Skip to 0 minutes and 13 seconds Have you read the news today? Do you see how terrorism, extremism, violence, and the surge of the far right in Europe are threatening our societies? How they fuel fear in our lives. Fear of the other. Of other communities, of other people, of other cultures, of other beliefs. But we can do something about this. We can understand and contrast our fear of the other. We can break down stereotypes, prejudice, and mistrust. We can extend a hand of friendship across borders, religions, and beliefs. We can do this through interfaith, which can take place at all levels. Among religious leaders, experts and politicians, but also, and most importantly, at the community and grassroots level. Among people.
Skip to 1 minute and 6 seconds Projects from those sponsored by international organisations and governments to those organised at the local level. All these interfaith activities and initiatives can contribute to building a more cohesive and peaceful society. Do you want to know more? Than join us in this course. You will learn about the issues facing modern day Europe and the world, including polarisation and violent extremism, as well as the rise of Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, and the far right. You will discover from experts and from people like yourselves interesting and successful examples of interfaith projects and initiatives, and you will learn how to develop your own project to support your local community in being resilient and in combating violent extremism and polarisation. Sign up now.