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Érica Paques Dias

Érica Paques Dias

I am an Early Years Teacher from Brazil. I work in a British School with 5 and 6 year-old children.

Location Brazil



  • Oggi in Brasile fa freddo.

  • Barattolo di marmellata
    Bottiglia di vino
    barattolo di sardina
    bicchieri d'acqua
    lattina di biscotti
    pacco de biscotti

  • Mi alzo presto alle 7:30. Faccio colazione ,mi cambio d'abito e comincio subito a lavorare. Sto lavorando a distanza e lo finisco alle 3:30 del pomeriggio. Ceno alle 8:00.
    Il sabato e la domenica mi alzo alle 8:00, faccio colazione e io resto.

  • Di solito guardo le serie.

  • Panino
    acqua frizzante

  • Il mio giorno preferito è il sabato perche Io posso riposare.

  • Durante la settimana lavoro, il sabato pulisco la casa e studio. La domenica preparo il mio pasto per la settimana e guardo la TV.

  • Io sono bassa, io ho gli occhi scuri e mio capelli è neri e lunghi.

  • Érica Paques Dias made a comment

    Sono le sette e trenta qui in Brasile.

  • Prendi la prima strada a destra e la prima strada a sinistra. Vai sempre diritto. Arrivi a un incrocio e vai a la destra.

  • Occhi azzurri!

  • Grazie Mille!
    Mio fratello sta finendo il liceo. Lavoro nella capitale del mio stato, Sao Paulo.

  • La mia famiglia è piccola. Mia madre è casalinga, lei ha cinquantasette anni. Mio padre è pensionato, lui ha sessantadue anni e mio fratello è studente, lui ha diciannove anni. Loro sono de campagna. Adesso Io vivo nella capitale.

  • La mia famiglia e piccola. Mia madre e casalinga, mio padre e pensionato. Io ho uno fratello, Rafael, lui ha diciannove anni.

  • 9 - nove
    23 - ventitre
    51 - cinquatuno
    76 - settantasei

  • Lavoro in una scuole internazionale in Brasile. Sono insegnante della prima infanzia.

  • Insegnante anche io.

  • Ciao!
    Me chiamo Erica, sono brasiliana.
    Io sono insegnante della prima infanzia in una scuola internazionale in Brasile.

  • Piacere Svetlana

  • Sono insegnate. Insegno ai bambini.

  • I do not have a specific place, but anywhere where I can find an International School to work.

  • Sono Erica, sono brasiliana, di Sorocaba, vivo a Sao Paulo.

  • Hi,
    My name is Erica, I am an Early Years teacher in an international school in Brazil.
    I intend to spend 2 years in Italy and I would like to know a bit of Italian before getting there....

  • share your own worst experience of emotional panic in the classroom - a time when you felt out of control.

    When I was still a teaching assistant I had to take over the classroom a few times when the teacher was absent or late for any reason. I did not have any behaviour management skills and I used to shout like crazy to make the children listen to me. Of...

  • Érica Paques Dias made a comment

    What is your motivation for joining this course?
    I think there is always something to improve in regards to behaviour management techniques. I teach early years in a private international school in Brazil and I have spent 2 years with 4/5-year-old children and this year I am teaching 5/6.
    Even one year difference can make a great impact on your skills if...

  • I don't know the other 2. The school I work for uses Nearpod and we find it really good @StephenHarker

  • Thank you! @JoannaCanavan

  • Week one brought many nice tools for use teachers to use.

    I would like to know if you have any suggestions of articles that focus on remote learning for young children (4-6)

  • I teacher early years and one of the digital tools we as teachers use the most with the children is the Nearpod.

  • For me, thinking about online learning for young children, I would say collaboration has been difficult.
    Children get easily distracted when looking at a screen and find it hard to follow their peers ideas and add to it online.

  • Hello,

    I am Erica and I am a Early Years Teacher in Brazil.
    After almost a year doing remote learning I feel there are still many things for us teacher to learn, improve and develop.
    I hope this course can give me different tools and ideas to use with my 6 year old children.

  • All the 3 principles are very important but as I work with the little ones I would say that the first one "Everyone can develop knowledge, understanding and skills." is the most present in my classroom.
    The most challenge would be the last "All learners in the classroom need to be motivated to learn." as sometimes is hard to make children change their interests.

  • Play opens the scope for imagination.
    Play is fun and learning and spontaneous.
    Play is an opportunity to express yourself and make sense of the world.

  • When and where did you grow up?
    I grew up in the 90s 40 min away from Sao Paulo, Brazil.

    What place did play have in your childhood? What sort of play experiences did you have as a child? Where did you like to play, and who with?
    Play played a big part in my childhood. I used to live immersed in my own imagination. I used to love role-playing and playing...

  • Hi everyone!
    My name is Erica and I work with 4 and 5-year-old children at an international School in Brazil.
    I decided to take this course to improve myself and learn new approaches in regards to Play.

  • Do children in your country tend to go to school when they are unwell?
    Yes they do! Unfortunately.

    How long should children be off school if they are unwell?
    Normally 24 hours

  • To have indoor and outdoor shoes.

  • 1- What are the biggest challenges of managing hygiene in the nursery setting, can you think of ways of doing things differently?
    The constant cleaning. One thing that can help is to have some sets of toys that can be replaced once used.

    2- How can you help the children in your setting understand the importance of handwashing?
    Making this part of the...

  • I remind children several times during the day to wash their hands.

  • Where do you think bugs could be found in your setting?
    Bugs are everywhere, the matter is if they are harmful or not.
    They can be found everywhere we touch, in water, paint, playdough, carpets, fluffy toys...

    What are the main issues for you in your setting?
    To take away everything children enjoy playing with and have to constantly clean the other toys.

  • I think that like everything in life there is to exist a balance between "too clean" and "too dirty".
    Our bodies have to be exposed to several different environments but cleaning afterwards is important as well.

  • Yes... especially because I work with very young children and sometimes is hard to explain it to them.

  • I am Erica, I teacher 4-5-year-old in an International School in Brazil.
    We are not back in campus yet but schools are planning to reopen in October.

  • If you haven’t returned to face-to-face classes yet

    What are you looking forward to most about going back?


  • Virtual Field Trips were my favourite!

  • During live lessons, I usually ask them to show thumbs up or down. I do use praise words all the time to encourage them to keep going.

  • How do you measure your learners’ progress?
    How do you share and celebrate this with your learners and their parents?

    We use the Development Matters document to measure children's progress and post a video to celebrate their individual learning.

  • We leave a feedback motivational video for the children to watch addressing everything they have learnt the week before.

  • We always check all the posts parents put on Tapestry Journal about their children and we leave a comment. We have a 5 children rota per week to assess and leave a Next Step that they can work on. All the next steps are from the Develpment Matters Document.

  • How do you communicate with your learners? What tools do you use?
    What communication difficulties have you had? How have you overcome them?

    As my learners are very young, I record videos giving them feedback about the week. We use an app called Tapestry Journal where parents post all the activities children have been doing and I post the feedback videos as...

  • How do you plan and do reading and listening activities online?

    At the school I work for, we have small guided reading groups by level. We use a website called Oxford Owl where you can find books by level, share our screen and take turns reading and working on comprehension.

  • You’re in the middle of a vocabulary game in a live online class and two of your learners are looking confused and are not participating.

    I would stop the game and talk to them. I would make explicit once more that they can ask questions at any time.
    I would then explain the vocabulary again and keep going with the game.

  • I work with the Early Years and during our Communication and Language lessons, we usually use books as the base of our lessons.
    We, teachers, choose books that have some new vocabulary, language patterns and repeated language as well to support them with language acquisition.
    This week we have been working with a book called "No dinner" and it brings lots...

  • How do you encourage your learners to interact positively?
    Praising correct behaviour and always modelling.

    How do you give learners feedback if they are not interacting positively online?
    I remind them of the golden rules of have and ask them what they could do different.

  • I have an office to work at home. I sit on a chair and use a desk to place my laptop. Light is good but can be noisy sometimes.

  • What do you know about your learners’ workspaces at home? How might you find out?
    I know they sometimes share the space with siblings or parents and some of them have their own space to work.

    How does this change the way you plan and teach online?
    We try to plan our lessons based on the list of materials sent home to parents. We try to use things from...

  • How do you build rapport and create community with your learners online? What tools do you use to facilitate this?
    Post your thoughts in a comment. For example:

    I post learning materials online every Friday afternoon referent to the following week, each week so that my learners and their parents know when to expect them. I use Tapestry Journal to reward...

  • What do these quotes reveal about what children enjoy and what they find difficult?What do your learners enjoy about online learning? What do they find difficult?
    They enjoy short and clear lessons instead of long ones. Modelling is very important so children can see what we expect from them as well as parents. Children are active, so they like learning...

  • Why is it important to find out the expectations of learners and their parents?
    It helps to align the needs of the children as well as the parents. When parents understand the expectations for their children's learning they can better support them along the journey.

    How do you communicate with learners and their parents?
    Communication is essencial. In...

  • What do these principles mean to you? Which are you most interested in, and why?
    These are very important principles for either in person teaching or online learning. Differentiation is one that I am very interested in as it can support us teacher to find the best approach to each child and help them learn and thrive.

    What do you think is most important...

  • What are your beliefs about language learning and teaching?
    Language is very important. I teach children at an International School where English is not their first language.
    I have to be consistent in speaking English all the time and this way increase their immersion, vocabulary and etc. Eye contact, gestures and body language in general are also...

  • Teachers are the role model, they must speak in the language they are teaching at all times. They should be introducing new words in a fun way and create environments where children can use them, like role play areas.

  • I really enjoyed the couse. In my opinion topics about behaviour and safeguarding were the greatest ones.

  • I believe that every classroom has unique children who have different abilities, as well as learning styles. With that said my role is to support and encourage the students with a curriculum that comes from the children’s interest and make sure I am always working on a child-centered approach.
    Another pillar of my philosophy is collaboration, and by saying...

  • I believe that every classroom has unique children who have different abilities, as well as learning styles. With that said my role is to support and encourage the students with a curriculum that comes from the children’s interest and make sure I am always working on a child-centered approach.
    Another pillar of my philosophy is collaboration, and by saying...

  • 5 words: Honest, resilient, motivated, curious and respectful.

  • It feels very easy to know the subjects in early years but knowing how to deliver it to children in a fun and engaging way is another skill.

  • Forming good relationships with colleagues.
    Have a safe space where you can share your concerns and listen to others.
    Be supported by the school so you can support children.

  • To understand how children learn best is key for a successful early years. Children are active and hands-on, they learn by exploring and having a go, they are capable and their ideas matter and must be heard.

  • I think this module was very helpful. It brought up many important themes that all teachers must be aware of.

  • Teacher have to be attentive to spot any signs of abuse, neglect or extremism. Teachers also have to be aware that they play an important role when if comes to preventing all of those things.

  • Safeguarding is extremely important in oder to keep children safe. All staff must be attentive to notice different behaviour that leads them to believe that the child is not safe and their environment. All staff must be trained to know what to do in case a disclosure happens as well.

  • Safeguarding and protecting children is key for a good and safe learning environment, therefore should be applied by everyone.

  • Totally agree. Children thrive when they take part in the process.

  • Classroom rules must be made with children. It is important for them to take part in the process and understand why the rules are important. It is also important to keep it positive and instead of using for instance "dont run" maybe use something like "use your walking feet".
    The teacher must be consistent when reinforcing them.

  • Totally agree

  • 1- Use different variations in pitch and pace to engage children.
    2 - Effective lesson plans based on children's interest and focused in one Learning objective at a time.

  • These videos are all great. I work with the little ones and I know the difference body language and voice makes. As the TED talks said "It can make dead classroom alive again".

  • It is through reflection hat we can really develop our practice. Looking back and reflecting on what`ve done and how you could have done it differently is key for success.

  • I watched the Primary Lesson and I love seeing how the teacher could improve himself and his practice after the feedback he received. He used different activities to differentiate and the children were all engaged. The warm up part of the lesson was fun as the children could move and the next part where he used some concrete material was great as well.

  • Very similar to my beliefs

  • I believe that every classroom has unique children who have different abilities, as well as learning styles. With that said my role is to support and encourage the students with a curriculum that comes from the children’s interest and make sure I am always working on a child-centered approach.
    Another pillar of my philosophy is collaboration, and by saying...

  • Stronger in:

    1. Set high expectations which inspire, motivate and challenge pupils.
    Seeing children as capable and help them to develop and grow is one of my favourite things to do in my profession.

    7 Manage behaviour effectively to ensure a good and safe learning
    Managing behaviour is also as important and I do feel I have learnt many...

  • Joy - Learning new things, new ways of teaching and reflecting on my practice.

    Challenge - To study and work full time at the same time.

  • Teaching is a very exciting profession. I love that even though we have a structured routine every day is different. I love seeing my children developing and learning and their eyes sparkling when something new comes up.
    Teaching is all about creating a better world!

  • Hi,
    I have considered teaching since I was a child. I used to love playing teaching with my friends and when was time for me to choose my profession I had no doubts I would like to become a teacher.
    It has been 11 years since I became a teacher and I have been teaching in bilingual schools in Brazil. Four years ago I moved to Canada to study "Early...