Skip to 0 minutes and 8 seconds The brain has been fascinating humans for a very long time, because it is the seed of our soul and our skills. Imagine one of the most devastating diseases, cancer, and a tumour is infiltrating your brain. The tumour can spread to areas that are crucial for language. And if you’re going to remove the tumour, you may cut out brain tissue that is important for language. A new technique as we use nowadays is awake brain surgery. It means that the patient is awake during surgery. When the surgeon approaches the language areas, we monitor the patient all the time by testing his language. [SPEAKING DUTCH] This is a soldier.
Skip to 0 minutes and 52 seconds This is a table. Language is a very complex cognitive function, and it requires knowledge about how language is represented in the brain. So that’s why it is very interesting. And it becomes more and more relevant, and it’s more and more acknowledged in the clinical field that this is the golden standard to remove brain tumours from the language areas. This is a free online course, and you will learn why language testing during awake brain surgery is very important. You will see what is happening in the OR. And you will learn about the steps behind developing these language tests. You will also be introduced to the latest developments in the field of neurotechnology and neurosurgery.
Skip to 1 minute and 34 seconds To all the people interested I would like to say, join the course and get involved in this innovative part of neuroscience.