Cyril Molony

Cyril Molony

I was labelled educationally illiterate at the age of 16, curiosity, dedicated practice & time, at 32 I completed Honour degree. At 33 I was lecturing and helping other become life long learners.

Location London


  • Cyril Molony made a comment

    A self taught neuro diverse person, who curious to learn.

  • That why it fabulous to count to 100 before replying to someone who upset or angered you. sometime silence, non reacting more powerful than any words.

  • Jane the mentoring you mentioned is great, external mentors. I seen a different type of mentor more in house, that worked fabulously, where year 12 students mentor year 10 and 11 students for a couple of periods a week, it a win/win mentor get to plan and develop their personal skills and mentee get additional support from someone they are likely to talk too...

  • With reference to the superman/superwomen the follow TED talks a must,

    I also like to recommend everyone something new to consider that may help.

  • Not just learning but every experience, I love observing other, listen to other and learning from others, personally I love the word NOT YET, if my inner critic or people question my ability to do something, yes I might not be good at something or be successful, but i know given time and non judgemental attitude, Not YET will turn it to YES I CAN. Only...

  • I always start anything I do, with this thought from Mahatma Gandhi
    "People often become what they believe themselves to be. If I believe I cannot do something, it makes me incapable of doing it. But when I believe I can, then I acquire the ability to do it even if I didn't have it in the beginning".

    So positively and non judgmentally I start any new...

  • Rhiannon if you read my profile, I was written off at 16 years old, life for me changed when I someone told me about mahatma Gandhi, since then every day I have challenged myself, and work on making little changes to help myself.

    Below I posted my belief system.

  • Elisa H it is called 3 blessing or in your case 5 blessing and is very powerful, if you then choose one of your blessing to dream about, your hippocampus will happy spend the night looking for other positive event and bins the negative thoughts.

    Here is some research, that...

  • I enjoyed the course, but reflecting on the last 4 weeks, I am very unsure whether the fabulous work GDST are doing will be implemented else were.

    My personal view is that the present shallow learning model of knowledge, more knowledge pass an exam, is not appropriate model for our children futures.

    Clearly these schools are fabulous, but a lot of time...

  • Spot on.

  • Sarah I agree mentoring within a school of older students and younger students is a win/win and should be promoted nationally, I like would love A level student to offer to visit primary school and chat with year 6 pupils.

  • So for Teacher reading this introduce Growth mindset, challenges, embrace mega-cognitive learning and give them the opportunity to fail, inspire every student to challenge themselves and for them to set their own learning goals, you may not see the results straight away.

  • I am an engineer, who visits lot of schools as a STEM ambassador, I am not sure the present educational model services the masses, it still to me to only cater for top sets in each school, who will go to university and may be work as prestige professions, doctor, laws, politics. I not talking about amazing teacher or schools who against all odds, inspire and...

  • For me the important word is learners, meta-cognitive learners, who are provided with the skills to reflect on their own learner, who are challenged to develop their personal/soft skills and to be encouraged to take risks and push their boundary.
    Sadly at present I feel the majority are being taught via shallow learning to pass exams, rather than real...

  • I read this article in 2015 and would offer for other to read.

    The article mentioned how challenging adolescent had an effect on...

  • Fabulous

  • Cyril Molony made a comment

    DT case study I am unsure that the teacher reply helped the student.

    T: ‘What’s the problem?’
    G: … ‘It’s not right … I’ve made the whole thing too big’ …
    T: …’never mind … just re-think the join … it’s not an issue at all’
    G: … ‘Oh, OK … this is so much fun!’

    I would have asked G what does she think she could consider altering as it is too big, what...

  • Tina it has been found human are generally negative, grow mindset and I would add mindfulness to the discussion, are not our default mindset, have you never put of doing something or though before you started to try something that you going to fail, or not be any good at something. It took me 18 years to realise FAILURE true definition is Further attempt In...

  • I am aware it extremely hard for Teacher and school to provide anything but shallow learning. I am volunteering at an event where 160 year 10 students will spend the day working in groups design and making a luxury soap, the winning team will get the opportunity to have their soap made 200 bars of luxury soap, they will then sell it and all profits with go to...

  • I visited over 209 school as a STEM ambassador and it seems to me that learning process now seems to be knowledge, more knowledge as Professor J West- Burnham calls shallow learning, yes a process more like a production line.

    Since age of 16 I believe knowledge without understanding is worthless.
    That type of learning takes lots of effort and time, Dr...

  • Tina I am a stem ambassador and visit lots of school, to help develop personnel skill/soft skills a fabulous group called WISE Women In Science and Engineering product a document called people like me.

    Download and look at the quiz, page 21 list about 30 adjectives that could assist...

  • Please put them forward for Rada, so they may not be the best at exam, other may see how amazing they are like you did. Plus you can assist them to ensure others look at their potential and not their perceived weaknesses.

  • Good news new learning, new neuron, research now provided our hippocampus can make any where from 750 new neuron up to about 3000 per day. It not important whether you use want you learned about trigonometry, just enjoy learning something new, I am hoping it will inspire you to learn. I am have learning problems, but at 55 year young I am now learning about...

  • Mary I would recommend khan academy

    have fun, I am helping other study for GCSE maths. I used khan to refresh my basic maths, yes I started a preschool and worked though all the levels.

    Mary have fun, can I also recommend spending no more than 20 minutes learning something new, then later practice and do not set goals...

  • Hello Pepa I found some info on sleep patterns.

    I hope that make you curious to find out more

  • I am loving all the research on the brain, I personally hope, the do not waste money trying to produce a smart pill and instead work on better understanding about how the brain changes as we all grow old.

    My own use and others of modern technology, like smart phones, computer etc, is also changing how we learn for good and bad, google the effect of smart...

  • Lynda I found week 4 and 5 fascinating, learning about the mesocortical/mesolimbic dopamine system was worth also know as the seek and reward system, article of addiction and other things, was worth preserving to week 6.

    Every Futurelearn course has some little gem of fascinating learning, sometimes it I found the people studying have provided me with...

  • Jessica you post made me think of the following video, when I was about 18 I stopped comparing myself with other.

    Being kind, compassionate and nonjudgmental to yourself and other are qualities worth pursuing.

    If you not studied Monash mindfulness and well...

  • I am aware Drugs are needed, Marie, but it also something worth trying if you tried drugs, and they for whatever reason they do not seem to work.

    I am not depressed but for last 38 year i sit nightly and review my day, it was about a year ago that some stated, I naturally found something that works for me and it was called Three Blessings.

    My brain...

  • Here is something no drug for the cooking pot.

    Direct quote from part of the article

    "One of the simplest and most effective gratitude techniques was originally called the Three Blessings. It’s a simple practice, that can make a marked difference to feelings of happiness.

    Before bed each...

  • Mike why do we alway need a quick fix of drugs, look for a pill, our brain took 1000s of year to develop,

    At 16 years old, my IQ was measured and I was labelled educationally illiterate (not the actual word used at the time, the word that was used was Simpleton) it was less than 50.

    I was tested for research purpose when I was 50 year young, my IQ was...

  • Thank you Caroline I enjoyed your post it made me curious to find out more, so off I went to find out about down regulation.

    That what I love about future learn course, learning from other.

  • I enjoyed reading your post. Next year instead of Valentine Day smaltz, remember it also St Cyril day.

    Hopefully one day we will accept each other for how we are, with reference to the brain, what normal, mayo centre in USA have taken over 80,000 FMRI scans, only a handful where considered normal,...

  • Thank you Margot, like you I enjoy that it allow me time to process little bits of learning, It may seem simple but if I learn one or two new things or improve something everyday, that a fabulous day.

  • Yes the fabulous Professor Mark Solms I remember studying that course about this time last year, another little piece in the wonderful jigsaw of our amazing brains/minds.

    I listed a link of where and how the RAS reticular-activating-system functions.

  • I hope the link wil allow you to watch a fabuolus video from Dr Carolyn McGettigan The 2016 Anne Silk Lecture RSM

    As other spoke about where Broca area and Wernicke’s region are located I thought I add Dr Carolyn McGettigan...

  • Snap we must be twin, I read about a scientist/engineer how every decade choose to study to become an expert in a new field, his now in his 70s and finally was awarded the his honour in the USA. It not my aim, but like you indulging lots of different field and topic is my idea of fun, how know where it will take me. I know visit school/college as a stem...

  • Marjorie you not ruffle my feather, yes it could will be harder, lots of thing get harder as we get older, but I do believe we can still learn, be happy, make it fun.

    So positively and non judgmentally I start any new learning, knowing I am a novice and if I give myself plenty of time, practice, and reflect on what I am learning, if needed ask other to...

  • What about this due to their young age, they maybe had not wrongly learned they could not make improvement, I feel as people get older they give up, rather than just non judgmentally relearn, it now been provided by Professor Eleanor maguire (studying adult studying for the knowledge) it did not matter what their age was, more importantly it was their view on...

  • I found an old tedtalk that others may like to watch, I enjoyed that part about NMDA Receptors

    Lovely video NMDA

    I am having fun

  • Lyn their is research that our brain/mind what us to feel happy, so curiosity is very powerful when it comes to learning, making it enjoyable, we all cram for exams. I now at an age where I learn for fun, at my own pace, not worrying how long it will take me to learn. Personally i found small learning periods (25 minutes max), then relaxation, I learn better,...

  • Yes go for a lovely walk and when you come back you be ready to enjoy more fabulous learning.

  • Lex yes we can all just use wikipedia, I found some info on

    I know going to look on youtube and may be listen watch some video, I read all the post on this wall, lots have lovely little piece of a big jigsaw, for me this course just a taster to inspire me to learn more.

  • Something worth a read, fascinating read

    When endorphins lock into the opioid receptors, they are almost immediately broken down by enzymes, allowing them to be recycled and reused down the road. However, when similarly shaped but chemically different opiates lock into these same receptors, they are...

  • How would you measure happiness or smartness. I believe if we could cure long-term degenerative disorder of the central nervous system.

    With reference to happiness Ralph Waldorf Emerson “The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived...

  • Alison Thank you for the articles, I am aware of research on amyloid beta (Aβ) protein Aβ42, the effect of quality rest and relaxation, are we getting sufficient sleep, the role of melatonin to reduce the risk in later life of regenerative diseases, I am sure future research and studies will show that 24/7 hectic lifestyle is not helping. Technology...

  • Hal there is also research, that being more active help our brains, going for a nice walk with friends or on your own and taking your time to enjoy the walk, go visit the duck, (please no bread). More oxygen in the brain, lovely quality now time enjoy nature, no worrying also improves the...

  • Susan me too, I visit schools as a STEM ambassador and show it to 16 to 19 year old students, most say they are happy to listen to music, leave their smart phones on, some play music loud, everyone to their own learning methods. I hope you will try the methods mentioned.

  • Rosalind, yes I enjoyed that course, hopefully this course will be as good, the Amygdala is very powerful, mine still tells me I am going to fail, or that I wasting my time, the difference is I now gentle ask it to assist me, remember how they mentioned how to train a puppy, I apply that to my Amygdala

  • Peter that different, fantastic way to improve your motor cortex skills. I hope you are you aware that the left hand is controlled by the right side motor cortex in area of your brain just above you right ear, and right hand by motor cortex located just above you left ear, as for scoring, balance, working out angle etc, that control be area in both sides of...

  • Alison I believe that is true, one axon per neuron, as we recently learned the axon can be very long, I was referring to chemical synapses

  • Brilliant Janett, so many people hate to admit they worked extremely hard to achieve their success, as if it meant they where not smart, if they had to work, it now refered to as a fixed mindset. Who are they fooling, only themselves, fabulous that you did not let them fool you, we all have the ability to improve, I hope you alway keep that motivation and...

  • Best of all I like to sit some where quiet, I usually relax for 10 minutes (mindfulness breathing) then spend 20 to 25 minutes focused on my learning, then I relax for 10 minutes, then repeat the process, I like to mix up my learning, I no longer spend hours studying the same topic. I spent the last 39 year studying this way. I started as found it initially...

  • Richard I watched youtube lecture where the researcher was explaining how they had recently found that both the pre synaptic neurone and post synaptic neurone had the ability to make more transmitters and receptors, like most research it required further investigation, they measured it occurring, but they where still unsure how and why, if they can find a way...

  • I wish the FMRI was around when Einstein was discovering general relativity, I suspect that his abilities may have lay in how his brain was wired. Today he would be considered to be autistic where on the spectrum, I do not know, I do know that after his death, they dissected his brain.

    I had ...

  • I wish we could use another word other than computers, our brain are much more complex and amazing than any computer, yes computer are amazing, at present they can not reprogramme themselves or rewire themselves, even the most amazing computer can not get up and walk.

    It is personal thing, but when people talk about our brain as functioning like a computer,...

  • Andres we do possess negative parts in the brain, that will if you allow them tell you your going to fail, so do not bother, our brains require about 600 calories a day (2510400 Joules) or about 0.0290Kw per hour. Most of that energy is used by the Medulla oblongata

    It alway complaining to your...

  • I learned recently to remember Salty bananas, as a way of remembering how the action potential works. Sodium Na on the outside and potassium K on the inside of the neurone. It still amazes me how the signal is moved along the neurone.

  • Thank you for correction

  • I am aware from research that our olfactory and hippocampus do indeed make new neurones daily, estimate vary from 760 to 3000 new neurones every day depending on the individual, studies by professor Eleanor Maguire (studying Taxi driver learning the knowledge) that area like the hypocampus do increase in density the more we learn, other studies have shown when...

  • Fabulous, we all began a journey that hopefully we will all continue over next two or three years, every little mindful moment add to your journey of change, just sitting and enjoying breakfast will also assist you, as you stated being gentle, self compassion, I bet other have noticed a change, if not yet they soon will do. personally everyone, thinks I grown...

  • Good afternoon Merryl the quiz stated which one was false. So for me opinion 4 was correct. The mentor and fabulous presenter may be finishing, but this course will stay open via people comments, plus you can always sign up and dip into future runs of this course. Please be gentle toward yourself, we all started a fabulous journey, any journey starts with...

  • Please do not be anxious, the guided mediation for me is like going to the gym, where being curious, listening, just the fact that you may be doing something and you think am I being mindful, means you being mindful. I know do less formal practices, but instead go for a walk, make dinner and loads of other things in the moment and if my mind wonders or...

  • Robyn, Carolynn, Christopher, Ela. Thank you all for you lovely kind words. It fabulous you are all going to redefine what failure means to you. Christopher i visit lots of school in London as a STEM ambassador, yes self compassion, belief in oneself is so important, I would differently introduce what you learned on this course, 10 minute breathing,...

  • At 16 I was labelled educationally illiterate, a failure, loads of other negative words, all incorrect. my life changed when I stopped listen to them and started to believe in myself, self compassion was part of that, learning about Mahatma Gandhi was a major part.

    Most important part was when I redefined the word failure a long time ago, for well over 36...

  • Be the tortoise, find yourself somewhere relaxing, quiet and switch off your phone, radio, TV, if using a device with emails, switch off the automatic settings.

    I love to learn for 10 to 20 minutes Max, then rest for 10 minutes, then review what I learned.

    It last three year I now start by sitting in a chair and do a mindful exercise like the breathing...

  • I watched a fabulous video

    It worth watching, it about focused thinking and learning, I been doing this method of thinking and learning for over 30 year, as Craig stated stop thinking, just start the task take little steps then rest.
    I always start anything I do, with this thought from Mahatma Gandhi

  • For me the difference for me, being curious means I will focus naturally on what making me curious, I live in London and when visiting schools as a STEM Ambassador travel via different routes to explore, if I see something interesting I will given the time just explore, it may be a shop window, it may be piece of art, so for a period of time, I am in the...

  • Lung fabulous article, about 30 plus year ago, I was shown a quote by Ralph Waldorf Emerson “The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.” Maya angelou said something similar I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will...

  • when I believe I need a new phone or laptop etc, rather than buy it on credit, I save some money each week until I saved sufficient, this has helped me from impulse buying. my last laptop took me about 14 months too save for, I finally got a new laptop, which I am using to type this response. It has be harder when grocery shopping, like other I am tempted with...

  • pain

  • Geraldine, their an old saving about if you look after the pennies, the pound look after themselves, I been practising being mindful, when having breakfast, washing up, making bed, standing in the cue waiting to pay for my shopping, sitting on the bus etc.

    So it brilliant you are doing the same.

    The more it fun and natural, the better I believe you will...

  • Margaret just continue posting your comments here, and someone will reply to you, I still chatting with people from the first time I studied this course.

  • I am happy you all enjoyed the video, I hope you all saved it too your favourite, too watch when need some inspiring.

    I love showing to young people who try something new and give up and tell me it too hard or their no good at new task.

    Hugs, happiness, joy to everyone on our journey toward Mindfulness.

  • Susie, from research by Dr Anders Ericsson who stated it took most of the people he studied 1000 hours to become competent.

    So if you spend 1 hour every day being mindful, not just formal mediating, but being in the present when eating, or walking or talking or doing chores.

    It may take you 3 year or more to become competent, this why a journal or...

  • Lisa and Laurice I did this course before and people are still chatting in the discussion board from the previous course and you can always book up for the next course, as well as your journal, consider a gratitude jar and place little notes when you have something to be grateful blessing that day, and when you not having a great day, what a wonderful treat to...

  • Shelly and Pam try adding Three blessing to your daily routine.

    I sit in a nice chair with all electronic device etc off for about 20 to 30 minutes before going to bed and review my day, like some people read, this is my ME time.

    I do not write them down, but it may help you, some posted on...

  • Thank you Pim for sharing.

  • Dear Furmie you english is brilliant and hopefully you will introduce what you learned from this course into your teaching.

    May I share with you something that may be of interest.

    Mindset and mindfulness will both benefit you and your pupils.

    hug, happiness and fun

  • May I add, with students, if they ask you something you are unable to answer or you like them to find the answer, I praise the question and say what a wonderful question, wow that something I not able to answer but together we could do some research and maybe answer the next time we meet, I love doing this as it allows them to discover the answer themselves as...

  • our limbic system was designed to help us survive when life was more dangerous so we wired to fear the unknown read the link beow

    Instead of "So What" I found a new meaning for FEAR False Evidence Appearing Real.

    I believe if you wrote your fear down before doing the task etc that you're worried about, then...

  • Nancy I wonder if it better to just say let's try this and see how you get on, rather than focus on outcome, Ailsa in her own word stated she resisted suggestion.

  • Fumie are you trying the three blessing, as well, try to turn the subject around and ask you son if his best friend was in his place what advise would he offer his friend. Tell him new house rule, but say it with smile, that for every negative comment, he must think of a positive comment. When my family and friends are feeling negative I listen for upto 5...

  • Laurice continue embrace the beautiful moments, include 3 blessing at the end of your day.

    Enjoy the journey and do not worry how long it may seem, every day be kind, gentle and non judgemental to yourself, I love that your friends are noticing and your noticing.

    Make kindness, gentleness the...

  • Brilliant Furnie

  • I got a similar exercise that other may like to try. Take an A4 piece of paper turn it sideways so it landscape, then near the top of the page starting from the left write I am great at multitasking, then draw a vertical line down the whole length of the paper and then write 1,2,3 upto 22 on the right of this line.

    You should now have 22 letters and 22...

  • Dee something for you to read and may be print out for other to read

  • Fumie please together with son google Mayer Brigg personality types, this may help him, knowing my soft skills/ personal qualities differently helped me.

    I applied for a apprenticeship 38 year ago, 600 people went for 5 vacancies, even though my school qualification where zero, I was successful.

    I suffered from a stammer and was very shy, my parent got...

  • John it is the mesocortical/mesolimbic dopamine pathways located in the limbic system also referred to as the Seek and Reward.

    Dopamine switch these pathways on and in turn they desire more as a reward, I am sure these pathways are why we become addictive to lots of things, sugar, caffeine, fast car, drugs, fast food.

  • J K why not also consider switching it off. I enjoyed reading your account, brilliant, why not suggest to your friend that you all switch off your phone and enjoy some old fashion conversation.

    I linked an article you may like to share with your friends, why not go old school and print it...

  • Paul I listed a link that you like to try for next 28 day. I called the three blessing

    The following article worth a read

  • Shelley I like you to consider trying the following for next 28 days. I referred to as the Three blessings

    Before you go to bed would you sit for 20 to 30 minutes in a nice chair and list at least three thing that you did or observed that where positive that day, write them down, then just before...

  • Shelly the pathway is referred to as the HPA axis.

    It is a very old part of the brain, that helped humans to survive when we would have been considered food for other animals.

  • Patrick, would you also consider sitting for 20 to 30 minutes before going to bed and list 3 event that had a positive effect on your day. I included a link (it called the Three blessings)

    I believe it will help you, so give it a go for the next 28 days, I been doing it...

  • A nice read to add to the discussion, why we may all be addicted to text etc

  • Christine in the emotional part of the brain the limbic system we have an area called the seek and reward ( technical name is mesocortical/mesolimbic dopamine pathways) that what I believe craig and richard were talking about, you may like to read the link below....

  • I enjoyed the course, I like more people to comment in the discussion boards, especially the later weeks. I studied as I was curious, I learned lots and hopeful use it to inspire more young people to consider a sonographer.

    The only section I like improved was knobology section, I would have liked dual screen to also see a operater change knobs what effect...

  • I am a member Institute of Engineering and Technology IET we have held conference, seminar and symposiums on the using of Microwave in both the detection and treatment for 21st century medical environment.

    I seen some wonderful prototypes from team of engineers in the uk who are researching into the use of multihead detector using 434 MHz up to 800 MHz...