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Marc T

Marc T

Father, Traveller.
Seeker of experience.
A titled, not entitled, professional in my 40’s.

Location Thailand Hong Kong Vancouver



  • Marc T replied to Marc T

    Getting there, thanks you

  • Assumptions on both sides. A bit of the ‘mush’ from a previous unit. One tends to make up a ‘story’ to fill in the blanks of what we don’t know. The narrative often skews toward the negative.

  • Not for me either. Two weeks on.

  • Mental health is foremost on my mind these days. We are all focused on home with COVID, changes of life we are all enduring. Charlotte is clearly having some issues. It’s good she has a spouse to share with.

  • @JennyH the children’s unconscious prejudice is startling.

  • Eddie initially perceived Julia as being above his station.
    The conversation and Julia’s openness levelled the field.
    The episode highlighted so much of the ‘mush’ we learnt about previously.

    Our pre determined notions of others is often a block to ourselves. We think the worst if we don’t know thinks and fill in the void with our own incorrect thoughts.

  • This exactly. Well put.

  • Marc T made a comment

    There is a lot to unpack in the above. I will go thru it a few more times myself, but plainly I personally believe we each have a perception that differers from each other’s; even by .00001%. I love the line they use; ‘The light that falls to your eye’. It is perfect in both it’s literal and figurative meaning.

  • Marc T made a comment

    De-identification is a method of removing emotion. It’s a tool that may help us, but seldom someone affected by trauma directly.

  • Blame, like advice is easy to pass, hard to accept.
    In a good SMS (safety management system) operation there would have been checks and balances to avoid the human error aspect. I have seen a 100 ‘Eddies’ not speak up as they were new or in fear of doing the wrong thing.

  • Marc T made a comment

    I’ve worked in corporates who’ve started in a Thatcher-esq blame cultural, slowly move to a fear cultural, to now a ‘just’ culture that few believe will be ‘just’ and they revert to the fear. Time and leadership are the only ways to reenforce new corporate direction.

  • Definite crisis lacking leadership. Hard to listen to.

  • Marc T made a comment

    Better to hold the stick than being between by it.

  • My sheet has emotional damage due this passed period of life. The exercise is still meaning. The pen drifts instinctively.

  • Marc T made a comment

    Hello there..

    I finished the first part whilst under lockdown in India. I have been stuck there for over four months. Mentally, courses like this kept me checked in. Starting this next part whilst under 14 day HOME isolation has me keen. I have very negative feelings towards India/ lockdown/ and some horrible experiences. Illl try and stay positive.

  • I am only just realising I should have had anchors. I’d be less awash.

  • That’s very enlightened. I struggle to appreciate all my colleagues arrived at the same place, thru varied backgrounds and may not process the same way. Clearly my issue to work thru.

  • @johnwakenshaw bit of both?

  • Would have been nice to see something

  • All prior to TV and obviously internet. Rose coloured tantalising possibilities to lure the young English man abroad.

  • This course is a effort in resilience for. I’m killing time, unpaid in India waiting to be cleared for repatriation. (and Indian Pet export....don’t get me started)
    I could be drinking beer and eating curries, but there is sanity to be found in these courses... with less calories.

    In most things there are ways to get thru. Solutions will present

  • Poorly managed, but Jenna is young. With guidance like that from Eddie, she will be ok.

  • There are many books on Curzon. This was a course for middle school.

  • I’d love that match box.

  • English Public school anyone? Whose been naughty and needs a spanking.

  • Marc T made a comment

    Wicked and badly handled. No one was clean in that situation.

  • Marc T made a comment

    Just Culture...
    It’s been tried so many times requires full management support and time as Keith pointed out.

    Blame culture has been around since we were kids. That doesn’t change quickly (or ever).

    Stupidly I bought in some years ago, and after pointing out some corporate issues, our “just culture’ found the solution was my resigning ...not fixing the...

  • Touchy one. Keeping notes on colleagues is a bit off putting, despite it being for best intents. Cases vs colleagues on tape... CD could have been more discrete.

  • It’s clear both Charlotte and I share some negative behaviours. Charlotte’s ability to reflect on the feedback and accept it is a goal for me.

  • Identity

  • What’s it like to be on the receiving end of me? Hmmm I may need some self reflection there. Bloom’s Taxonomy -

    Does go into this a bit... learning is different for all of us; there will be different takeaways depending on how we are taught and then internalise the information.

  • No... it’s takes someone doing something small to gather the masses to create something great.

  • So hard not to be apathetic at points.

  • I’d suggest, some what kindly to myself, I made more of a hands on impact earlier in my years. Today’s impact is more thru policy.

  • As one.

  • Marc T made a comment

    It is difficult to keep an open mind when my British background found greater success than I have found today in India subjected to greater trauma and racism than we put on the Indians.

  • Expat trapped on the wrong side of India.. Kipling resonates.

  • As a white beneficiary... I think not.

  • Best reply here.

  • But he wasn’t white... so not truly English. ( to our grandfathers).

    Yet here we are today; BLM, statues in rivers, as our heritage have not done one iota thru the centuries but pay lip service.

    I am and said previously against monetary compensation, but I believe it’s time for equality.

  • BNo passports and possible citizenships for Hong Konegese today.

  • We will all be half caste soon, the age of racial purity and all the ignorance that in itself contains is over. It’s time to be one people.

  • And tomorrow ...

  • Religion is race by birth. Very few of us vary from our manifest societies.

  • Very true. Same in Canada and Australia with aboriginals. Feel good money... nothing more.

  • Marc T made a comment

    Corporate speak has little place in Vet practices. We don’t need to “cynergize” our small animal program by “consolidating” our ....

    ... Can someone please see to Mittens in exam room 1.

  • This bit was what I was on about earlier. We emerge daily from our dramas, issues with kids, spouses, parents... Those who we met along the way view us differently. There is a role to fill.

  • Clearly drinking and banter should be kept out of the work place. People view Alex differently than he views himself. Perhaps he should split his time doing community work?

  • Public sentiment I guess.

  • Managers, especially in larger corporate environments, are there to be responsible for cost, and the operations continued trade. Leadership is generally but not always at odds with that.

  • Plainly, leadership involves analysing data, forming possible solutions, communicating with the team, getting input, and finally making the call. It also requires the ability to review and be open to change.

  • A bit of old furniture... it’s comfortable. We all find our place. In-spite of ourselves.

  • Marc T made a comment

    Such a focused view on one group. More than the RAF used air power.

    Any ruling force uses any means to control the masses with minimum exposure and risk. At least as a young officer I learnt that.

  • It was a lovely plan to extend power, whilst limiting exposure.

  • Current tax payers are in no way culpable. Total rubbish.

  • No compensation. The past is not our responsibility. We cannot be held to pay for something we didn’t do and likely didn’t benefit from. Can we sue Pharoh for persecuting the Jews? The view is widely unpopular, but it is mine.

  • Spot on.
    The first act is to establish power thru force, then thru law, and finally subjugate one’s lessors physiologically.

  • Physical violence has given way to economic violence. Corporations and Banks, instead of Armies control the people.

  • Not unlike Roosevelt’s “ Speak softly and carry a big stick’ diplomacy.

  • If Jenna has only planned her words and their delivery, showing empathy, the situation could have been massaged.

  • Jenna, with a big heart, spoke without forming a approach That best catered to all present. She was correct, but failed to put herself in the shoes of the Appleyards. Being right isn’t the only thing in most situations.

  • Sunday am; buzzer.
    Do I need to get up? Cat nuzzling at my face decides for me; it’s time for his breakfast. Do I stay up? Talk of lunch at noon with a colleague. A rare Covid outing, what do I wear? Uber? Menu... omg a menu.. I missed restaurants... choices all day long.

  • First time I’ve done a audio play like this. Love the delivery, keeps one keen. Jenna did well holding her own initially, perhaps slightly abrupt approach to putting him done.

  • Clearly we all have been affected to some extent. Taking a pause and just listening for five minutes at my workplace identified more people in need than I had fingers.

  • That was my take. Respecting values ensure dignity.

  • I’m furious. That’s my reaction to losing my job, money for children’s school, etc all do to an inept Government. Over reaction, late reaction, and in some cases non reaction has hurt us more than most. Why couldn’t we be Swedish.

  • Marc T made a comment

    Collaborative interests. Key.

  • Jardine Matheson is still a huge trading house in HK. What we see here is what my Australian cousins would call the ‘thin edge of the wedge’.

  • Disagree. Colonialism has brought us all together. Perhaps not by the best intent. History is history. We can make our today’s better.

  • Marc T made a comment

    As a both a resident of Hong Kong and Thailand after 12 years, I’m fascinated. There are so many stories of expats in that age, one might wish to have been born earlier.
    No doubt today’s political climate would turn its nose down on what clearly were exceptional achievements in Sir John’s day.

  • Gentlemanly Capitalism started well before the British Empire.

  • Ray and Phillip below me make good points. This is my 5th or 6th course here. Historically I comment in 500 word replies (a lot). The events of last week and now have left me more reflective. It’s not time for a 40 something from a posh education to comment, it’s time to listen.

  • Fair is a nice term but not germane to victory

  • @MichellePearce let’s go steal our piece.

  • I would not have been a thorough. This should me better technique

  • positive qSOFA score 2
    Admit ICU
    Broad Spectrum Antibiotics

  • Marc T made a comment

    Inflammatory reaction in response to an infection

  • Samline/Hartman’s to get started. It’s fast

  • Marc T made a comment

    Well led.

  • Effective team management

  • Exactly Anna. Who among us wouldn’t covet a Monet, Manet, or Rembrandt for the right price.

    The works exist and are safe. They will again pass into the public eye; likewise again be coveted.

  • CABC.. blood loss my primary concern.

  • Severity yes.. but 2 won’t live. (Politely) waste of available resources

  • I disregarded 2. It’s triage.

    2 is gone.

    I fully understand they are most serious but also require the greatest time/ resources with the lowest chance of success.

    I fought in Bosnia with NATO in the early 90’s. Hard choices .. but 1 & 3 can be saved.

    I worked in Air Ambulance for years as well. I am terribly practical at my age, which I...

  • Marc T made a comment

    Love the pace of this.

  • Twice? I had to phone a friend in Boston to clarify.

    Try ‘View Transcript’ with the Scottish!

  • Marc T made a comment

    Get him a priest?

    The overall conditional has deteriorated manifestly and our efforts till now have had little effect.

  • Perfect! I was wanting more on this in the last section.

  • Or anywhere outside the Global North...

  • The above was well managed and conservative.

    The Physician has a certain luxury in a paced approach the NHS or Mass.General in Boston provides.

    This is much less the case in India. The wait and see approach in the third world possibly less popular.

    Perhaps the safer play would be earlier intubation.

  • Marc T made a comment

    Clearly the score now raises him into HDU, almost ICU.

    Possible early intubation.

    The last line on the charts always says something to the effect of them being a guide and to not make the score definitive.

    From my ‘feeling’ on what’s happened/ speed of deterioration I would likely push for ICU if there is a bed.

  • While many of us were not conversant with those clinical scoring models, most arrived at same clinical judgment.

    Very sound.

  • Marc T made a comment

    I was 60/40 HDU or RU. Levels of care would very by facility.

    I’d rather not use a HDU bed, at the moment his SPO2 is being managed. The rest is not yet diagnosed.

  • Today last year I suspect aspirational pneumonia, query history bronchitis.

    Today COVID/Sars/Mers. Something inhibiting lung function.

    Initial steps
    1) Monitor SP02 and continue providing O2
    2) Retrieve Chest Culture
    3) Give Antibiotics
    4) Test COVID,

    Omeprazole has a acid issue/ gallstone /alcohol issue which can mimic heart condition


  • Great point about alcohol history.

  • Working overseas, 1:1 even 2:1 isn’t uncommon.
    Where 2nd and 3rd world may lack in technology, they make up in manpower.

  • That might be factually correct but simplistic. Patients in ICU are at greater risk and are significantly less stable.

  • There are many great examples below that expand on the one in the video.

    My position is not one that is exposed to ICU/ HDU environments. Prior to reading the comments below I had mentally viewed HDU as ‘post op’ care; clearly it fills a more robust role.

    Thank you everyone who added!

  • Mixed rounds with a low authority gradient can be tremendously beneficial.

  • In essence, Critical Care is the care of patients whose conditions are life-threatening and require active monitoring.