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Cristiane Neves

Cristiane Neves

Historian; Educator; Fashion Designer; Mentor of the course "Fashion as Design" - MoMA- NY; owner of Relook by Cristi- a second-hand shop.

Location Belo Horizonte- Minas Gerais- Brazil



  • I grew up among sewing, repairs, alterations, customizations...this is very natural for me. By the age of 10 I started to repair my clothes by hands, when I was 13 I made myself my first outfit. These activities have the power to calm and aliviate anxiety.

  • Neruda for ever! Beautiful poem :-)...I had to go out this morning. I worn a slip floral dress, today is very hot, and a Panamá style hat. I felt good, because the dress is so light and fresh.

  • Usually, I prefer natural fibres, as some synthetics gives me allergy around my neck. Regarding to my body, I don't like to wear tight waist dresses, because I look too thin.

  • So sweet, yet so sensible!

  • Very good, thank you all!

  • Chronicles are my favourites, because they talk about something that affects us at the time it is being written and make us reflect on the subject addressed by the author in a humorous or critical way.

  • Being empathetic is the first step towards a good project.

  • The dress Marion Cotillard wears at the end of the movie "Minight in Paris", she plays a wannabe fashion designer who works as intern at Coco Chanel Maison, love the 20's :-)

  • I didn't know about that, thank you for sharing! :-)

  • In Brazil many girls would love to wear a simple pair of jeans, but due to their religion, mainly Pentecostal evangelism, they're not allowed; that's sad to see how these naive people have been oppressed by religion. I always wear everything I wanted, since I started sewing for myself when I was 13...interestingly, some time ago I went to a job interview and...

  • "Questioning mindset" I usually make questions to myself in order to find a solution through my design, mainly in terms of social issues.

  • It is interesting... Coco Chanel was a great businesswoman, in addition to making history in fashion, once said something that is in line with the sustainable fashion we think of today: "fashion fades, only style remains." Another one that I really like about style and self-respect comes from the Middle East, although I don't know the author: "I welcome you...

  • That's is very interesting, some time ago, during a lecture, a teacher was talking about "vale do jequitinhonha" and pointed that it was better known as the valley of poverty, I said I was from there. As a child, I had always heard that this was one of the poorest regions in the world, I found it curious because I had never seen that extreme poverty around....

  • I've choosen this clip because it's part of my teen years and by coincidence I also would create my own clothes for special ocasions. This scene she's sad, with broken heart, so she starts designing her prom dress (yes, when you're upset, just starts drawing, sewing, embroidery, all these actions heal your soul!). At the end she looks beautiful and so...

  • Hello Lyudmyla, greeting from Brazil! Talking about Cinderella, I have done a project called "Millenium Cinderella Dress" where I show, in my understanding, what a Cinderella would be like today, here is the link from linkedin:

  • Beautiful story... that's a coincidence, in Brazil we wear white dresses in our prom ball too. But I didn't take part in mine, but the previous year I redesigned my sister's. We bought a simple one made some alterations e embelished it with some satin roses I had made, back in the 90's flowers were very trendy, the result? She was one of the most beautiful...

  • I have done other fashion courses here and my favourite piece is still the same: a floral silk, dropped waist dress that has been my best friend for special ocassions for almost 15 years...OMG, how time runs!!!

  • Hello there! I love all kind of stories, as a Historian and Fashion Designer I literally tell stories through my fashion projects, all my designs have an article or chronicle linked to them, talking about my inspirations or some problem that we, as a society, have been facing; I hope to broaden my knowledge in storytelling, I'm so excited to get started!...

  • "No more fashion victims"...It says everything!

  • Hello everyone, I'm Fashion Designer and Historian. Fashion for me is all about Culture, Art...also it has to do with econony, society and environment. So, I hope to learn a lot through the course and from all of you!

  • @ElenaH I think so, Elena, currentely I'm teaching a neighbour (she's my friend too) to repair and customize her clothes, she's Just in love with the possibility of repairing and making her own clothes :-)

  • I've chosen the article about young people together to save the ecosystem, as shown:
    I trully belief that the strength of youth can transform the status quowas impressed by finding out the importance of coral reefs to produce medicine.

  • Thank you for sharing.

  • Well, I don't think I do things with any big impact, but, I recycle water from washing machile, customize my clothes and cultivate fruit trees and vegetables in my back yard...not really related to fashion though :-(

  • very simple practice is that I usually wash my clothes, only once per month, also I rare buy new stuff, I'd rather mend what I already have, and I have enough, for sure, the problem is, I guess, I'm a problem for the capitalist economy.

  • Excellent lesson, thank you very much!

  • That's amazing, how I feel so pieceful with this exercise, thank you so much for sharing, I will try to listen to the nature from now on.

  • It reminds me my little town, Pedra Azul, in notheast of Minas Gerais State, Brazil, it is loccated in a valley surrounded by rock mountains, as a teenager I climbed the largest one to have the most beautiful view in the world, there I met many animals in their natural habitat, behind this mountain there was a beautiful farm called "bom Jardim"- Good Garden, ,...

  • @DeekshaB I love second-hand clothing, I have a beautiful love story with second-hand articles, actually since a little girl through my teens in the 80's, most of my clothes were hand-me- downs, from older sisters and relatives, and I'm so proud of that. Today I upcyle, recicle and customize everything is possible. :-)

  • I'm looking forward to learning a lot through this journey, although I'm a bit lagged behind :-)

  • Cristiane Neves made a comment

    The pandemic has showed the big gap between the poorer and middle class, my sister is a math teacher working in a public school, many of her students are being lagged behind because they don't own a mobile phone, some of them have been using phone from their parents. Even though the government has provided many media to spread the lesson such as government...

  • I've chosen the second one: Can digital technologies really be used to reduce inequalities? Very interesting article, I found out that Brazil is one of the cheapest internet broad band. About the article, the idea of inclusion is very good, but, we know , most of government don't work for the poor, but for the powerful interprises.

  • Sure!

  • First of all iradicate hunger, without food we can't think about anything, second, iradicate poverty, third, good health for all, sustainability and care to our planet, then, education.

  • The pictures show us that we should respect the differences in other to provide real equality, that is, equity.

  • I've compared and saw that education in Brazil is not that bad, as most of us Brazilians usually say. school meal is intrinsic to public education up to high school and since the 1950s there's no charging fee, but until 2003 public universities were only for the upper middle class and rich students, ironic, no? Then, quota system law was created, since then,...

  • The best video of the year, thank you so much! I go for the last question: reciprocal learning, because I have a lot of experiences where I could learn by simply sharing ideas, I remember when I went to spend some time in countryside, and having a good lesson about the culture of banana tree from a 9 years old boy how used to go to school twice a week, then I...

  • Thanks Antony :-)

  • Well, developing countries has a different reality with regard to the economy, some kids even don't have water and eletricity facilities, how could they have internet? unless, those technology would be between educator to share their ideas, then put them in practice. I can't see any other way :-(

  • Hello Antony, now it's clear for me, the same age as here, as I've told you, I did 2 years course there, but didn't know how it works for native. Antony, what do you mean by saying "life experience"? you mean, if someone has, let's say, 3 years working a a pharmacy it counts to study chemistry related to pharmacy? Like, you don't need to study such subject as...

  • @AnthonySHIELDS Thanks for replying, Antony, I found interesting the age rule to be 20. For us, usually, we finish high school at about 18 (if we're not laged behind), then, if we pass in ENEM, we start university at the age of 18 or 19. By the way, that's very expensive fee! I've lived there, in London, studying English, then I did a Fashion course (BTEC) in...

  • it just shows that education is a social activity, here in Brazil, teachers are doing the same, mainly using whatsapp and google meeting, but, problem is there're many kids who have no access to internet. So, I believe, before thinking about technology to help education, we need to think about inclusion, government needs to create technology inclusion...

  • Well, if goverment and private sector of developing countries don't create technology inclusion policies, what cutting-edge technologies would be for? we need to reach those children from the far-off hinterlands of all continents. First of all, we need technology inclusion , otherwise we can't change the status quo.

  • Thank you, Anne, I appreciate that :-)

  • @AnthonySHIELDS Hello Antony, It works like that: middle working class, let's say, people who earn a salary that allows them to pay for their university, usually go for private one, they work during the day and study from ¨6:30 to 11:00 pm. Those students prefer the private ones, because they have the chance to study in the evening, usually, they're over 25...

  • Well, it seems to me, it's a global issue, isn't it? I thought it was kind of developing countries problem, like Brazil and all South Anerica and Asia. Good to know :-)

  • A lot of term completely new for me, thanks! But I'd like to say something, I've never liked the term "race", after all, there's only one race: human. I know it's a common sense word, but, I guess, if we try to say "ethnic group" it'd be better, because all of us, regardless being, black, white, brown, gipsy, we all belong to certain group. So, instead of...

  • Thanks for mentioned his work, I'm Brazilian, on 19th of september he'd be 99, his method is still tought in many schools today, mainly in those poor comunities. So proud to have someone like him in our History of education :-)

  • Hello, Antony, we also have private ones too, but the best ones are public and very difficult to get a place, there have been many ways to try to transform them into private ones, that is, sell them for private educational groups, but students and professors have done protests and strikes to keep them public, I hope we keep them free for all and for good :-)

  • Collaborative peer learning is my favourite, I've done many online course, and I found this kind of learning very productive, as one has to study the subject in order to review another one task, even at university I had this experience and it was so good.

  • You know, Antony, it makes me remember education policies for blacks, browns and poor people that started here in Brazil in 2003, part of the middle class disliked that, by the way, the Brazilian middle class thinks they are elite, yes, most of them don’t know their own reality, as I was saying, although public universities here are totally free, only private...

  • Cristiane Neves made a comment

    What if big business had the obligation to sponsor at least 5% of poor kids until university, and had their taxes reduced? Well, education meaning reflexion and critical thinking, it's not good for many governers, and, in developming countries education is still a road for local elite. Manyof those priviledged people don't wanna change the "status quo". It's...

  • Cristiane Neves made a comment

    My first years at school, was really cool and playful, I have good memories from that time, in high school, I had great teachers too, it was in the 90s, the terms ecology and sustainability began to being discussed at school and I remember myself participating in competition about those themes, there were several tasks about it. We didn't have internet yet,...

  • Beautiful...

  • I totally agree with that article, I'm Fashion Designer, before put in practice my projects, they born first in my mind, every little detail I can picture, I close my eyes and they're in front of me. As I'm the one who create and make all alone, my family and relatives usually say that it is good, because sometimes I may not find anyone to understant or put...

  • That's funny, back in the 60s, the Brazilian Philosopher and Educator Paulo Freire said that the most efficient education would be horizontal, he believed the debate really made students learn, not that vertical education where the teacher would be authority and the student only accepted what the teacher said, without questioning, he called it bank...

  • No doubt about the importance of technology to education, the problem is, mainly in developimg country, part of their students have no access to that. Then, if the government doesn't make technology inclusion policies, it doesn't make any difference.

  • Long ago, I went to do a test in group, the task was to draw little stick like the letter "I" one after another until the acssessor says "stop", then we should start again, it was about 5 stops and started again. Honestly I felt the most idiot person on earth, also the test itself. The result? I didn't get the job. Many years later, I asked a friend who works...

  • Cristiane Neves made a comment

    Thank you so much, very good course!

  • Thank you all, the course was great!

  • Well, I don't know about any business, but if I take Brazil as a business, by analogy, the government never practise any greewashing, in fact they don't care about our environment, and are very proud of this. As my late dad used to say: When you think you've seen such a great ignorance, don't be so surprised dear, the worst is yet to come!". That's Brazil...

  • Very good, thank you!

  • Well, since I was a little girl, I'm so in love with second hand clothes, most of my clothes were and still is hands me down from family and relatives. Later, in my 20s, I went to study english, then fashion in London, there, I found out, how most of Londoners love second hand pieces, like me, my hobby was to spend hour and hour at those shops, so today I...

  • Excelent course, thank you all!

  • true!

  • it was also asked to me.

  • Well, could I say, I feel like I'm in between? I know, I'm creative person, as I'm fashion Designer, but I guess we need people to help us get the job done, as a team, then, not too high, none too low, but just in the middle..

  • good advice, thank you! :-)

  • I think it's a way to achieve sustainable goals.

  • Very good explanation, thank you!

  • Thank you for sharing, it's very good explanation.

  • I would observe the most hard working among them, to give a high position, such as manager sector, in order to keep and improve a continuous sustainable practises. I think, a higher position is a good way of reward an employee. The other employees see that they also have chances to move up in their career.

  • Good to know, thanks for sharing!

  • One good start in fashion field is to make partnership with local artisan, such as seamstress, in order to crate jobs and social inclusion..

  • 2- I believe, the pressure is in the same level of reputation, the more greener a business, the more clients they attracts to them, so it's kind of a balance thing. So everybody benefits from that.

  • Yes, together we are strong! :-)

  • @AlessandroConsigliere Yes, it's in our hands! :-)

  • brilliant idea!

  • Very good!

  • Motivational, very nice!

  • Professional and friendly at the same time, very good!

  • Hi, I'm Brazilian, the reason I'm doing this course is to improve myself as human being, in all area of my life.

  • I believe, it's all have to do with respect towards one to another, as we all live in the same world, and have to care about it, then it's responsability of all, governments, business, NGO, citizen, basically all of us, as human are responsable for what we have done so far and must do to improve or preserve the environment, it includes also the social issue.

  • Ibelieve, Amazing Fashion is in stage 3, because they want their product to be made in 2 developing countries and want to make the difference, but also, want to be known as a sustainable business, but haven't reached the 4th stage yet.

  • The film river blue is so elucidative, thank you all, for sharing.

  • It seems to me, that they go for social and human sustainability pillars, as they're trying to make things better in India and Blangadesh, both country are known for labour explotation and weak labour laws.

  • It made me cry :-(, I believe when watch this video people get more aware about the story behind the clean box of shoes, consumers will put themselves in the workers shoes, this video is really touching, it can make people change.

  • In fashion field, I believe, it's a bit complicated to go really green, even though we may make partnership with artisans and seamstress, we can't see how our materials, mainly, the fabrics are made, as we know the dyeing process involves a lot of chemicals in the water, then it's difficult to have a really clean and transparent business, but the social outfit...

  • Firstly I have to say, as a fashion designer myself, I wish I could be part of this team:-). I believe, sustainability among other things, has to do with thinking about others, it means, being in their shoes, in that sense this company is really being "green", because through creating jobs, they give a sense of dignity to the refugees and migrants, who...

  • Cristiane Neves made a comment

    Hello there! I'm from Brazil, very happy to have the opportunity of doing this course:-)

  • That's funny, when I was living in London I used to wash my clothes every 2 or 3 weeks, I didn't know it was good for the environment, anyway, I love second hand itens, I get many pieces from relatives, sometimes transform them into something new for me or for my family.

  • Good surprise, what some chinese brands have been doing, hat off for them!

  • Well...I guess because my mom used to be a seamstress, I know what is behind the scene of fashion industry, sewing is a hard job. I rarely buy clothes, instead I transform the old ones into something new, it may not help the economy to grow, but, for me it's the only way I can do in order to contribuite to our enviroment. .

  • It's a very complex issue, but I hope we get there soon, all together we're strong.

  • Because of many sad stories out there, I've chosen to share with you, guy, a beautiful one. It's a short clip (less than 3 minutes). It's a family company that really cares about our environment, as they say, they work for a living, not live for work. So, take a look!

  • Yes, I know, there must be some kind of greenwashing, but, I believe, we as customers, we are strong, so we could stand for transparency and demanding for change. Couln't we? Hope we get there Soon. ;-)

  • I've chosen a H&M cardigan, one droped waist silk dress from Zara and a denin jacket from Gap. So, I found out that H&M is the in the top list for using organic cotton in their garments, also, they plan to be a model of circular econony by the year of 2030. Zara (Inditex) has a project of collecting worn clothes for recycling or to give way to charities like...

  • I'm impressed by the number of underfed people, as citizens, it's our duty to think about and find ways to solve this problem.

  • So young and so sensible!

  • Care for yor clothes, like good friends they are...Beautiful. Just like Orsola, I like mending my clothes, also, I usually get second hand items from relatives and make them into beautiful new pieces.