Helen Lloyd Tēnā tātou, nau mai, haere mai ki te whakaakoranga. Nō Ingarangi, nō Norfolk au, engari, kei Te Whanganui-a-Tara au I noho ana ināianei. Ko Helen Lloyd tōku inoga. …
In this step we think about how we can teach with objects through Embodied learning and Dialogic learning What is Embodied learning? According to a report in the OECD Teachers …
In this step we think about Object-based learning in connection with taonga Māori | Māori artefacts. What are taonga Māori? According to Te Aka – the Māori dictionary, a taonga …
These articles are from the online course:
Object-Based Learning (OBL) in the Cultural Heritage Sector of Aotearoa New Zealand