Catalina Coy

Catalina Coy

Industrial designer specialist on planning and executing sustainable projects, social innovation, impact management, strategy and engagement. Masters in social responsibility management and ecotourism

Location colombia


  • Thank you! Very satisfied with the course and the methodology.

  • Thank you! It was a great course with a lot of useful information. I look forward to putting it into practice in future jobs or personal business.

  • All this information was new for me and I was looking forward to learning it, because despite the working fields of each one, it's absolutely important to have this skills to take right decitions. Offcourse there's alot to practice bringing it to our personal needs, but without doubt we earn very good bases to use it and take the best of it. Thank you!

  • @MariamGulraiz I was making myself the same question, how to find the median? Probably in this case where values were close, then maybe it wasn't necessary, but if the case was differente, and there were extreme values?

  • Good example, and very important to share the conclusions of the exercise, as an example of right decition making.

  • Deciding whether to start a new business will be a good decision, considering the current pandemic situation and the changes that are coming towards a new reality, with new market priorities and where sustainability should be strengthened.

  • I found that the formulas are complicated but excel makes it easier.

  • it's clear, thanks

  • Great!

  • ok, thanks

  • Thank you, good example. Mine could be a situation where a company would like to contribute to a social project by installing solar panels. The project could be successful if weather conditions allow it and the community is willing to make good use of the implemented systems, where one of them, or both, is at least 90%.

    The climatic conditions (A) are 0.75...

  • I also found a bit confusing the explanation in the beginning, but the graphics made it very clear.

  • @JanetBarnett I agree... the vocabulary was confusing but the graphics made it very clear.

  • Catalina Coy made a comment

    I'm ready! :)

  • all is clear. thank you.

  • good summary. thanks

  • Thank you, it's clear.

  • Thank you! looking forward for learing this new subject comming.

  • All this graphs were new for me, I used them a little,not for taking decitions but still, by not knowing the different options, I believe I could have shown better results by using them apropiately. so the most exciting for me was to learn this tools and to undestand when to use them. I can now make the most of it, in the frame of transparency and ethical...

  • right, thanks for the explanation and also the ethics perspective, which is very important when builting and showing graphs.

  • @TiagoFreitasFaustino yeah absolutely, but also I believe that in some cases people could present wrong information or conclusions, not with a bad intention but because of not knowing the right tools. So we can see how important is to know about the tools and when to use them.

  • As we learned from the videos, not providing complete information and just show up the results, it's like hidding the whole picture and could lead to wrong conclusions or decitions. Also, not using the appropiate graph considering the data we have can lead to wrong conclusions.

  • maybe in cases where decitions are taken by using the wrong tool, for example when using mesures of central location, choosing mean, in cases where there is extreme data. As an specific example of this could be in public policies, using the media option, usually ignores the conditions of vulnerable population, who don't have the same conditions than the average.

  • Thank you, everything is clear.

  • Very clear and useful to learn both ways of obtaining the information we need, eather throught the descriptive statistics tool (easier and faster), or by the formula of each one, which is useful if the original data could change in the future.

  • Perfect, absolutely clear.

  • Hi Helena, this is very new for me too and I found some extra examples that I could share with you... I'm sorry that is in spanish but it's with graphic examples that actually makes it super clear even not knowing spanish :) if you want to check it out...

  • Great, this information is new for me but the explanation was clear and I did some aditional practice to understand it better and learn about how and when to use it. thanks

  • Thank you! Very useful as I normally work with a lot of qualitative data so it was good to learn about the Mode option. It was also important to understand when it was useful to choose each of the options.

  • I've seen descritive statistics in educational programs, to analyse the students performance acoording to their grades - results. Also in social and entrepreneurial programs in communities, to analyse investment and results/ impacts.

  • Very well explained and useful. thanks!

  • Good exercise. I tried first to built an histogram by creating a bars graph in the menu (as I uploaded in the last exercise), then adding new series to add new information that I needed to see. By using the methodology explained in this chapter, we get to see the frequency once we create the histogram graph, using the data analysis. I followed the excercise...

  • @JamesTodd thanks. it actually took a time to upload.

  • Good explanation and easy to built it. I uploaded my example at the Padlet. thanks :)

  • very good excercise. I tried different graphs (pie charts, histogram, line plot and scatter plot). Efectively according to what we want to show, we should check and decide which graph contributes to show better the information. I uploaded my exercise under the tittle: GRAFICOS. thanks!!

  • Catalina Coy made a comment

    Good summary about when to use each type of graphs. still, probably once we get into practice, we'll understand much better which of them we should use. After all what is important is to show the information clear and accurate.

  • It seems to me that you can use both (line and scatter plot) in similar conditions when you have 2 variables. We could just choose the one that shows better the specific information we need to present. but I agree with some of the comments below, saying that line plots are more clear and show the information more organized.

  • Catalina Coy made a comment

    Following the idea of ​​social programs implemented in a community, I could use histograms, for example, to show the results of an educational program, where I will have to show the grades of the students ... for example, how many obtained between 0-2, then 2-4, etc. until 8-10. From that information, I could identify how the students are performing, in which...

  • I could use a pie chart when I'll need to show qualitative information for example the different kind of social programs implemented in a community. and a bar graph could be useful to show how many women and men joined each social program, making easier to see quantitative information.

  • Absolutely agree. Graphs helps to understand easier the information presented.

  • I feel comfortable with the terms. the information is clear.

  • Great tips! looking forward learning this course.

  • totally agree. many successes in the course

  • Catalina Coy made a comment

    Hello!! :) I am an industrial designer from Colombia, specialist in Ecotourism and Sustainable Tourism, and with a Master's degree in social responsibility management and corporate sustainability. I don't have a background in analytics but I believe that it's an important tool for any profession, in order to make informed decitions by the data we have. I hope...

  • @NeilWilliamson thanks :) regards from Colombia.

  • Great! looking forward to learn this course

  • I know... this things should finally change ....

  • @ThaisH yeahh :( it's crazy how this is not under control.

  • thank you! :)

  • @LouiseG thank you! Absolutely I'll have a look at his work. :)

  • Catalina Coy made a comment

    I am very happy and satisfied with the quality and methodology of the course, and in addition to the experience of the teachers. I think I learned a lot about climate change and I am motivated to continue learning about this important topic.

  • Many people and companies talk about the SDGs, but I consider that in many cases they do not report clearly relevant actions to achieve them. Naming the few SDGs where they are targeting some actions is not enough, and it seems to be done only to achieve and manage reputation for their "good practices". Therefore, an adequate use of the indicators should be...

  • Very good project and closely related to social innovation and creation, seeking to involve and empower local communities in their own development. I used transdisciplinary creation for my final project of a master's degree in social responsibility and corporate sustainability. My main goal was to find ways to empower a local community to be sustainable,...

  • Catalina Coy made a comment

    I agree with making some personal commitments and try to bring other into this initiative, as every little action counts. However, I believe that we should focus on actions that could work as system to create real positive impacts. I could start recycling in my house, but it won´t be any useful if there isn't any system in the city that actually collects...

  • @ThaisH very sad... meanwhile in Colombia, those great leaders who are promoting the protection of the land, natural resources and the rights of communities on the territories are being killed by those who have private interests on those territories and want to keep the country under their control... more awarness is raising in the population but not relevant...

  • In Colombia, there is a policy of incorporating climate change management into public and private decisions, thus advancing on "a low-carbon path, resilient to the climate, with more information, technology, innovation, as well as awareness and education." In September In 2015, within the framework of the COP 21, Colombia committed to reducing 20 percent of...

  • I agree with @Andre White, but I would like to highlight the fact that even if governments should push the community process and drive it forward, in some developing countries a lack of state presence in some regions, or inability to work alone is evident. Therefore, the role of private companies is very important, not to assume responsibility for themselves,...

  • The website is not working as it seems. By doing additional searches, I found that Medellín in Colombia, was one of the first cities chosen to be part of the Challenge of 100 Resilient Cities. Unlike others that focused their attention on the ability to overcome natural disasters or the value of disaster risk management, Medellín focused its proposal on...

  • Catalina Coy made a comment

    I agree with some of the previous comments, and the video on the importance of sensitizing people, by providing data on their own water consumption, through technological tools. Still, as I said before, more than information is needed. The technology should also be used as a tool to minimize water use, for example, existing economizer water taps, especially...

  • I don´t think that there´s a perfect model, but very good cases according to the dinamics and conditions of the context. Culure and social conditions must be taken in count in order to succeed. We can´t bring a great example in europe and try to build it the same in latinamerica. Still, there are offcourse great cases to learn from and I want to highlight...

  • Great exercise. I posted the case I mentioned before of the Hotel Waya Guajira in the north of Colombia, who got the LEED certification: Leadership in energy and enviromental design. It was interesting to learn about the other cases presented, showing good and bad practices.

  • @KenKimber you´re right and we do have in Colombia. :) is a very diverse and beautiful country

  • I agree... In Colombia there are also cases of building in mangrove areas and seashores, filling areas with sand, consequences have been really bad and the ocean ends up claiming for its space.

  • Could be good to spread this information in different ways so people will implemented in their own homes. This initiatives aren´t only interesting in places where access to electricity is limited, but also in urban areas where electricity get very expensive, and specially in situations like now where people around the world are staying most of the time at...

  • I know good examples of this, I learned as part of the postgraduate program in ecological and sustainable tourism at the UAB - Barcelona. On one occasion we visited a building where the materials and design created a good temperature and no air conditioning was needed. The same case of a hotel in La Guajira - Colombia, a region in the north where temperatures...

  • The severity of urban heat will take us much further than just an uncomfortable condition, as it can actually lead to a high risk to people's health and even their lives. There will be a point where the air conditioning will not be sufficient or the energy consumption will be unsustainable. When it comes to affecting human vulnerability, people could be...

  • I really like the subject and I believe that it´s very useful not only learn it theoretically but put it into practice. Looking forward learing what is comming next week.

  • Great video and very important information shared in this chapter. I take especially: think globally, act locally. Every action we take can make a difference, and can contribute to further change and relevant impacts to protect our oceans, reduce acidification and pollution, and be aware of all the terrible consequences that are happening with plastic in the...

  • Catalina Coy made a comment

    Easiest change can be done as its explained, in the everyday activities of all of us. Personally in my urban community, the best actions that could be implemented are about proper solid waste management, saving water consumption, reduce the use of private transportation, and responsible consumption, buying the products that used the less plastic as possible.

  • Catalina Coy made a comment

    very good ideas! I love what they do using ecological design to bring together different demands by beautiful and efficent solutions. Specifically bioreceptive installations like vertipools, capable of delivering proven gains for habitats, species and coastal communities. I had a look to their website and they have great examples and projects of what they´re...

  • In the same way that there start to be more information about the origin of agricultural products, the way they were produced, and who are the people responsible of this good actions and who actually live from this activity, it´s great that there are starting to communicate the sustainable fishing, so consumers can take more responsible and informed decitions...

  • Catalina Coy made a comment

    I think that first of all she should revise, where she could take tourists, maybe some new places, but offcourse with all the controls and precautions so they won´t dammage corals, and let recover the places where she always take tourists and where dammages are already obvious. Also as a touristic activity, she could involve visitors in volunteer environmental...

  • impressive... I´m sure no much people are actually thinking about that, and even the effects on human health aren´t clear yet, it could be a great initiative to use media to communicate about this more. If there´s not watercourse free of this microplastic, I wonder what could be the rigth way to collect it, and what could be the way to dispose plastics...

  • Great initiatives with clear opportunities for actions that we can implement ourselves. I also consider that even small actions contribute and more, if we try to replicate them in others, we will see more effective results. In addition to the points mentioned, I consider that there should be greater regulation on beaches, where the carrying capacity is not...

  • It seems that results will be seen only in a long term, but actions should be started now. Still it sees like what is good for one thing still affects other, like when cooling the planet actually increases the amount of CO2 that dissolves in the ocean. I still believe that I need to learn more about the tecniques mentioned to have a better opinion of which...

  • Mangroves also protect shorelines from damaging storm and hurricane winds, waves, and floods. Mangroves also help prevent erosion by stabilizing sediments with their tangled root systems. They maintain water quality and clarity, filtering pollutants and trapping sediments originating from land. ...

  • pollution, warming and acidification, among others. One of the biggest challanges could be to sensitize the population around the world about the problem and consecuences, and how everyone actions counts.

  • I believe that Learning about this subject and reflecting about actions that we can start to implement is the key, as well to think about incentives to involve others around good practices, even in small scale it can make a difference.

  • In the framework of Covid19, many things came to light, not only the reduction of carbon emissions from flights and transport in general worldwide, but the reduction of mass tourism has allowed the recovery of natural areas and many Of the activities that used to be necessary, they had to be rethought and many of them were not necessary at all, example, work...

  • In Colombia, there are incentives such as environmental caretaker programs / forest rangers, where communities are invited to participate in conservation programs, avoid and control deforestation on their own lands and in protected areas, in exchange for economic compensation and others. it comes together with environmental education programs so they can be...

  • interesting to learn about what is the right thing to do according the place and weather... Could be good if there'll be more exchange experiences globally, so good practices from some countries could be implemented in others. Very interesting this point of, it´s not just about planting trees but knowing where to plant them, so we don't waste carbon storage.

  • good point Brian... probably we need much more information about both sytems, benefits ands risks to have a more informed opinion about when to use each one.

  • Probably a mixure of both could be the answer. If I understood correctly, Biochar should be implemented in very arid areas where this method could be succesfull, and Beccs for fertile areas but where there'll be enought land, so as it was explained, it won't compete with food production.

  • I believe that everyone in the value chain should be clear about their own responsibility to contribute to climate change. Starting with producers and their commitment to avoid monoculture among other sustainable practices that should be promoted through different incentives, and the entire process until reaching final consumers. who must be made aware of...

  • Very important to learn about how we end up in the situation that we´re facing today by reviewing historical facts, and also to understand those great challenges such as the green revolution, and the need of thinking about the strategies for feeding people in 2050.Good practices such as meet consumption reduction, and reduce food waste aren't a nice to have...

  • From the comments presented:
    1. Reduce meet consumption: in my society, it can be very challenging as culturally people used to eat a lot of meet, and productive systems in cattle, tend to be much more extensive systems, with all the impacts that it generates. I think that this can be anyhow possible but I´ll suggest to start by involving youth in the...

  • To reduce climate impact of my food I propose the following ideas that can be implemented everywhere:
    1.Buy only what´s necessary avoiding waste.
    2.Choose products without packing, or at least those that can be recycled
    3.Buy local food and support small producers
    4.Promote the buy of Wonky Food. Fruits and vegetables
    5.Try to implement a zero waste...

  • I love this initiative: "unstable fruits and vegetables"! One of the big obstacles for local producers in developing countries is the difficulty of producing with international trade standards, where each fruit and vegetable must be perfect in shape and color, even when the product is perfectly fine. I would love to go deeper into this initiative that could...

  • I agree with the points presented on the video, we can see the effects of floods and severe droughts cause globally in agriculture. I'll also add that while benchmarking is important for learning good practice globally, as well as the modern trades that must be taught locally, there is important knowledge of land and territory conditions that local people know...

  • Hi Jonathan, I absolutely consider that private companies have a great way to contribute, and some are actually a great example of it, they have also the resources for it, as well as technical experience to provide. Indeed my major experience comes from the private sector. My point was centered in searching the way to work together, private, public sector and...

  • Thanks Nova, We still have a very long way and lots of things to work on though. I believe there's always so much to learn from other experiences.

  • The course is being very interesting and clear, starting by fundamental information that we all should know about climat change and main actions taken, also promoting critical thinking by providing the positive and negative aspects so we can analize it and present our own opinions about subjects as controvertial as energy sector.

  • I agree, I also believe that we must move towards renewable energy as quickly as possible. On nuclear energy, I understand that there are very positive aspects to it, but I still think that, personally, I need much more information to have a position on it. About other systems like fracking, I wonder why it is banned in some countries and others are beginning...

  • Catalina Coy made a comment

    As I said, I consider that there isn't a best or worst way to generate electricity, and so a combination of all should be the best option. For example, using solar energy in a region where there's not much sun during the year it's not a solution. So there should be the posibility to analize which system is the best according to the geographic conditions but...

  • They all have positive and negative aspects. Probably the best option should be a mixure between them, taking the best of each one according the the conditions of the region where they'll be placed, and looking for generate the less impacts possible. analize cost vs beneffit for each case.

  • I think I'll go for NIMBY. I can understand that there are positive points about this technology but considering the public health concerns that have been raised because of the chemicals pumped to keep the cracks open, and those kind of dark sides of it, wich the details are not fully disclosed, gives the feeling that something very wrong is going on....

  • Analyzing the pros and cons of using nuclear power I found positively:
    1. do not generate gas emissions.
    2. You get a lot of energy with little fuel.
    3. It is continuous and does not depend on natural aspects.
    4. the running cost is low
    5. It is used today to treat diseases

    1. serious consequences of accidents.
    2. slow waste management

  • In Colombia, economic instruments have been implemented, such as:
    the carbon tax of USD 5 per ton of CO2 and the plastic bag tax of up to $ 50 pesos, which is assumed by the buyers.

    In the same regulations, tax exemptions were approved for renewable energy generation projects, such as solar, wind and biomass energy, among others. This reform sought to...

  • Catalina Coy made a comment

    I think that 3 responses should be implemented, and by learning deeper about them, while those responsible for devoloping the techonologies required for geoengineering systems, everycountry and everyone around the world should be commited to it, and contributing with effective actions.

  • I thinks most of the efforts are being centered in mitigation, and somehow reduce the effects of human intervention facing greenhouse effects. Adaptation is something we anyway will have to deal with, but I consider that more and more actions in geo-ingenieering should be implemented, but let´s hear as the course follows if i´m right.