Ameera Khan

Ameera  Khan

Location Pakistan


  • Thank you for the remark! To answer your question, when it comes to handling data (and that too which is sensitive in nature), there need to be measures taken on security and ethics.
    Taking an example from the corporate world, we have seen how Cambridge Analytica/Facebook and other companies were under fire recently for not informing users of the information...

  • .

  • Currently pursuing my Masters in Analytics so I have the right skill set needed to achieve my goals.

  • They help review what is relevant and what isn't. These steps also make us look at potential positive/negative externalities which may arise and create contingency plans for them.

  • I believe holding everyone accountable is the most important aspect because it gives everyone a sense of responsibility for a greater cause and helps the manager of the project identify progress and evaluate the effectiveness.

    I believe the reasons mentioned above cover all the aspects.

  • Just like companies use data to increase sales, policymakers can use data to provide the right resources to the right people in order to increase overall well-being of society. My vision is to create an accessible database in Pakistan to achieve precise and efficient data driven policy making.
    It's all part of making a better world.
    The world will be more...

  • I love how she persuaded locals through christmas cards as well as national-level media work.

  • It was a little unclear as to how she decided which stance was important and her selection criteria... Would have loved some elaboration on that.

  • Lord Wilson has really given power a multidimensional definition. "Never underestimate the power of gossip". I really like the undertones of this speech, its full of examples and advice. A great learning experience.

  • During my time as a financial literacy trainer I taught women in rural areas of Punjab, Pakistan about the importance of budgeting and investing as these were part of the requirements of the course. However, most of the women felt fed up because the course I was teaching them had no relation to their own financial circumstances and asked me stop my lecture.

  • Oddly enough, I have seen Donald Trump use some of these techniques, especially authority, he chooses to influence policymakers by signalling how credibly he sees them.

  • The minister of information, technology firms and microfinance banks

  • Ameera Khan made a comment

    The many people are not receiving resources which are being wrongfully taken up by powerful politicians. I want to make sure that there is an open platform which allocates the most suitable resources to the people who need them and not jus t throw money on the problem.

  • It really made me think about what part of the package (knowledge,skill, passion, experience) I need to improve on.

  • A policy which can aid in times of crisis is one that can have the greatest impact.

  • 1,2 and 5 are the most important.

  • 1, The lack of awareness about AIDs and the misconception seems like the greatest problem for policymakers like Lord Fowler. "Human attitude" is the greatest influence for any policy.
    2. Of course, it was overcome by the "Don't Die of AIDS" campaign which used modern media to spread awareness and help.
    3. In this day and age, social media campaigns through...

  • case1: I'm a little surprised that the FDR deal actually became successful due to WWII, sometimes unfortunate catalysts do really aid policies.
    case2: there should be more humane ways to take care of dsiruptions of the ecosystem
    case3: The SDGs need an upgrade through smart technologies, there are many TED talks and research which has been done that show if...

  • I totally agree! It's very hard to influence those in power with rigid opinions.

  • Evidence is important but usually, in developing countries, it is not utilized due to the fact that opinions of the policymakers prevail. We should also look at how such opinions can be changed in order to gauge those in positions of power to accept evidence based policies.

  • I really appreciate the fact that Dr Wooding cautions us about not only relying on the evidence for the policy, but rather "market" the evidence based policy to align with the values and aims of the particular organization you are pitching to. In addition to this, his emphasis on the quality of research for the evidence is vital because it would be of little...

  • for me, both approaches go hand in hand due to the unique mix methods nature of my research.

  • Quantitative: Number of online transactions, use of microfinance for saving, change in GNI per capita through digitalization, change in literacy rates, increase in nutrition, fertility etc, change in govt effectiveness, changes in employment rates,

    Qualitative: particular patterns of consumption goods and services, household dynamics of using digital goods...

  • Thank you! I have also done secondary research for it in my Bachelors Thesis :)

  • @ShadyRashed randomized controlled trials/experiments

  • @FlexbanielblessingOyefeso yes exactly using observations as well as surveys and statistical tests

  • I will use a mix methods approach which includes surveys, interviews, testing and observation through RCTs

  • 1. I feel the policy will be in the greatest capacity to influence at stage 4. There is no point trying to influence anyone without doing your homework especially when you have to refute the opposition.
    2. It would be naive not to use evidence in any part of policy making. You need evidence for every point you make so it cannot be restricted to just one step.

  • A great way to integrate both passion and objectivity is to study academic articles, history, similar studies and social dynamics and ask yourself, does all the evidence I have gathered signal a sound, positive impact of my policy? If yes, then the passion and motivation will flow automatically!

    However, there are instances when everything seems perfect but...

  • Hypothesis: How can development indicators be impacted through digitalization of an economy?
    Prediction: Literature and empirical studies (including my own dissertation) suggest that there exist a positive impact of the use of internet, mobile phones and digital flows on the UNDP’s HDI of developing countries.
    Test: In order to pinpoint exactly which...

  • I agree, a mix methods approach can really prove to be effective not just in resource allocation but to emotionally influence the policymakers as well. The most important reason its been overlooked, especially in developing countries is the lack of data collection, in some regions, data is even manipulated to sway votes!
    So it is imperative to include...

  • My passion is to create a world where policies are built by the people i.e by studying their interactions, consumption patterns, informal institutions etc. to formulate effective ways of increasing well-being. Henceforth, my policy is to revolutionize the way in which we make policies through data driven decision making. The four step process can be applied...

  • .

  • How can digitalization policies be formalised to benefit developing countries? Many lack such initiatives even though, strong linkages between digital flows and development exist.

  • The "policy maker" changes in every setting/ culture. Interesting.

  • Yes I completely agree!! End the structural problem to initiate real change.

  • Its quiet interesting to see that education is the main policy focus. While that may be true we need to step back and understand that it goes hand and hand with other issues such as corruption, lack of infrastructure, economic stability, gender equality etc. Its naive to consider one policy as the most important when there does seem to be a multi-causality...

  • Abdul Sattar Edhi, was the greatest humanitarian of our age. Selflessly, throughout his life, he created a safe haven for those that the world forgot, not turning away a single person who asked for help, no matter what resources he had. His determination has managed to save many babies from infanticide, many women and minorities from abuse, many elderly from...

  • We have the same problems in Pakistan and to be honest I think we need to devise policies for the policymakers as well!

  • External factors such as the lack of data collection in some instances hinders and meaningful analysis. Additionally, not many empirical studies have been done in Pakistan to EVALUATE the effectiveness of policies which makes it difficult to implement changes which may/may not aid development in the country.

  • Given that my passion is to encourage data driven policies, it incorporates all the above mentioned steps. Understanding what the people want and matching the resources to it through quantitative analysis is exactly what I hope to achieve, however it would be naive just to rely on numbers and reality deviates a lot. So it is of crucial importance to balance...

  • My passion is making authentic, honest and realistic data driven policies a norm in developing countries to really allocate efficient resources and reap benefits where they matter the most!

  • Its so uplifting to know that there is such a large community of people, especially from developing countries, who are so positive and motivated to make a change! Looking forward to working with you all, wherever you are!!

  • I hope that by the end of the course I really understand the in-depth policy making analysis especially in the case of Pakistan and other countries which face structural problems. In the developing world, it is imperative to make a difference on even a micro level to ensure that all members of the community are reaping benefits. My concentration is towards...