is a matter of the government, real data from people surveys it's a good point to start.

  • i think that governments should create billboards around the country, show ads on tv and radio too,in order to realize people about how important is reduce meat consumption for help and enviroment.

  • I have never been provided with book lists,some teachers gave us the books during the course, it would be great if we had received it before the course in order to anticipate.

  • I enjoy reading a lot, it's a great oportunity to know new things, improve and increase or vocabulary,and expand our knowledge.
    I think it's better to read by paper.

  • it has been a very helpful week. i really keep on my mind how to prepare before making a lecture or a seminar, how to writte down step by step things before, during and after the presentations.i highly appreciatte this course and i will aplicate this advices in my life.

  • socializing is very important, you meet new people and you can share knowledges with them, having international friends can give you a wide worlwide view of a lot of topics.

  • i think it will be easy, just be yourself practice sports in my case football,or try to hang out with people who likes what you like.

  • i will adapt this information to my teamwork routine presentation.

  • A good cup of coffee always help me with nerves, practice in my room a couple of days before is a good idea,practice exposing the same ideas in diferent ways of words.

  • At the beginning i feel very nervous but when the presentation is taking part i start felling more fluent and comfortable. usually the presentations are in spanish in my country,and with the shareholders of the company where i work.

  • 1.Poon should read the articles and make a summarize of them.
    2.he should make a list of the most relevants terms used or acording of the articles.
    3.look for other investigations about the same topic, read and compare with the two recommended articles.
    4.investigate more in depth about toyota
    5.writte down the ideas in the order he plans to speak about...

  • it's important to get to know all the group, confidence make people work better.

  • absolutely, there are some people who don't hear other partners opinions,and only his word is the absolutely true, we can find this issue at work too,sometimes we can be flexible but there are times when we can't tolerate a person dominate the whole team.

  • Working in groups with people from differents countries help us to have a universal view of the topics,and teach us new things.

  • Listening carefully to other students is really important,we need to be conected with the seminar, it helps you to clearify Even your own ideas, by the other hand write down our ideas in paper is really helpfull, then we can express it better.

  • “You cannot learn to speak fluently without practising.” this is one of the most important issues about this statements.
    without practicing we can't be fluent,talking everyday, everytime in english with other native english speakers help us to enhance our english speaking skills.it's good to find people who really loves to help you with this assingment.

  • this course is so interesting, i really have made a excelente choice by registering in it.

  • I think most suitable accommodation to khalid is a private, because when he finish his 3 months preparation the whole family will come to live with him and he needs some private space.
    I think that the best choice to arianna is a host family,because the family can provide the food for her and the family can help her showing the city, teaching her how to take...

  • other main factor could be the proximity of the place of live to the university.it's very important live close to the university or in a place with an easy access to transportation.
    a place quiet and calm in order to study without any problem.
    a place close to restaurants and groceries stores.

  • Thank you for your tips, to get involve in uk culture is a fundamental topic during the time we are going to be studying.

  • it's a great study plan, thank you british council for sharing this knowledge. i am going to apply the majority of this items in my future academic experience, i hope in uk.

  • i think that linear notes is the better option because you are going in a sequence that it's easy to understand.

  • creative
    Fast worker
    Greg gave some good examples,he did a very good interview.

  • I'm a really calm person.
    For example sometimes between some áreas, there are a Lot of discussions and some people talk in a bad way,or get angry about work issues, i always stay calm and bring peace between my team and the other areas.

  • Tell about academic profile,work profile,skills and expectations.
    Why do you want yo work with us?
    What do you know about us?
    What can you add to our company?

  • It's important to make a deep check of our cv,some interviewers usually make some puntual questions about it.

  • a really simple and efficient explanation.

  • arrive at least 15 minutes before the interview
    you look dress smart, no jeans and no tennis, maybe a tie and a jacket would be suitable.
    turn off your phone before getting in.
    practice answering some questions related to the field of job interview.

  • Study your cv
    study about relevant professional matters of the job post
    investigate about the company(history,owners,social programs etc)

  • the last job interview i had, i was closing month in my currently job, and i was very busy, i couldn't get concentrated very well, because i was thinking about the reports i was preparing at that time,the deadline was really close and that time, my performance wasn't very well.

  • i didn't find any.