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Course acknowledgements

Many thanks from the course team. Lead Educators: Hannah Kuper, Myroslava Tataryn Course initiation and content design: Hannah Kuper, Dorothy Boggs, Islay Mactaggart Course production: LSHTM media team: Magda Bondos, …

Next steps

The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine is a world-leading centre for research and postgraduate education in public and global health, with over 4000 students and more than 1000 …

Ending remarks for the course

We have now reached the end of our course, Global Health and Disability. We really hope you enjoyed the content and the diversity of resources and the experts you had …

Summary of Week 3

We have now reached the end of week 3. By now, you should have a clearer understanding of the importance of improving access to health care and rehabilitation services for …

Community based inclusive development

In this Step, Dr. Joerg Weber from LSHTM and CBM provides an overview of community based inclusive development. Maria Zuurmond (LSHTM) then provides an example of a CBID programme from …

The role of carers

This is an additional video, hosted on YouTube. This Step explores the wider role of carers through a video from Carers Worldwide. The long-term care for people with chronic illnesses …

The Importance of Sustainability in Health Systems

In this article, Professor Allen Foster (LSHTM) provides an overview of health systems and Dorothy Boggs (LSHTM) highlights the Sustaining Ability case study. Healthcare system overview Rehabilitation services need to …

Case study: rehabilitation in humanitarian settings

In this Step, Dr. Sarah Pollack (LSHTM) introduces disability in humanitarian settings. She is then followed by Phillip Sheppard (LSHTM) who presents about rehabilitation in humanitarian settings, and Dr. Julian …

An introduction to task shifting

In this article, Professor Hannah Kuper introduces task shifting as a solution to human resource limitations, and Dr Julian Eaton (LSHTM and CBM) and Tracey Smythe (LSHTM) provide two case …

Introduction to mHealth technology

In this video, Professor Hannah Kuper presents an introduction to mHealth technology which is then followed by three mHealth technology examples from clinical practitioners. Following the mHealth technology introduction, Dr. …

Overview of assistive products

In this Step, Emma Tebbutt, Guilia Oggero and Chapal Khasnabis from World Health Organization’s GATE team, provide an overview of assistive products and present the WHO Global Cooperation on Assistive …

Why is rehabilitation so important?

What is rehabilitation? Rehabilitation can be defined as a set of interventions designed to optimise functioning and reduce disability in individuals with health conditions in interaction with their environment. Health …

Case study: Pakistan eye health

In this article, Dr. Babar Qureshi, Director of Neglected Tropical Diseases and Senior Medical Advisor at CBM, provides a case study example of inclusive health services, specifically eye health. He …

Consideration of what accessibility means

Our second activity this week introduces improved access to health care for people with disabilities. In this step, Dorothy Boggs (LSHTM) explores ways to overcome different types of access barriers …