Mohamedahmed Eltohami

Mohamedahmed Eltohami

Location Sudan


  • I am struggling to run Ubuntu, tried many streamed options, but not working. Any help?

  • Thank you @BethanyWild

  • I am a medical doctor and prospective student in genomic medicine at Queen Mary university of London, I want to engage in this course to expand my knowledge in genomic medicine and join network in genomic medicine.

  • @DavidWalker, I want to contact you, please!

  • Very interesting talk, if the body makes a mistake in building abnormal protein as you said " "incorrect" mRNA/proteins " , may this protein in need for the body? if no why?

  • @SophieShaw thank you very much

  • @SairaAli Would you clarify more?

  • Thank you @SophieShaw.

  • @muhammadkhan, according to my poor knowledge, the virus needs mRNA of the cell inorder to replicate.

  • Did you mean pathogenic variations are curable?

  • As far the technology advances, the genetic sciences will improve dramatically

  • In simplified way, he will develop developmental delay, the parents will ask about this issue when it occurs, they must be prepared psychologically.
    In addition, they must prepare for what can be done for their child to continue his life.

  • I am Dr. Mohamedahmed , have been accepted to study Genomic medicine at the university of Exeter.

  • Iam struggling in the effects of environment, how could environment interfere??

  • It seems the faculty team are hanging away !

  • Very impressive and exciting work from prof Donald Nicholson.

  • Genome plays a crucial role in our life; it carries all our secrets to the next generations, to how extend depends on many factors ranging from environmental to the ability of gene to express him self

  • Hello everybody here, I am Dr, Mohamedahmed, a medical officer , my aim is to understand the scene results in in glycemic distortion and the role of metabolites on this

  • Welcome all of you tutors, hope this course will help me.

  • I am a medical doctor interesting in diabetes, and I want to acquire in-depth knowledge the metabolites interaction and thier role in development of diabetes complications

  • Genetic terma are very complicated.
    It is an open science needs collaborators from all over the world.

  • OMIM stands for Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man, primarily it deals with the association between phynotypes and genotypes.

  • I find these stories frustrating, despite thier efforts to find diagnosis, their are current treatment for these conditions,this represents a big challenge for clinicians starting from breaking bad news.
    Perhaps in the future some one will find treatment or therapy (if not me).

  • It means, you should check both.

  • The Web page glossary contents differs slightly from downloadable version. For instance, DeNovo definition doesn't excist in downloadable version.

  • Thanks

  • Studying medicine is very hard and lots of phenomena could not be explained. For instance, patients may come with variety of clinical features from a single disease, seems unexplainable for me, genemic medicine will disclose this phenomena in greater depth.

  • In fact, most of the MODY's response well to sulfonylureas, very few (although important) patients are candidates for insulin. the biggest concern when Identified MODY about patients' susceptibility for renal disease.

  • If this what happens, why they targeted only B cells and not other cells in the body system , and what its impact in other body if there are ?

  • Why this happens " cells attack and destroy most of the beta cells in the pancreas that are needed to produce insulin, so that the pancreas makes too little insulin or no insulin" what are the triggering factors"

  • Why neurological deficits don't happen in some patients, and I see there a wide variety of genetic abnormalities differ in clinical presentation and hence the difficulty in clinical diagnosis !!!!

  • I need more information about the structure of K channels, any help?

  • Hi All,
    I am Dr.Mohamedahmed Eltohami, I am I interested in genetic particular the cellular metabolism

  • My strategy of learning rngagment :
    1:Why i want to learn thid course.As Iam medical officrer interested in genetic metablome, I want to acquire some if not all related to genetic
    2- After gradustion every entity needs to hire student who got high marks so my aim is to get high marks.
    3-lectures contain many invaluable and inopjectable informatiom that...

  • Sure it is good and valuable points the most important is how to manage your time and get more skills you need. For me, it is a catastrophe iam always busy many things are crucial in my study milestone

  • Amazing starter with valued glossary

  • I am Dr. Mohammedahmed, diabetologist.

  • Very excellent. ......How you can use this is the job of geneticist

  • It would be perfect, without collaborative work nothing achievable.
    Confidentiality is the biggest challenge but can be managed.

  • The question here, to which extent multiple variations should be excluded and in what bases?

  • Even drugs such as Tamoxifen acts on blocking the estrogen hormonal receptors, blocking off the proliferative actions of estrogen on the mammary epithelium, but the researcher found, there are markedly increased incidence of endometrial carcinoma

  • I think you are right, but the question here, who will interact with triggering factors, more clarification is needed !!!!

  • Expression of a gene depends on the whether it is locked-on a specific region or off, regardless whether it's mutated or normal, am I right?

  • @MahendraSingh Seems it needs more clarification

  • Can anyone explain this sentence "Scientists have shown that these mechanisms cannot tell the difference between a U that should be there and a U that used to be a C".?

  • Alleles Have different loci, does it mean in other chromosomes with a different structure ?

  • Any help I found some difficulties in understanding basic concepts

  • In my view, academic writing aims to assess your future reaserch ability. The style has many similarities with research structure.
    First, knowledge gap; you introduce what we already know ,then clrarfication of a proplem and its impacts to raise up attention.

  • To make a reference , means you will loose your marks because, it limited words, references usually conume words and time.

  • I think, you are partially correct, it depends on the title of the topic

  • I think, we must start early as possible as draft then considering review our writing , and by the time correction nd further improvement will occur

  • I think it's about descriptive style

  • Hi Guys
    The most difficult part on ILETS test is time allocated to complete the test: If you can manage the time you will success, the second thing which in my view really important is digging your mind and try to find good words