Skip to 0 minutes and 8 seconds Many health care professionals see patients who do not follow their instructions, do not take their medication the way they should, or just don’t show up for their appointments. This can lead to feelings of frustration, worry, and powerlessness. You would really like to help these patients. But you just don’t know how to deal with them. But how do you think your patient is feeling? Many patients are insecure about themselves. They may not understand their doctors, feel ashamed, are unable to ask the right questions, or experience difficulties finding their way through the health system. Many people have difficulty accessing, understanding, appraising, and communicating information in relation to health and disease. This is what we call having limited health literacy.
Skip to 1 minute and 1 second 47% of the European population has limited health literacy, which is related to medication errors, low adherence, and higher healthcare costs. Being able to support and empower these patients is essential for providing high quality care. In this three-week course, Working with Patients with Limited Health Literacy, you will gain insight into what limited health literacy is, and what the consequences are for a patient’s health. Through familiar cases, you will find out how to recognise this in your patients, and you will learn about practical strategies and techniques you can use when working with patients with limited health literacy.
Skip to 1 minute and 46 seconds At the end of the course, you have the knowledge and skills to work with patients with limited health literacy, which can contribute to better health outcomes. And you will feel more empowered when talking to your patients. So if you want to learn how to work with limited health literate patients in an effective way, join us.