Zahiruddin Fitri Abu Hassan

Zahiruddin Fitri Abu Hassan

Dr Zahir as he is normally called is a senior lecturer at the Faculty of Built Environment, Universiti Malaya.
He is also the deputy director of the Academic Enhancement & Leadership Development Centre


  • This course has already received CPD points approval for Royal Intitution of Surveyors Malaysia. Should you received CPD points approval where you are, please let us know.

  • That is a really good way to approach it in a less technical language.

  • Chloride-induced corrosion is a common feature in other climate conditions, not just in temperate climate. Concrete construction near the sea is readily susceptible to the risk. I personally have seen quite a lot of structures affected here in the tropics.

  • Anywhere that you can find cement based material, there is a probability calthemite could develop with the right conditions.

  • Thank you for the suggestion. We will add more pictures in the next run of the course.

  • The purpose of this poll is to know whether the learners could identify a picture of a timber knot. It is a poll to gather information on the familiarity of learners with defects in general.

  • Which of these are you unsure about?

  • From where did you join us @HillaAtal?

  • Thank you for your honest feedback Pete. We will certainly take on board your comments in our next updated version run.

  • Yes, please standby while we fix this.

  • From watching UK TV shows, I also saw a lot of new builds having external timber claddings. Architecturally very nice to look at, hopefully the owners have an idea to keep these cladding moss free in the long run.

  • Anyone of our fellow learners from temperate climates would like to share their experience on this matter?

  • Cultural impact would be the pinnacle, but attitudinal and policy impact are the immediate goal.

  • Hi all, I want to disseminate my research output impactfully using new media channels.

  • Agreed. More on this in our dedicated concrete defects lesson step.

  • Designed well, the protection offered by the bulk concrete member should be enough to protect the reinforcing steel economically. However, there are examples of the usage of stainless steel rebars in critical infrastructures. The cost though would be astronomical.

  • Your science background will serve you well in your journey to become a competent building surveyor. Good luck!

  • @NeilEmery Thank you.

  • I'd like to get some conversation going between learners so feel free to comment/add on from your fellow learner's responds.

  • It is important to educate the public about the relationship between their health and the impact from their dwelling.
    We see similar trajectory of cases here in Malaysia. There are cases where the occupants of buildings face severe health issues due to mould infestation.

  • Quite a number of factor determine this such as the leachate concentration, CO2 level and air circulation. I believe the exact chemistry will also influence the rate of formation and might act as catalyst.

  • Nice to met you Neil.

  • Interesting, any reason why the powdercoating on the beam failed in the first place?

  • I am happy to report that The Royal Institution of Surveyors Malaysia (RISM) has recognised the completion of this course to worth 9 CPD points.

    For RISM Building Surveying division members, please complete the course and purchase the certificate of achievement from the platform.
    You will need to email a copy of the certificate to to...

  • Hi there, nice to meet you

  • In terms of specific acts of law that governs the responsibility of designers for durability, there is very little in Malaysia. However if building specification was written well, and performance specification is used more there should be less issues with durability.

  • Welcome Gerard, nice to mee you.

  • Dropbox Paper is a tool that I particularly use a lot, especially with students group collaboration and presentation.

  • I am a Malaysian, so we say "Apa Khabar".

  • Hello, Annyeong haseyo.

  • Hello all, I am Zahir from Malaysia. I teach undergraduate course in Building Surveying at Universiti Malaya, a public university in Kuala Lumpur.

  • I was doing this on a Friday, so naturally I just have to add 1 to the 7 days to a week.

  • I tend to think that children should be allowed to live in their time, i.e the digital age. Control should be exercised by parents to ensure the children still have time for physical activity and healthy eating. Yes, the internet can be a dangerous place but there are benefits that we can't ignore. I agree with the panels, the jury is still out.