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Optimization models

Optimization models focus on identifying the best option out of all the possible ones by defining a single target that is either to be minimized or maximized while accounting for …

Systems and markets

Last week we have seen that there are multiple options when deciding about a simple energy system’s supply. To decide which of those options is the one emerging we need …

Your first model: the mathematics

The model that you have used two steps before depicts the task of finding a supply that is sufficient to satisfy a given demand. In reality, parts of this task …

Model fundamentals: supply and demand

When building a model to explore possible futures, it is often useful to start by investigating the constraints that need to be described in such a model. One of the …

What are economic models?

A model is a simplified depiction of a part of the real world. Such a depiction is always useful, if we want to test a new idea but not in …

Why do we need economic models?

In this course, you will learn how our environmental and energy economic models can be used to answer questions raised by environmental and energy policy. We will show you how …

Thanks and goodbye

Thank you for joining this course on modeling in environmental and energy economics. We hope you enjoyed this course as much as we did. It would be a pleasure to …


You learned: Modeling is more than a model. It’s a process. There are different types of models and what they are used for. To design, solve, and interpret a model. …