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Interpreting models

While interpreting results of a model we have to accomplish three things: We have to phrase results that are usually contained in mathematical expressions in words that can be understood …

Wrap up

This week we have learned different mathematical model types, their impact on the obtainable solutions and the limitations imposed by data availability. Compared to the Problem and Model steps of …

Data output

When you finally got your model results there are two things to do: first, you need to make sure the numbers are correct; and second, you need to transfer the …

Data input

Getting the data needed to run a numerical model is oftentimes the most frustrating part of the whole modeling process, simply for the fact that data is hard to get …

Get to know your model

Modern computer capacities and advances in modeling software and algorithms make numerical modeling much more accessible than a few decades ago. Nevertheless, basic understandings of the mathematical model structure and …

How to get numbers out of a model?

In this week we want to learn how to actually solve our numerical models, and produce the numbers we want to interpret. In week 3 you learned how to design …

First modeling ideas of Case Study Groups

Modeling is an extremely complex process. While we enjoy your submissions and try to answer all your questions, we can do so in this framework only to a certain degree. …