Skip to 0 minutes and 10 seconds Hello, I am Ana, I work in advanced analytics. Welcome to the Analytics module.
Skip to 0 minutes and 15 seconds This module has four lessons: an introduction to analytics, analytics processes, analytics techniques, and analytics in practice.
Skip to 0 minutes and 26 seconds By the end of this Analytics module, you will be able to: One, understand what analytics is and why it’s important for business. Two, understand the role of web analytics for a successful online business. Specifically, we will look into analytics processes, measurable outcomes for your website, what conversions are, and why continued improvements are important. And then we will look into analytics techniques. These are benchmarking, segmentation, and creating measurement plans. Three, understand the challenges we face when trying to get the right data in reality. Four, understand what Google Analytics is and why it’s a useful tool. This module is assessed in two ways.
Skip to 1 minute and 9 seconds One, at the end of each lesson you have a multiple choice quiz with five questions on videos covered in the lesson. This will help to you check what you have learned. Two, at the end of the module, there is a task you can complete and upload to the site. In this task, you get the opportunity to go beyond what is taught in the videos and learn even more about analytics. We hope you enjoy the course.