Skip to 0 minutes and 11 seconds SPEAKER 1: Ensuring food safety and ending malnutrition by 2030 is the United Nations’ goal for development. In a world where we produce enough good quality food to feed everyone, one in four people are still food insecure. Food insecurity is a major global issue and affects both low- and high-income countries. But how do we ensure access to a sufficient quantity of affordable, safe, and nutritious food to the people that need it the most? This course brings you the latest research on developing sustainable and practical responses to these global challenges. You’ll be introduced to food safety issues and why they occur on a global scale.
Skip to 0 minutes and 58 seconds You will then examine the biological function of different nutrients and what happens to the body when it is deficient. Through case studies, you’ll delve deeper into the challenges surrounding global food safety. You will look into some well-documented food scandals and learn about innovations designed to counter food safety risks. By the end of the course, you will be able to identify current and emerging food safety and nutrition issues and be aware of research offering sustainable solutions. If you want to learn more about global issues of food safety and nutrition, join this course.