This week is about reaching out from Weka to other open source data mining software systems. We have two big questions: the first about the LibSVM and LibLINEAR systems, and …
Correctly used, the PartitionMembership filter doesn’t help at all. The best we have been able to do with this dataset is 65.9% accuracy, with SMO. There’s probably not much more …
This week we look at mining streams of data in real time. Imagine taking input from a sensor, or from a webcam, or from a Twitter feed. It keeps coming …
You can perform much more experimentation in search of a good model! For example, we have not examined the effects of parameter changes in either the classifiers or the preprocessing …
You might be interested in using Weka to analyze other stock market data. For example, suppose you wanted daily financial data for Google (GOOG) for the period 1 Jan 2015 …
Some people have reported difficulty setting up R and making the connection with Weka. Several of us here at Waikato have gone through all the quizzes and test questions, on …
At the end of each week is an index of topics covered that week. A full index to the course appears under DOWNLOADS, below. Topic Step Datasets airline 1.7, …
Frankly, I found the results obtained in the preceding quiz amazing. Trained on only 26 instances of Iris-Setosa, Weka’s OneClassClassifier is 92% accurate (2 errors out of 24) on the …
The simplest kind of forecasting is linear regression. Although this sounds mundane and not very useful – we rarely expect time series simply to be linearly increasing or decreasing – …
I’m sorry, but you can’t really use data mining to foretell the future. ☹️ What we’re going to look at is a particular kind of data called “time series data”. …
This course will lift you to the wizard level of skill in data mining with Weka. But you are not recommended to undertake it unless you have already completed the …