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Applying Principle 1

Review the reading Placing Human Behavior at the Center of the Fight to Eradicate Polio: Lessons Learned and Their Application to Other Life-Saving Interventions. As you read, try to identify …

Applying “Reaching Special populations”

Please read pages 40 to 50 of this document: Rejection of the Polio Vaccine: A Multifaceted Problem with Deep Roots. Thinking of all the different ways the polio campaign has …

Exercise: Rapid Context Analysis

You’re ready to try the context analysis yourself! To do so, choose a context and health issue you are familiar with, perhaps the one you used for Exercise: Mini Stakeholder …

Communication Strategies According to Context

In the next video, you will learn about some communication strategies tailored for specific contexts. Before watching the lecture, please take some time to think about what you might already …

Exercise: Mini Stakeholder Analysis

You’re ready to try the stakeholder analysis yourself! To do so, use your own context and a health program you are familiar with as your example. Or, you can think …

Applying “History of the Alliance”

Please review the reading Albert Sabin and the Coalition to Eliminate Polio from the Americas As we just heard, strategies that are successful in one context don’t always work in …

Who are we?

The Synthesis and Translation of Research and Innovations from Polio Eradication (STRIPE). STRIPE is a research collaboration across eight global institutions. Our aim is to map, synthesize, and disseminate lessons …

Welcome to the course

Welcome! Before we begin the course, let’s take a quick look at some of the issues and topics we will be covering over the next 5 weeks as we explore …