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Certificate of Achievement

Georgina Margaret Owen

has completed the following course:

Making Blended Education Work

The University of Edinburgh and EMBED

The course explored a series of debates related to the conceptualisation and practice of blended learning. It provided a platform for learners to share their experience of blended learning, evaluate and advance the maturity of their blended learning practices, and explore ways to innovate blended learning in the wider context of digital transformation.

5 weeks, 2 hours per week

Yi-Shan Tsai

Research Associate

The University of Edinburgh


Learning outcomes

  • Describe and critically discuss the conceptualisation of blended education
  • Apply key principles of blended learning for programme/course design
  • Assess and analyse the benefits and challenges of blended education
  • Evaluate the quality of blended education
  • Demonstrate critical understanding of the relationship between beliefs and practice in blended learning and teaching


This course will:

  • Introduce concepts of blended learning, blended teaching, and blended education
  • Introduce a reference model to assess the maturity of blended learning practices in course, programme, and institution levels at higher education
  • Include topics that look into critical dimensions of blended learning, such as relations between beliefs and practice, institutional culture and leadership, and post-digital thinking.

Issued on 27th September 2020

The person named on this certificate has completed the activities in the transcript above. For more information about Certificates of Achievement and the effort required to become eligible, visit

This certificate represents proof of learning. It is not a formal qualification, degree, or part of a degree.

Free online course:

Making Blended Education Work

The University of Edinburgh