Skip to 0 minutes and 7 seconds Tuyen Do: Artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, machine learning, the cloud. You’ve probably heard of these technologies, but do you know what they are? This course will help you find out. Learn about Current Digital Workplace Trends is one of three courses exploring thriving in the digital workplace. You’ll discover how digital technologies are influencing the world we live and work in. And why digital skills are needed in the workplace. From demystifying some of the big myths about the future of work, to exploring how you can use technology to work smarter, this course is a practical guide to using technology effectively in your career. You’ll hear the experiences of people like yourself, who are new or returning to the world of work.
Skip to 0 minutes and 56 seconds And learn from professionals with many years experience. And throughout the course, you’ll be able to apply what have learned to create a guide for your next steps. This course is part of our portfolio of professional and digital skills courses from the University of Leeds, in association with the Institute of Coding. Covering topics from coding to social media marketing. All available free to help you build your career today. Whether you’re new to the world of work or forging a new career for yourself, we look forward to sharing your journey in the fast-moving digital space.