Skip to 0 minutes and 3 seconds What is physical computing? How can you control LEDs and motors using buttons and sensors? How can you make a robot buggy using a Crumble controller? This free course will help you develop your physical computing skills and become more confident in teaching physical computing to children aged 5 to 11. You’ll learn about designing and programming systems that use components such as buttons, lights, and motors. You’ll build projects using a Crumble controller and a BBC
Skip to 0 minutes and 34 seconds micro:bit. And you’ll reflect on how your projects use the programming principles of sequence, selection, and repetition. This three week course also contains peer-led discussions, trainer interaction, and practical activities to control a robot buggy using a block-based programming language. So whether you’re a teacher with students of your own, or simply curious about Crumble, this course will help you to start teaching physical computing to 5 to 11-year-olds. Sign up now at