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Alí Adame

Alí Adame

Programmer and enthusiast learner exploring topics like data analytics, privacy, Artificial Intelligence. Also, preparing for MSc.
Have an outstanding learning process:)

Location Ensenada, México



  • @EzraK one approach you can take to make sure you are achieving the optimum level of prediction on your model is by using three different sets of data, one for training, one more for testing and another for validation. You should use the training data for crafting your model, and at every iteration of the training, you will need to take a look...

  • I think that, if you are able to share your data with an AI, you should expect the AI to be able to explain how it is jumping to conclusions too. And that the task of explainable AI (xAI), a subfield in the aim to provide AI models that does not act as a black box, but instead are rich in justifications of the decisions they make.
    Here's an article I have...

  • Yes, you certainly can add more data to test and train, but you need to be careful specially on training because a model can become excessively trained and at some point it starts to underperform, this is know as overfitting.

  • Absolutely, in the first case, the whole idea of a diagnosis fully performed by a machine would be unacceptable to many people. Although, the first approach is technically more privacy-centered.

  • For those more interested about when Broad AI (also known as general AI) will be achieved, here is an article from Forbes:

  • What a great point, privacy. Privacy is fundamental on the training of AI models, it's important to ensure that identities of those whose information is being collected, and processed is not going to be revealed.
    More benefits of AI in healthcare will be seen at Intensive Care Units (retrieved from Georgia Tech):...

  • Totally agree, a heat map of milk products consumption would be great to them. And for the consumers would be positive too

  • Here in Mexico we have the General Law of Personal Data
    Protection in Third Parties Possession. It was originated in 2006, and it's similar to GDPR in many of its general terms like fairness, transparency and accountability. Although it pursues kind principles and applications,it fails at elements and actions like data processing, usage of algorithms for...

  • It is with no doubt a big challenge as you say. Beginning with data, the available datasources might not be compatible, so we need to take a look in every metadata, compare them, decide which one is compatible to start analysing separately depending to every datasource.

  • I would also introduce analysis of age. Seems like age is correlated with production too, younger cows are producing more milk.

  • I have personal experience with SQL for data analysis and also a bit of experience with R.

  • I share the perspective about how prosthetics aid to overcome any physical boundary. What I truly question are the morals behind increasing intelligence just like that by using implants, I think will increase inequalities if used just like the cosmetic surgeries to the ones can afford it.

  • One problem to achieve successful teams is the lack of enough specialists in the field. We need to do a lot of work on it.
    And The Turing Test seems far from our reach as well. I hope in the future soon that conversational agents can surpass easily the test.

  • @KipleyCampbell what you said is very interesting, I would say that one of the goals of the artificial intelligence and the philosophy of technology relies on the establishment of a universal moral framework to avoid damaging natural entities, like a human or a dog and artificial (non-hostile) and intelligent machines.

    The question is when this kind of...

  • @PaulC you hit on the nail about when an artificial general intelligence will be build. It is difficult to foresee the future but I think during the current decade or the following we will see an advancement that could be considered as an artificial general intelligence, an autonomous system that does not precisely need training whatsoever.

    By the...

  • Although AI needs to be addressed with different perspectives and be applied at different regions it is undeniable that the initial requirements for and AI to fulfill and perform any kind of activities are closely related to numeracy and more specifically to statistics and to the ability to perform calculations based on a body of knowledge embedded into the AI...

  • Alí Adame made a comment

    Raising awareness about unconscious bias.
    PCmag shares an opinion article about the impact of AI trained from biased data in healthcare.

    "Datasets collected in North America are purely reflective and lead to lower performance in different parts of Africa and Asia, and vice versa, as certain genetic conditions are more common in certain groups than others,"...

  • @LouiseJ one of the current problems during the construction of artificial intelligence models in many fields is the absence of bias. During the production of AI or Machine Learning (ML) solutions as @GabyKSlezák mentioned, there is still a big debt on how to properly tackle the problem presented by biased programming, biased algorithms or data retrieved from...

  • The Reverse Culture Shock phenomenon it is also very interesting. It is important to be able to identify and treat them properly.

  • Thank you very much for the supportive and enlightening information, I hope it gets the time to use all the valuable information from this course. I am currently expecting a response from the masters degree applications, but I can say that the exposed content of reading and writing weeks can be applied anywhere independently of the country of studies, so again...

  • It will be important to have all the valid papers to pass immigration filters and that includes the academic documentation. Talking about personal belongings I would bring some personal documents and of course some of my most protective clothing against cold weather. I would bring a tortilla press with me to make my own tortillas, sounds a bit funny now, but...

  • I agree with what Professor Orla Kennedy says about why group work is considered very challenging to understand in UK studies. In my particular case I would say I have been evaluated in the majority of time based on my own work and practice, and maybe less than 20 percent of the time by group work, it will be challenging at the beginning but very satisfactory...

  • Yes, it is because you are not supposed to add anything from your perspective of the topic, you are only expected to rephrase it.

  • Regarding academic integrity at the Library Resources of the University of Southampton, it is stated that work recycling would not be appropriate unless explicit permission was given.
    (Source: )

  • Related to structure, I would take a follow-up note to increase the usage of subheadings to help make content clearer.

    Related to content I would make a note to "remember to comment on the sources used". And also, ensuring that writing contains the requested length, and all the requested topic would be important to remember for future work.

  • An example of cautious language is when the author refers to the findings on fruit waste and says:
    "This is likely to be the case", instead of seems like or looks like.
    He is telling that, there is evidence that supports his statement in a more sophisticated manner. Very interesting.

  • The examples of passive voice usage can be found in the sentences separated by dots:
    "The fragmentary, disjointed and unbalanced nature of the current subject content within the history curriculum, which leaves pupils without a coherent ‘mental map’ of the past [40, 73] also needs to be addressed". (This one represents the very long noun phrase).

  • Effectively, the are many differences, in general the process needs to be rigorous and consistent, it is important to care about the style the information is being delivered and recognize others with the proper citation during the process.

  • I would like to play soccer and during the process make some friends, which would be good for the body and soul. It is important to find a balance with studies.

  • I also agree with you Antonios. And leaving extra space between topics while looking information from different sources helps to avoid saturation on the notes.

  • @SundayJosephOlatoye you are completely right. Using an University library nowadays is easier than ever.

  • Although it could be explained in more detail, the article suggest that many measures needs to be done, including taxes for meat and dairy products, also talk about the subsidies and how reducing them could change the panorama. From my point of view, the article could be used for as an auxiliary source of information, another academic articles could be better...

  • Alí Adame made a comment

    Very important information, thanks for sharing that. The key point for me it is the importance of not reading all, because we might be searching for something in the reading or looking for some guidance from the content of readings. There is a misconception sometimes that we need to read every single line of text or it might be considered "cheating". It is key...

  • @JoanMcCormack also, even though a reading list hasn't been provided to us, we can take a look at the study programme of the University which we are interested in. At the programme details it is possible to find sometimes the topics for the course.

  • @TatianaValencia I agree with you. In paper you have the opportunity to take notes in the case of a handout for studies, there are other cases when an elctronic presentation it's easier to carry, while traveling for example. It really depends on the circumstances, but for academic purposes I enjoy more the physical presentation.

  • @CarolineIredon thank you very much, your feedback is really appreciated! I will consider your advice for the next time if I develop the topic any further.
    This link might satiate your curiosity about the topic:

  • You are right Caroline, I guess everyone wants to tell a bit about the differences between cultures.
    In youtube there's a testimony, from a man who shows the differences between US culture and the British one, it is really entertaining to give a look and be aware of the differences, it's British vs. American by Evan...

  • @ToufekAmmar that recording was a great job, I wanted to listen more of it. You've captivated the audience!

  • Alí Adame made a comment

    I decided to present this: the Future of transportation it's full of possibilities.
    Hope everyone enjoys, and please share your comments, your help will be deeply appreciated.

  • Being a teacher I feel confident to deliver the message to an audience, which for the case they are my students. In the beginning, it was a bit difficult to cover the materials in the appropriate length according to the course's design. but with the time you will get used to it. I would like to present material in English one day, so far my presentations have...

  • Here are five important aspects that Poon needs to cover in order to be prepared for the seminar:
    1.- Perform an in-depth reading of the materials, ensure he has all the materials too.
    2.- Take the important notes by reflecting and selecting the relevant content.
    3.- Create a slide presentation with the findings
    4.- Previous to the presentation make sure...

  • I think an additional statement could be to take notes of what others are saying, that could help specially if you are nervous and will help you to remember easily what is being discussed. Additionally that could led to discoveries to talk about during the seminar. Active note taking is a powerful technique that is not limited to lectures.

  • I will involve definitively more with English content by reviewing the recommended course and look for some interesting talks from TED. Thank you very much for the information!

  • In my case is the same, I work as a teacher and web developer, so I contact my clients by using social media apps, that can be overwhelming when I try to study something, and because of my studying time is limited these days I tend to treat it as a valuable activity, thus, when I'm studying there is not nothing with the enough power to distract me.
    When the...

  • In my particular case I see two important keys.
    The high quality education, as well as the intercultural experience provide tools to stay competitive after graduation. Also, the level of personalization of the subjects of the study programme it is important for me, the instruction of topics that I could not find in my country it is also relevant, not to...

  • Hello everyone!
    My name is Alí, from México, I live in the northwest. This course caught my attention, I think I will learn so much of it about complexity, graphs and cellular automata theory, hope to discuss with you more about it. Hope everyone enjoy this beautifully crafted material.

  • ¡Yo también soy de México!
    I hope everyone enjoys the content of this course.

  • Hello everyone!
    My name is Alí, and I am reviewing the marvelous material of this course, the first time I took this course I loved it because it's really self-explanatory about the main aspects and benefits of R. And the best part is that you can relate the content in the analysis of only one project.

  • Your comment about the execution phase is so true. It's really hard to re-engage some of the stakeholders during the execution phase if they get uninterested about the project.

  • Also was thinking about it. When I read "send copies of the books to the moderators" it not clear if copies are physical or either e-books, some optimization might be need as technologies closes gaps year by year.

  • Alí Adame made a comment

    The part where Professor mention that if at the moment you are scoping the wbs you have issues to determine what is need to be done then you need to talk to more stakeholders is truly valuable.

  • What I considered really interesting are the techniques used to fulfill the privacy and security of healthcare information. I had no idea of the different approaches that can drive a system to only deal with public or private information depending on the objective. It was impressive the process they needed to use both with map reduce as described in the paper...

  • Even though GDPR is effective it can improve, as Professor Sandra Wachter from Oxford points out (she was honored in a paper award The document "A Right to Reasonable Inferences" explains how there is not a clear mechanism on GDPR to clearly address how AI makes assumptions from data. Many of this kind of inferences may be harmful...

  • You can add that Deep learning (DL) differs from Machines learning (ML) in two major aspects:
    1.- DL requires less human intervention due to a bigger number of neurons in the network. To achieve this "the mathematics involved in developing deep learning models are extraordinarily intricate".
    2.- ML on the other hand, because it is "less complex" requires...

  • That's great!
    I have been working on my study plans too, the one thing I haven't before was a revise time. Now I am setting that time on the schedule.

  • Sustainable cities and communities: There needs to be a future in which cities provide opportunities for all, with access to basic services, energy, housing, transportation and more.

    It's a really challenging goal while people migrate to different countries or within the same country. It need the participation of States and cities as well. The work of...

  • Living in an interesting coastal city near the Mexico - US international border it's incredible how we are linked to both Mexico and the US. The Ensenada por got discovered by a Spanish explorer three centuries ago. Although it was not established as a town after that, with time Ensenada became the most important port in Northwest Mexico. It is also connected...

  • Also, the possibility to, in the future integrate smartwatches ecg information to the models it's really valuable for the patient and the clinic.

  • @DavyAllan that is a really common practice. Then, project which are expected to be delivered are presented with only some of the functionalities with very undesirable outcomes in terms of quality. I've seen that happening commonly in the IT industry, specially in projects where project managers are experienced but not all the members of the development team...

  • Of course you are involved in projects. For example, being in this course it's a project, a small one but one, nonetheless.
    As Professor said, the success of a project is measured against your objectives. Mine's (in terms of this course progress) are delayed due time constraints.

  • @JcaribE of course. Less people in remedial facilities, more people being treated on time, less stressed. More happiness and life quality to patients and doctors as well.

  • In the article, it is worth noting what Rockwell Anyoha says about robots in the next 50 years: we have the potential to make them similar to us, independent in movement and will, able to think and act, but due to ethical constraints that will be hard to achieve. Fascinating!

  • The concept of the holy trinity is very interesting. What a great to show us how scope, time and budget are correlated at all time. It's a fundamental idea to keep in mind at every moment, during the project development.

  • Same happens to me Viktor, at least is a relief knowing that we are planning and reviewing but it is really disappointing being short on the estimations. We need to overcome what is known as planning fallacy, I found this article helpful in cases when working alone or in...

  • @EdCrockett great point. There will be more information to rely on. Thanks!

  • AI would be, with appropriate guidance and development, a good tool to present virtual avatars or assistants (virtual friends) who can help you by preventing diseases that are developed on lack of physical activities (ie. obesity, heart diseases) by taking measures of daily activity on the installed devices of users, also could be a virtual assistant to...

  • In the case of the signal loss, I am wondering what kind of mechanisms provides the analytics to understand or detect this phenomenon. Great point on mobile analytics @GustavoBarrera

  • The assistance of AI to forecast success or make suggestions to introduce improvements to champaigns it would be a common situation in the future.

  • A way that business behave can be as simple as showing differently the information on screen, that means that elements that are part of the user interface are arranged in other way. That could be a simple adjustment but actually it is a big deal for an advertiser. If an space starts to behave poorly in mobile it stops to be profitable to advertisers in many...

  • In mobiles, analytics segmentation it's more important because it tells from what kind of devices are users accessing your resources. Analyzing that point can make a difference to understand and offer a personalized experience according different types of devices (tablets, mobile phones, and so on)

  • What data do they collect?
    Data about every consumption per home, neighborhood,per hour, day and so on. The idea is that data could tell no only amount but behavior too (in the case of demographics, spike times or dates like the holidays). Also weather data is collected.

    What are the data currently being used for?
    Data is being used to forecast the...

  • The presentation of the tool NodeXL was really enlightening. During a long time, I have wondered how do people can perform analytics from social media platforms, now I have a better understanding of it. Thanks!

  • Assuming I am promoting a product from my organization I would like that the sites sharing my video were related to influencers and members from the industry in where the product it is involved.
    In that case, I would promote the company by offering trials of products in exchange for their honest recommendation or experience.

  • Alí Adame made a comment

    In my business and with my clients we use the restful api approach. That choice came from the necessity of low resource and high compatibility with the web needs. I also worked with communication throughout soap services, on that case due to enterprise structure. Both of them are great, but if you are planning to have one keep in mind what kind of devices you...

  • Alí Adame made a comment

    The information provided is really complete. Thank you!

  • Alí Adame made a comment

    One of my thoughts about APIs is that allow different types of software experiences by separating the "data" layers from the user interface. That way, a company is able to create a software experience of a mobile app on one hand and a desktop computer app on the other while consuming the same data source. Incredible!

  • My name is Ali, from Mexico. I am very interested in apply forecasting to historical data, that's why I am here. I wish you all a happy learning!

  • At work, I do not engage with any social network but I have to accept that reading news throughout the day could lead to a waste of time.
    At home, I have the problem to focus when I start seeing all those notifications on the smartphone screen.

  • This exercise was very helpful to become confident about previewing text!
    I mean, I had previously previewed information by reading the first lines, but I hadn't been able to judge if I was doing well. So thank you very much for that:)

  • This text was about the Jakhtilus and how it has been present throughout time for different reasons. Also notes its importance and states that is an unerasable piece of popular culture.

  • Very useful the mentioned about how depending on characters the data in INZight could be detected as categorical. The example of the dates 4/3/2014 and 20140304 was very helpful.

  • @ChrisWild thanks for the advice, I overlooked the link. Seems like some new knowledge is around the corner:)

  • Maybe we can start a collaborative effort if not available...
    Edit: a educator of the course (Mike Forster) stated that a full glossary is available at week 8

  • It surprised me too. For many years I have been the type of student who only uses the table of content for locating chapters. What a surprising misuse, only a few times I have used it to infer, critically think and reflect on why the chosen structure of the book

  • My first conclusions so far are that I can improve.
    What I have to do to improve is to stay away from the phone, I need to prioritize better my topics and be consistent with my study times (they are all untidy along the day)

  • Agree! I see we all have problems with the phone as a distractor. I have been using the recommended Forest app, it is promising how avoids using the phone while increases attention. Marvelous!

  • The first thing I do when it comes to study is to look for a silent place with the perfect temperature, which during winter may involve the use of a blanket, and of course having the notebook, computer and pen ready for the session.
    I related to the point of letting the phone away during study sessions.
    One thing I still have to manage better is to plan my...

  • Alí Adame made a comment

    Hi everyone!
    My name is Ali, I'm from Mexico.
    I am preparing to apply for a master degree next year. The plan is to study overseas. However, to accomplish that, aside the admission preparation I want to take my study skill to a new level. Currently, my time is really limited and want to get the most of the time on every nights of study, during day I work...

  • @JudithJürgens I was also wondering about it, thank you both.

  • It is also new to me, James. Hope to learn this interesting framework and make some applications with it.

  • @MegMoller there is no measurement bias from my opinion. The velocity measure remains constant, and time reduces in a no constant way. I've made a really simple scatter plot to show the relation between speed and time:

  • As a developer, I would like to have heard about the OWASP project, but fairly the course has set a really interesting framework to apply on future projects by including new responsibilities and the security measures exposed on the material sections which hopefully won't be tested (who wants to get attacked). I really enjoyed the information presented, I would...

  • I think it all boils down to what it means "fully secured". Nothing is fully secured, even secure procedures have a backup plan in case something fails. But as responsible for creating software we are obligated to perform everything at our disposal to minimize risks by complying with regulations, following an SDLC with security as a process (not a product),...

  • In simple words, GDPR is an obligatory contract to managing information for organizations located within the UE or any other country that process, store or transfer data from a european citizen outside the EU. These regulations are a game changer in the definition of who is the data owner, because it gives back the data to their real owners, the users.

  • What is really interesting is the whole picture, because as you say there are certain circumstances under CMA could apply, far from the scope of GDPR. But let's say for instance that a company suffered from hacking which leads to a breach under GPDR, let's say the company does not inform authorities and users at the corresponding time frame. Now the case...

  • I was also wondering why we haven't seen any information related to OWASP, hopefully next week we get in depth with theory and practice about it. I consider the course has been great to reflect on how should be the secure software.

  • It is worth noting how this paper stated many concerns of privacy that are closely related to security like integrity and authenticity of information.
    Another point that I consider really useful is the fact that we need to see security as a process, not like a product, which means that it is not something to add or remove from projects. Security is something...

  • Here's a case that could have been prevented using encryption, although it is not about a system, reinforces the idea of why encryption is important.
    This case is about how The Crown Prosecution Service lost DVD recording material, specifically about interviews with 15 victims of child sex abuse, to be used at the trial. A monetary penalty was determined. It...

  • Not applying these principles by default can lead to a number of undesirable situations, just imagine yourself trying to access with credentials to a system that lacks of integrity (what if at certain moment your identification information is lost?)... Or imaging accessing a web app that lacks of security in areas that are meant to be private. What about an...

  • Here in Latin America is very common that small software companies does not perform security testing. This issue should be law enforced from my point of view.