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Michal Czubinski

Michal Czubinski

On the path to the new career and awesome future.

Location Newcastle Upon Tyne



  • Great article. Just what I said in my assignment earlier in the course.

  • Content of the link removed

  • Mike the Marketer, wants to become marketing director. He wears trekking shoes and he doesn't have any animals. He loves gazing up into the night sky.

  • It's common in the sign making industry. Make This sign, there's not enough time. This is going to fail - but we got no option.

  • Hi. I'm Mike (Michal) originally from Poland, but now lived in the UK for last 12 years. I'm on my path to change course of career. Widely interested in management, marketing, project management, science etc...
    This morning I had 67 courses on my wish-list with 12 finished certified, however I did scan through some other courses available, and now my...

  • I liked it.

  • padlet doesn't work :(
    1. Prepare clothes and outfit after coming back from work before DJ job.
    2. Get the portable power bank
    3. Get alarm clock
    4. Use meditation to reduce time of sleep needed to 3-4 hours a night
    5. Eye patch mask for no light disturbance.
    6. Put time cap on his DJ job to 1.30 am at most (time management)
    7. change aim to get on 2-3...

  • impact effort

  • Changing Tariq's life all together.
    1. Prepare clothes and outfit after coming back from work before DJ job.
    2. Get the portable power bank
    3. Get alarm clock
    4. Use meditation to reduce time of sleep needed to 3-4 hours a night
    5. Eye patch mask for no light disturbance.
    6. Put time cap on his DJ job to 1.30 am at most (time management)
    7. change aim...

  • Tariq's Problem is to change his life all together.

  • Well, he can't do even simple things right way. What to expect.

  • Journey map, Empathy map, Interview

  • He should get up earlier. Living in a busy city is not an explanation for being late. He should get on the bus stop 4-5 buses earlier to arrive at work with 1 hour - 1.5 hour to spare.

  • Michal Czubinski made a comment

    - Data shows the number of customers. Times (mostly evening)
    - We can work out average customer spend.
    - Sides take almost half of the items ordered.
    - She served 10 customers in 4 hours 40 minutes.
    - chips are going with every order (sometimes double)

    There is plenty to work out of this data. I would extrapolate this data for any given period of time...

  • It holds everything. It knows that I'm learning broad range of management and marketing skills, while trying to change path of my career, and learning how to invest and deal with large sums of money, while maintaining spiritual and philosophical approach to it all.

  • I'm on the path to change my career. Originally from Poland, and lived for 12 years in the UK.

  • I'm letting my phone to collect data about everything that I do. Together with my watch, and all my other devices. This way I made data that was collected about me, to get me to the point where I am, with no effort. I got algorithms to work towards my career shift, and everyday this goes faster and faster, better and better. It feels so powerful to have AI and...

  • Get more viewers to the YouTube channel.
    I did SWOT analysis, broke down the problem into small solutions that are big impact low effort to start channel development.

  • it is a great way to get to the bottom of the problem, already using it :)

  • I've chosen Creativity, but my biggest strength really is the power to think what I want, that converts reality around me to what I really want every time. This gives me power, commitment and focus to achieve all I want with happiness.

  • Hi, I'm Mike and I'm on the path to the new career and awesome future.
    Originally from Poland, now 12 years working and learning in the UK.

  • Meditation and yoga combined together with knowledge that you are in charge what you think and can think leaves you always in the place that you are always at your best.

  • Michal Czubinski made a comment

    Human Resources should research in this fast paced environment into how people are learning and developing skills. In the era of AI and Machine Learning, within 10 years we would have to rewrite the whole system again. So it is of utmost importance to take into account, and monitor what kind of skills everyone is gaining to ensure continuity of workflow and...

  • Actually I knew this.

  • hmmm, how to get rid of them entirely?

  • C2C

  • They can. Central registry will be able to process this, as it will be connected to banking worldwide.

  • Sort of. It should be like a registry for all people arriving on the island.

  • No. Phone to phone. Device to device. Phone to device.

  • Register habitants phones in centralised system, so than payments can be made by touching the phones, or devices installed in businesses and services.

  • I'm in 100%.
    I would start by listing what kind of business activities we've got on the island and think of what kind of payment technology could serve it the best, while simultaneously thinking about about entirely new way.

  • It is super exciting. You should have seen my smile : )

  • While learning about how to become manager/product developer/project manager/marketing director, I'm having sneak peak into payment technology which I believe is on of most important parts of any business/project/campaign.

  • Advantages are of all sorts. Disadvantage is that this is still developing, so at times can be risky and uncertain.

  • Paying with my phone and PayPal.

  • Big companies think that they can get away with anything. However take one individual, is determined enough, to prove his case, and than it all changes.
    As a future managers we need to be sure to do the right thing, always.

  • unfortunately none. this is why I'm changing my career.

  • Look. Every decision we are to make, has an infinite amounts of factors and circumstances to consider. Using enough data to make a better one doesn't always make a cut. Also too much data might hamper your decision and you might not be able to make it.

  • I started few months ago, and planned it all.

  • Well, life and education lead me to the point I'm now.
    I wanted to be scientist, so I got Chemistry Master Degree.
    But peer pressure, the way I was educated lead me to being sign maker as this was the way I was making money to pay for my chemistry studies.

  • Well, I would have reported her first of all to her manager/and or walk out of the door that she had clearly shown everyone where they were.
    If I were her, I would show, and work by example, agreed with all the kitchen staff, to make this kitchen best in the world.

  • 1. A
    2. D
    3. L
    4. B
    5. L
    6. D
    7. L
    8. A
    9. D
    10. B

  • Good manager should speak to everyone in the manner that they hear what they want to hear, simultaneously achieving his goals.
    Bad manager - we all know those.
    I would like to be always happy manager who can achieve all his organisation goals while carrying and helping all his staff to achieve their goals.

  • Why not, to Connect waterfall and agile processess into one complex system?

  • I'm on the path for a new Marketing manager career.

  • In the market of physical product there is very little or no thought how to get it to be online. How to market a shampoo to be innovative and disrupting, we will still need it, but how to fit it into AI and big data analysis to make it t=into an interactive product.

  • no innovation in my workplace, and it's not coming. So here I am learning everything to join the organisation that will get me there were action is.

  • I'm hoping to learn all the basics and beyond.

  • The era that we are living in, will be all about empowerment of all people.
    We already got everything that we need, and getting everything is easy. The way, that will empower you/humans/people using what is available around, it will be breakthrough approach. You know, we are all cyborgs already, just the interface eye-hand-brain isn't fast and enough....

  • Procter and Gamble - present
    #naturalhome - not present

  • Value and worthiness, that makes me grow.

  • using your own "gut" feeling, that's surprising, but good

  • For Samir: strap line: "Live your life, love your pet, and let us love it with you."
    every morning.

  • Maybe also private messages he will receive will be good?

  • True.

  • Increased connection on LinkedIn. If my activities will encourage people to connect me on LinkedIn, and as a result of this I will start receiving recognition of my comments approach and growth plan, this will be a good metric that I did things right.
    So if you want to connect to me on LinkedIn, you are very welcome.
    Please just send me an invitation.

  • Number of new connections on LinkedIn.
    If you also want to connect to me on LinkedIn, you are very welcome.
    Please just send me an invitation.

  • Retweets and mentions.

  • Samir. He needs to get to work with his social media.

  • I like that I learned to identify my target audience. It was great. I will use it in the future, and using it now actually.
    If you also want to connect to me on LinkedIn, you are very welcome.
    Please just send me an invitation.

  • I'm not getting any other adverts apart of self development, or becoming a millionaire, or my spiritual development.
    The reason might be that none of day to day products campaigns are focused on the actual well being of their customers. Am I right?
    If you also want to connect to me on LinkedIn, you are very welcome.
    Please just send me an invitation.

  • Targeted paid activity to reach your audience, works miracles. Tried it in the past, and however it was expensive, it got me what I wanted at all times. The key to it was to get the wording right.
    If you also want to connect to me on LinkedIn, you are very welcome.
    Please just send me an invitation.

  • In my experience "organic reach" is "a king".
    When I had business set up, I had a website that was bought for a 30% of its value, and it was around £4200.00 (pounds).
    The html coding was state of art, and combined together with great copy of the content, which was made up with almost only keywords, and it was the response to all the search phrases, of the...

  • To get to my target audience, I'm planning to introduce a new way of thinking, and revolutionary approach to a marketing, where your marketing, apart of doing all the basics, and getting just a share of the market, gets you/them access to a close to 100% market share. Is it possible? Watch me succeed.

    If you also want to connect to me on LinkedIn you are...

  • In my marketing campaign I want to target high level executives and directors, who are on good positions and involved in marketing within my desirable target industry.
    Age: 30 - 75
    Location: preferably local
    Gender: male and female
    Interests: Committed to their work
    Life Stage: Directors, executives, brand managers in search of breakthrough marketing...

  • Samir: His target audience are people who are busy and often can't take care of their pets

  • I don't really see or notice any social media campaigns. The way I set up/ influenced/ tricked my search algorithms, gets me only the adverts I want to see, and I click on all of them, to see if its good enough to buy, follow or share.
    You see lots of campaigns is about "getting" people into something, by a trick or flashy "good deal looking stuff"....

  • I like the planning bit.

  • Well tailored Instagram and Facebook will work for all of them.

  • Set the goal, and make the decision to do it.

  • They all need to plan to get onto the social media platforms to get more customers and more impact, and spread the knowledge about their businesses online.

  • The era that we are living in, will be all about empowerment of all people.
    We already got everything that we need, and getting everything is easy. The way, that will empower you/humans/people using what is available around, it will be breakthrough approach. You know, we are all cyborgs already, just the interface eye-hand-brain isn't fast and enough....

  • Just try, and see if it works. Than keep improving. All the knowledge is at your hand.

  • Me, personally, I love that all those media gather my data. Because of this I can influence ALGORITHM to get me everything I want effortlessly. I asked algorithm to tell me how to become millionaire on 13th January (and keep asking) since than I learned more (just less then a month) than I've learned throughout my entire 40 years of life.

  • yeah. It works, audience gets engaged. But how about that content would engage audience for continuous bliss, life improvement, without dosing bits of happiness. Marketing and content management, need to be reinvented. Not to engage some percentage of audience, but all of it. Is it possible?

  • Lengths, times, sources, any factors are important. But when I come across something that improves my life, it doesn't bother me how long, or how good quality it is, is it bad or good production. If it is improving my life I'll watch it no matter anything. How about you?

  • It's obvious. The content you find online is mostly news or gossip. Worse kind of so-called knowledge. People scanning through it and think they know more.
    Unfortunately, news or gossip really don't give you knowledge, and even if they did, knowledge itself has no meaning, one need to know how to use and act upon it.

  • Version 2 is great.

  • We are The Company. Being interconnected between Lima, Miami, Accra and Bangkok, makes up team of 50 committed people.

    We strive to create marketing copy, materials and websites with huge passion.
    Handling campaigns with advertising team, we are allocating tasks to relevant team members, that have experience across the industry. Our interconnectedness...

  • The era that we are living in, will be all about empowerment of all humans.
    We already got everything that we need, getting everything is easy. The way, that will empower you/humans/people using what is available around, it will be breakthrough approach. You know, we are all cyborgs already, just the interface eye-hand-brain isn't fast and sufficient enough....

  • Feeling beautiful - is most "speaking" to me...

  • Call to action is an essential way to interact with audience.
    Using emotions is also essential, but the key is that if you want for your marketing to be successful, I believe that it must include effortless connection to ones learning and self-development, beyond other benefits.

  • I buy only when I read specifications of the product I'm buying.
    If it is about something about my self development, I will like, follow or subscribe only if it fits my plan, and gets me the benefits I want.

  • I call it - "influence your algorithm". Ever since I started learning, I knew that if i get my searches to represent my goal, the search algorithms will provide me with content to achieve my goal effortlessly.
    And this is happening, not only on knowledge level, but also around my personal, and spiritual development.
    You will be surprised how much more you...

  • Elon Musk’s said, “when something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favour”.
    Therefore I am on the path to finish another 66. courses to become Marketing Manager or Product Developer, with outstanding base of my Master's Degree in Chemistry (and broad knowledge of advanced maths, modelling, physics, processes efficiency).


  • I think my plan is great, and the review I did is also great and generous, and to the point with encouragement.
    Waiting for my review to come back.

  • I'll plan to attend meetings and lectures of my target industry, to gain valuable connections.

  • My position improved, all my online profiles are brushed up and tidy.
    Instagram and Facebook are private. LinkedIn is professional

  • Elon Musk’s said, “when something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favour”.
    Therefore I am on the path to finish another 66. courses to become Marketing Manager or Product Developer, with outstanding base of my Master's Degree in Chemistry (and broad knowledge of advanced maths, modelling, physics, processes efficiency).


  • 1. Amy. 2. She choose picture in the hallway. YEAH, So, you need to be aware of your activities, depending on what you are doing, and what is your aim, get the right picture.

  • Going outside your comfort zone to challenge yourself.

  • Communication - need it
    Negotiation - need it
    Time management - need it
    Knowledge of the regulatory environment - need it
    Ethics and standards - got it
    Continuing professional development - got it

  • no, i will use LinkedIn.

  • Google seraph only.

  • LinkedIn. The only one for professional use.

  • I'm considering single page website, with my current position detail, plans and learning.

  • All quite obvious, but it needed to be done.

  • Tidied up Facebook. improved LinkedIn.

  • I don't use social media too much. Linked in - professional, everything else private.

  • I couldn't find anything that was embarrassing. I'm surprised how little there is really. So let's get this fixed by completing this course/courses.