Natasha Beaulieu

Natasha Beaulieu

French Canadian fiction author. I have interets in many subjects. Future Learn is the best choice because while learning I can improve my English. Looking forward to write short stories in English.

Location Montreal, Canada



  • I also prefer joyful music to do physical activities but if I sit and write I need calmer/deeper music. I would use the word « dark ». Deep bass sound. Dark ambient mood. If I try to work while listening to some joyful and quick music, it will not serve my concentration as well as I need @MassimoGrassi

  • So well explained. Thank you.

  • I have really enjoyed that video explanation.

  • I can imagine people working in a restaurant's kitchen rushing to prepare all the different food and adding the final « bouquet de persil » on top of the mashed potatoes. The music is very dynamic and full of contrasts. So it is a mix between you have to rush and then suddenly there is this bit of time where you can be more fancy/creative.

  • One violonist can't even help standing up. More than moving it seems like if Mozart wants you to express yourself maybe like what he was making while writing his music. For me it sounds like a way to communicate, like if Mozart was saying : Hey, let's get alive !

  • A feeling of joy. Harmony. The desire to make my body experience a form of pleasure that is unique to music. Or sometimes it is a natural reaction to the connections it creates in my body. Like if music knows some secrets parts of me she can wake up. It is quite mysterious, in a way...

  • I bought tickets to see Kraftwerk, the electronical German band. I was very surprised that the event takes place in a big concert sitting theater room. One friend a of mine asked : How will you be able to enjoy it if you can't dance? I still don't know, as the concert has been pospotned. I am wondering if the event organisators think that the Gen X are too old...

  • My dad was a classical music lover. I remember him playing the conductor on weekends mornings. It seemed he wanted to make me smile but he was obviously having great fun doing so. Lovely music memories.

  • I am Natasha, a fiction writer. Like a short story or a novel, each song, each piece of music has its own ambience.

    I think music makes you feel what you ear, what your brain understands. Sometimes it is linked with a very precise souvenir. We relate, we react, we move to music that resonates into our chilhood memories, from a nice experience, from someone...

  • Hello from Montreal, Canada.
    Let's Dance !

  • Writer. Director. I really like the fact that a good team needs people coming from different disciplines which are not separated but rather complementary. It gives a strong interest for working in that immersive world. You can share all your experiences. This is also very interesting for people in their fifties who are looking for new goals. As Generation X,...

    As an author myself, I think this is really great. It gives litterature a new life. This H.G. Wells novels, first published in 1898, has been reinterpreted into many different medias : radio, tv, movie, video games, etc. But with the immersive and extended reality way, it is more exciting for the person experiencing it...

  • Very clear presentation by this passionate woman. Catherine Allen really enjoys what she does and it shows. Her talk creates the desire to know more about all those differents realities.

  • « Not everything is design. But design is about everything. So do yourself a favor: be ready for anything. » I love that. So XXI Century in every way.

  • There are many interesting information in the three texts.

  • I think this SMART idea is a very good tool to help people with a new diet goal but it can also be use to other parts of our life we want to improve.

  • What I find the most interesting is the evolution of all this. There is still many things to discover and I think this human mental health will benefit a lot from it. We already knew that having a fruits, vegetables, hole grains and fish diet is much better than a processed food diet but the researches will help to be more precise. It is very exciting and I'm...

  • It is very interesting to compare dietary guidelines from different countries. Even with the differences, there is a good human universal dietary way of doing but it is not obvious to make it concrete because of social conditions and some cultural and old food traditions that still exists. But that might changes over the next years.

  • I grew up in Canada in the 1970's, watching a lot of japan anime : Candy, King Leo, Heidi, Demetan, Mini Fée, Prince Saphir, etc. I was introduced to manga later in my life. My favorite one is Black Butler. I have a fascination for ninjas, gothic lolitas amazing outfits. I feel connected somehow with japan culture. I took this course to understand better why.

  • Communication is on top of the list.
    Be true. Be real. Love what you do. Find it interesting. stimulating. Then it will be easier to communicate because people will help you if you lack some abilities of doing so. And as time goes by, you will become more skillfully communicative.
    All the other skills are also important but you can't have it all.

  • After having done some FutureLearn online courses, it gave me the desire to study in a professional training place. It opens new doors for my career.

  • Some people do have those 21st century skills but as they don't have the educational background they are sometimes afraid to apply for a job that request a diploma. Is there really possibilities for those people to have the job only with their skills and not necessary with a diploma. I understand some job needs a diploma but not all. Or am I wrong? What do you...

  • A 9 to 5 job is not compatible with who I am. I have plenty of time right now and sometimes feel I don't use it in the most good way. What I really liked int he video is when Henrik encourages us to try new paths we aren't so sure we are capable of doing. Like in... You would like to do this, someone people have done it before, why not give it a try and see...

  • Being open-minded and positive
    Accepting that everything changes fast and adapt
    Communicating in a way to make sure you are being «truly» understand
    Everybody can be creative in its own way. Be creative and passionate about what you do.

  • I use Facebook to keep in touch with all my friends and relatives. I enjoy seeing what they are up, what they like, what makes them laugh and smile and let me know if they are in a difficult time. Close friends I see them also in real places which is necessary. I like Pinterest because I have been collecting pictures of things I like on Internet since the...

  • Hi, I am a fiction author looking for new ways to promote my novels using social media. Which are more accurate to do so?

  • Stimulated by your answer, I had a check about 3D printing for clothes. I found that :
    Maybe not exactly the kind of clothes I want to wear but it will obviously improved ;)

  • Petite size clothes is my personal choice. At least, short body, waist at the right place, sleeves and pants not too long. What I am looking for in a near future is the possibility to design your own clothes on internet, having it cut and sewed for you and then shipped home. Then people will have a chance to dressed in their own personal taste.

  • True storytellers love to tell which has nothing to do with making money. At the same time, they are happy when they reach a large audience that appreciate their story. In an ideal world, transmedia storytelling could be real fun if making money wasn't involved. I'm not sure who makes more profits in the transmedia world : the original creator or all the...

  • Yes, who should be paid for the first good idea? That had lead to many court cases in the past and it doesn't seem to end in a near future.

  • Don't it feels like someday, consumers will not only want to contribute but to get paid for their participation?

  • It seems that the course would have been more enjoyable with some of the Three Little Pigs animation style ;) Maybe next week?

  • "During the era of written language, the idea of “background” was actually rather weak." I would rather say « was more subjective » as each reader would have it's own conception of the background.

  • I don't need to read a résumé of what I have listened five minutes ago. But perhaps it is useful to people following the course at a slower beat...

  • «You are not a storyteller » video creates smiles and thinking. Or thinking and smiles. Thanks for sharing.

  • I smile at how your personal story got reactions. I suspect you have your father's talent.

  • This course was very well built. I have enjoyed it and learn a lot from it.
    I wasn't ready yet to do my campaign but I certainly know better how to do it once it I will feel ready. Thank you.

  • Mind you, as a storyteller, I feel very happy about this article.

  • Being creative brave will be rewarded because all human being can relate to the need of taking risks in is own world. This is Life.

  • Assassin’s Creed Unity is an amazing idea. Connecting world-wide players into the same story. That makes people feeling « part of the story ». Using their Avatars to do the publicity is also nice.

  • It seems that they have used every social media possibilities. So it works, indeed, because it is well done by people who know what they are doing. Reality : huge budget for a well known company that exists since 1864. Nice though that they have invested in new technologies because it gives them better chances to stay around UK's people heart for a another while.

  • Gary Vaynerchuk video's was worth watching. Now I can put the kettle on for a cup of tea.

  • Even though I grew up in Canada, so physically closer to the USA than UK, I always felt more connected with the British Culture. So London, Oliver Twist, James Bond, Depeche Mode, The Sex Pistols, Winston Churchill, Alexander MacQueen, J.G. Ballard, Somerset Maugham, Graham Green and many more UK icons have always been my cup of tee (Earl Grey is even better)....

  • I wish I have understand and size that part earlier in my career. But it is never too late :)
    Helly Hansen's app is such a great idea.
    Winterlands app ? Where can I buy it so I can send my friends such a lovely message.

  • Your comment is so true «But we all seek to discover the world and how we fit in to it- through storytelling and public influence.»

  • Yes :)

  • There is an unexpected creature on the spaceship. It has the potential to kill all of us.
    We have to destroy it. We are scared but we are brave. Let’s find where it is hiding and do our job.

  • The John Lewis ads work very well. But I had a problem with the 2015 one.

    I think I do not understand it properly (might it be cultural?).

    From my point of view the mother's reaction is very rude to the cupcakes. Worst, the effort her girl made is considered not perfect. Of course it is not and the mother does not react in front of her child but still,...

  • Whatever it is you have to do, whatever happens to you, whoever you are, wherever you are, don't be afraid to be that amazing person you truly are.

  • The Brief breakdown exercice was quite fun and those two last words puts what you should concentrate on right in your face.

  • The D&AD brief sounds like an interesting challenge.

  • Natasha Beaulieu made a comment

    Dark Spell : you can't do it
    Story : Gatorate is THE magic potion which destroy the dark spell

  • Thank you for that advertisement. It would be useful in many other countries.

  • Natasha Beaulieu made a comment

    It is very unpleasant. Someone who doesn't know how to swim must feel horrified. The soundtrack makes it creepier. One point that did not work for me : I can't remember the name of the brand.

  • Natasha Beaulieu made a comment

    Lovely animation and music. It gaves the impression that everybody can change the World by doing its small part. But too much attention is given to the sad part. So I don't believe in it. For me there is no happy ending. The Quest is not reach. Yes, the farmer wants to sell is better food but we don't see anybody buying it. Only a kid showing an interest. His...

  • Hero : Facebook users
    Facebook is THE most popular platform
    Skittles are candies same form, different colours. Like Humans on Facebook.

    Even though this is outside brand world, I would say Paris November 13th with many Facebookers adding the French Flag to their profile picture.

  • Monster : rejection
    Overcome : going on doing what she feels/know she should do because she likes it

    It makes me think of the talented singer/violon player Lindsey Stirling. She was told bad comments on some big tv contests before becoming a well known fantastic performer.

  • Thank you Sir Alan Parker. I had such a good time watching your commercials. Some of them (most of them ?) would be considered so non politically correct these days but well, that was then and it was funny. And I learned a few tips from watching it.

  • I'm not sure I understand everything but I like the fact that there is the digital part because some young people might not be comfortable using a pen anymore ;)

  • Even though, sometimes, great ideas come quick.

  • The D&A creative awards. Either you have one, or you want one.

    I like that punch.

  • I like the link with Da Vinci, Wren and the child.

  • (someone talking in front of the camera)

    First I had an idea which I thought was cool.
    Then it became a goal.
    And as soon as I know, I was working on it.
    This happens to many people.
    Some of them even win awards.
    Meet them. Get inspired.

  • I wish crowdfunding would be as popular in the French world.

  • Natasha Beaulieu made a comment

    I really enjoy it. I only find people talk very fast but I also understand that this is the way people talk in a natural way. We don't want to learn to talk Dutch in slow-motion ;)

  • The most difficult to pronounce : begrijp ik

  • I thought I understood Joel saying to Renata he is part of a local band and that he likes going to club and listen to metal band. I might have too much imagination or maybe it is a french thing ;)

  • Hallo, mijn naam is Natasha. I live in Canada. My first language is French but I am fine with English. I visited Amsterdam twice and I have really enjoyed it. I thought the language was fascinating. I am a fiction author with a passion for Europe.

  • I just found this link related to marijuana. It makes me feel uncomfortable.

  • I find interesting that what seemed a robbery case has now evolved into something more complex. Where was Debbie Anderson the day of the murder?

  • Thank you for the link.

  • Thank you for the link.

  • How strange. I live in Quebec and I never heard of that procedure used for anybody I know buying Gravol. That includes myself. I am curious : were you visiting Quebec?

  • Thank you Clodagh.

  • As a fiction author I found this course even more useful than I thought it would be. Week 4 was particularly exciting but Week 3, as difficult as it was to understand, was very important to understand the reality of XXI Century of Forensic Science. Will I dare locate a crime taking place in London in my next novel? It seems possible.

  • I might have missed something but is it possible to recover DNA marks on the gun if it has been under water for a while?

  • Not if you are a man.

  • I have really enjoyed that article and kept reading into the hair analysis section.

  • Is there something as a fully proved totally secured database of anything? I don't think so. Hackers are hackers. On another hand, if everyone has a DNA sample taken from them from the day they are born, so they know they are recorded. Yes. Will this ever make them think twice before committing a crime? Maybe yes? Maybe no?

  • British humour is the best. Thank you for that funny article among the serious ones.

  • The « very visual» PCR video helps understanding better.

  • Thank you for the link. I think it is very useful to understand that, like for fingerprints, we assumed that every human being has his own and unique DNA. As we can see it is not 100% always true. Is it possible that, in a near future, science will discover another biological element of human being that is 100% unique? Or there will always be some exception?...

  • I have really enjoyed the videos. I did not know how Forensic Science was proceeding with bloodstains. It is amazing they could come up with such precise details.

  • Canada's DNA database was introduced in 2000.

  • Some countries destroy the DNA information after a case/crime is resolved? Why is this difficult to believe?

  • I have really enjoyed week two. I don't have a scientific formation and I am french-canadian speaking so you are a very good team of teachers. Thank you. Google translate helps me with some technical words. I take notes both in English and French so it makes a funny résumé.

  • As long as she does not think your are a suspect, you are safe.

  • Thank you too let me know ;)

  • Everything is so well explained. It will already help me making a crime scene investigation very credible in my next novel. I'm looking forward to week two.

  • Thank you.

  • Can someone remind me the full name of SIO ?

  • Amazing indeed. I was totally into Chris Downey shoes and tried to imagine myself blind. I could relate to his description of how all the other senses become important. I have always want to try « one day without seeing » as an experience. Shouldn't I put it on my to do list for 2015? Is there a different for an author to conceptualized a new world if he is...

  • I've noticed the same thing had happened to some of my friends who got children. They lost interest in horror and like you said, prefer to stay on the bright side. You certainly feel very protective when you have to take care of your children. Maybe you don't want to keep in touch with too many fiction horror. There is already enough horror in the real world.

  • Natasha Beaulieu made a comment

    It was my first course at FutureLearn. I have really envoy it. I would have preferred more explanations by video. As it was mentioned, it is easier to listen than to read ;) I will look for other courses. Thank you.

  • One of my favorite J.G. Ballard novels. I have read three time. It is uncomfortable to read but at the same time the fascination for the twisted mind characters is very strong for me. It is also well written and psychologically justified.

  • How we feel affected our reading. You can take a novel read one page and don't want to go on further. Years later you take the same novel, give it another chance and it will work.

  • Same for me but in general I find it easier to relate to a novel's extract than poetry.

  • Comments for that question are very interesting.

  • Do you think you would have enjoy the novel more if you would not have been pregnant?