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What is the friction between skis and snow?

There are several individual friction forces that contribute to the total friction between skis and snow; some of them are attributed to the skis, others to the snow. What is …

Ski Surface Properties

Knowledge of snow and its different characteristics and properties is important when it comes to selecting the sliding surface of skis. Sliding Friction of Skis A widely researched subject is …

The Sami’s 300 Words for Snow

There are many types of snow that only the trained eye can see. For centuries, the Swedish indigenous people, the Sami, have created a large number of words for snow. …

Remember to comment, share, like

To get as much as possible out of this course we recommend you to: Share your thoughts in the discussion forum Contribute to the discussions Like other learners’ comments Follow …

The impact of climate change on snow

Let’s reflect on how climate change will affect snow and what consequences that will have. Snow’s impact on Earth As an important factor in the Earth’s climate system, snow covers …

What you will learn in Week 2

During Week 2 of the course Snow: What it is and why it matters, you will learn more about transporting yourself on snow, walking, skiing and driving. You will reflect …

Driving on snow and ice

When you drive on snow, the road changes a lot from dry or wet asphalt! In this video you will learn more about what you should think about when driving …