Skip to 0 minutes and 25 seconds LEX HOOGDUIN: I would like to invite you to a free online course on how to deal with a complex and uncertain world. This course has been produced by a multidisciplinary team of guest teachers, all from Groningen University in the Netherlands. The course will help you to understand the complexity and uncertainty of the real world and provide you with basic tools to act in the real world. For example, as a business leader, policymaker, supervisor, or privately. The themes of complexity and uncertainty require an approach from many different angles, such as network theory, agent-based modelling, emergent behaviour, evolutionary dynamics, cellular automata, history, ethics, leadership, and entrepreneurship.
Skip to 1 minute and 11 seconds At the end of the course, we will have two case studies– one about the financial crisis of 2007-2008, the other about growth and development of cities. During our six-week course, you will see lectures, interviews, and debates. You will study literature, participate in discussions, take quizzes and tests, and make assignments to really comprehend the basics of complexity and uncertainty and how to deal with it. I’m convinced that this multidisciplinary course will help you to see and understand the world from a new perspective. It will help you to be an effective decision maker in whatever position or job you are or will be in and in private life.
Skip to 1 minute and 51 seconds I’m really looking forward to welcoming you to this six-week journey through the fascinating world of complexity and uncertainty.