Skip to 0 minutes and 6 seconds Have you ever been mistaken for being from somewhere you’re not based on your voice? Or, have you ever tried to put on an accent (successfully or not)? Was this in order to tell a more compelling story, have a laugh - or perhaps it was an attempt to try to fit in with a particular community? These sorts of situations show that our accents play a crucial role in how we perform our identity, as well as how we’re perceived by others.
Skip to 0 minutes and 27 seconds Many aspects of our identity: from where we grew up, to our cultural background, or our sexuality, can be expressed and perceived through our speech. The connection between our voices and who we are has long been a focus of study for sociolinguists. Together in this four-week course, we’ll explore different accents, people’s attitudes toward them, and how accents relate to the expression of identity. I very much hope you can join us.