Skip to 0 minutes and 17 seconds If someone is able to do first aid, they have a set of skills that range from being able to deal with someone who has fainted or bandage up any of your body parts to potentially saving someone’s life who suffered a cardiac arrest. It really has something that anyone can learn. By helping someone in those vital minutes before help arrives, you aid the chain of survival. The quicker first aid is provided, the better the chance of recovery. Covering events for Andrews. First aid means I have to use my first aid skills all the time. However, there have also been a few instances where I’ve had to use it in the public.
Skip to 0 minutes and 49 seconds Most recently I witnessed a guy fall in the street and go into a seizure. Luckily for us, there was a few of us around who knew how to do first aid and we were able to keep the guy safe until the ambulance arrived.