Cecilia Edith Garcia Rivas Plata

Cecilia Edith Garcia Rivas Plata

Location Trujillo, Perú.



  • In which regions of the world is there a greater aging population? for what is this? How influential are the sociodemographic, political, and economic characteristics of the region?

  • It was interesting to read both to find the differences. The first uses colloquial language while the academic essay uses formal language. The first does not refer to the authors of the statistical data and central ideas, while in the academic essay it does. In addition, in the first one he makes an analogy of the problem of food waste with everyday...

  • Hello, I'm Cecilia from Perú. I am here to improve my academic writing skills. Thanks!

  • I chose 'take a critical point of view' because it requires analyzing the information from different points of view and reflecting in order to then determine the most appropriate conclusion.

  • I think that for my research I need information, data and information from primary sources. I require information from experimentation with certain algorithms.

  • The Scopus search engine is intuitive.
    I wrote this:
    Deep learning AND soil pollution
    I restricted it to results for the year 2021

    And it automatically became:
    TITLE-ABS-KEY (deep AND learning AND soil AND pollution) AND (LIMIT-TO (PUBYEAR, 2021))

    It's great!

  • Data are mostly stored on my device from visited pages and my interaction history on social networks. From these data you can deduce my preferences for some topics of interest since I receive personalized advertising.

  • The simulation took 107,759 with 200 calls. The evolve method is the one that takes the longest.

  • Hello everyone! Very happy to be in this new course, after having taken the previous course. Ready for new knowledge.

  • Hi, I'm Cecilia, Systems Engineer, from Peru. I love data mining, how to get value from data accurately and efficiently. And Weka makes this task simpler. I would like to know more about Weka's potential to analyze the water resource using satellite images.

  • How good to have this help! I was also having download problems, but now I am downloading it from Firefox. Thank you.

  • Temporal series! this is what I longed to understand. I love the course :)

  • Hi, I'm from Peru, a systems engineer. I am here because I want to learn how you can take advantage of python in high performance computing.

  • Excellent course! He clarified many of the somewhat vague concepts he had about machine learning algorithms in this course. Splendid how Weka facilitates the data mining process; of course, not forgetting the wise advice of Prof. Ian W. Now, I will see when the next course starts.
    Thanks Ian Witten

  • For a moment I got caught up in the initial exercise of converting the class from nominal to binary in the "diabetes" dataset, as shown in the video.
    Supposedly, it was not correct. I noticed that I was making the mistake of selecting NumericToBinary instead of NominalToBinary.
    Now everything is fine :)

  • Culminé satisfactoriamente la tarea 2.3 ;)

  • OK

  • @EgorKashirin Hello, you can do this:
    1. Check in HDFS if you have the gutenberg folder and delete it:
    $ hadoop fs -ls
    $ hadoop fs -rm -r gutenberg-output_count
    2. Copy the .py files to the Desktop folder
    $ cp * .py Desktop/
    3. Execute your command