Skip to 0 minutes and 7 seconds NICK PATTERSON: Sharing holiday snaps with your family, or travelling overseas. Keeping up to date with world events during your commute to work. Collaborating on group projects in real time with colleagues located around the world. What makes all of these things possible? Digital technology.
Skip to 0 minutes and 27 seconds Hi. I’m Dr. Nick Patterson and a director of professional practise degrees at Deakin university. Digital technologies have made their way into all aspects of contemporary life, and we require digital literacy to navigate a world that’s more connected than ever before. When it comes to employability, digital literacy is as critical as traditional literacy and numeracy. Research shows that demand for digital skills increased between 200% between 2012 and 2015 alone. And jobs requiring digital literacy pay significantly more than jobs that don’t. The question is, how digitally literate are you? And how can you prove it? Deakin University is a leader in work-integrated learning, provides internationally recognised credentials, and workplace capabilities.
Skip to 1 minute and 15 seconds By taking this course, you learn how to identify, improve, and evidence your digital literacy by– hearing from industry leaders about what skills they are looking for and why, learning more about digital literacy from Deakin academic and professional staff, benchmarking digital skills against international qualifications frameworks and Deakin professional practise criteria. You’ll also find out how to apply for an internationally recognised university level credential in digital literacy. So whether you’re a professional looking to advance your career, rejoin the workforce, or change track completely, this short course will provide you with new insights, practical strategies, and pathways to demonstrate your digital literacy to the world.
Skip to 1 minute and 56 seconds The digital revolution is already here, so why not enrol now, to find out how you can stay ahead of the curve in this rapidly changing environment?