Skip to 0 minutes and 3 seconds More than half of the global population now lives in urban areas. The continual growth of cities around the world presents us with major challenges. In this course, you will explore the dynamics behind growing urban areas. How can flows of people, natural resources, goods and services be governed in a more inclusive and sustainable way? And how can cities manage risks posed by climate change, such as rising sea levels, urban heat waves, floods, which place increased stress on urban infrastructures. Based on practical examples, such as flood risk management in African cities, you will familiarise yourself with effective strategies to navigate the challenges of urban adaptation.
Skip to 0 minutes and 54 seconds Major cities, such as Tokyo, Jakarta, Dali are examples that we think of if urban areas are mentioned in the news media. Yet smaller and medium sized cities are also growing at fast rates and drive global urbanisation. Nevertheless, despite the complexity of adaptation in different urban environments, local communities are at the heart of adaptation. And people are the most powerful agents of change. This online course on governing urban adaptation was created by an experienced multidisciplinary team of researchers at the University of Groningen Campus Fryslan in cooperation with this Global Center on Adaptation. If you’re curious to discover more about tackling adaptation challenges in urban areas, join us for this course.