Skip to 0 minutes and 7 seconds Hi. I’d like to invite you to sign up for our course, Short Film in Language Teaching. In my opinion there is no better way to invigorate a language class, than by using film. My name is Muriel Huet and I’m a language teacher and teaching consultant. Throughout my career I have found that introducing film into my language teaching, excites learners in ways that other lesson content doesn’t. This course is a step-by-step guide to making the best possible use of foreign language short films. We will introduce you to teachers, educators and experts, who will illustrate to you, the enormous benefits that short film can bring to the classroom.
Skip to 0 minutes and 45 seconds This course will equip you with a range of simple, but effective techniques that have the potential to increase your language students attainment and enjoyment. It doesn’t matter what set, or what level, or how many students you’re dealing with, you will be able to find a way to make that film very interesting and captivating and to bring languages alive for those students. We kind of think of it as “real French” rather than textbook French. We hear the words are in a different language, but you can see what they’re trying to say in their language.
Skip to 1 minute and 14 seconds I think it allows people to apply their knowledge they already have of French, into real-life situations and how people would use certain phrases and certain tenses in real life. We’ll be using several short foreign language films that you can use in your classes and we will also direct you to a host of other film resources, that you can explore. This course does not require any specialist or technical film knowledge, but by the end of it, we think you will have the confidence to use and make short films that bring languages to life. So join us and bring a little film magic into your language classroom.