Skip to 0 minutes and 0 seconds CHIE ADACHIE: Artificial intelligence, smart phones, tablets, Google, YouTube, social media all connected 24/7. We’ve heard that education has been radically disrupted by technology, so how do we, as educators and professional practitioners stay current, competitive and relevant to learning and development in the digital age. Hello, I am Chie Adachi, from Deakin University. Leaning is happening all the time, everywhere, thanks to the digital. Right now, over eighteen million students across the globe are learning in massive open online courses or MOOCs, just like this course. While over eight hundred universities have created at least one MOOC digital learning is no longer the province of schools and universities alone.
Skip to 0 minutes and 0 seconds Big businesses, startups and not for profit organisations are using digital learning to up-skill their workforce and to build their learning communities. So, whether you are an educator teaching online or a professional working or looking to work in one of the many roles that support premium digital learning we look forward to sharing with you some of our latest thinking in and tranformative potential of this emerging field.