Skip to 0 minutes and 7 seconds Ryzard Akita: We hear a lot about data. How it’s been stolen from us or used against us is one of the most valuable commodities in the world. Data can often feel like something for analysts or programmers. But you can use the power of data to help you in your daily life and your career. Solving problems with evidence and data will give you the tools to develop useful skills that’ll help you analyse and interpret trends and data. This course is part of a program of three courses into solving problems with technology strand from Future Learn, the Institute of Coding, and the University of Leeds. You’ll be discussing the methods that data gets created, shared, and used in surprising ways.
Skip to 0 minutes and 51 seconds You’ll experiment with using visualizations to make data quicker and easier to understand. Debate the ethics of data collection. And discover just why the data about what you look at on Facebook is so valuable. This course is part of our suite of professional and digital skill courses from the University of Leeds and the Institute of Coding. Covering topics from coding to social media marketing. All available for free to help you build your career today. Whether you’re new to the world of work or forging a new career for yourself, we look forward to sharing your journey into the fast-moving digital space.